Most comfy font for coding?

most comfy font for coding?

fuck off

Is that Courier New?

Turn rainbows off, and maybe you'll be allowed to speak about best fonts.

comic sans

not my screenshot you fucking aspie.


you just made me want to write javascript in a starbucks, fuck you.

Source code pro, and like 15 font size


Fira mono
Watch out guys, we got a rare haxxor with crippled fonts in our midst.

dejavu mono

Nova Mono.

Consolas and Inconsolata. Meslo is also good.

doesn't matter you'll still spend majority of your time on Sup Forums wasting your life

sf mono is nice


>mfw use it for js development

X11 fixed

>Watch out guys, we got a rare haxxor with crippled fonts in our midst.
No, antialiased fonts literally suck. Since it requires more pixels to create "soft edges", they, by definition, require more space, wasting whatever precious screen real estate you have.

Monospace>background darker than font>everything else

You're so stupid I think it's given me radiation poisoning.

Use a bitmap font like a real man you fucking faggot as left 18 year old Californian communist cuckold.

Please elaborate.

>Not making your very own font off your own handwrite

I've explored a lot of monospace fonts, but I've come back to Inconsolata. It's easiest monospace font on my eyes that I've used in a text editor.

I prefer Inconsolata-dz for its straight quotes rather than slanted

Droid Sans

>crippled fonts
reading truetype fonts for anything more than an hour gives me a pretty bad headache. i have to disable antialiasing in fonts.conf which makes the internet look terrible. i had configured pretty much all common web fonts to be replaced with helvetica xfont but i forgot to back up my old fonts.conf with the rest of my configs before migrating to debian. RIP my eyeballs.

adobe source code pro

I've recently switched everything on my Mac/Linux stuff to Roboto Mono, having previously used DejaVu Sans Mono (and derivatives) for a long time. It feels a bit more modern and comfortable to me.

On Windows I just stick to Consolas.

(Code in the screenshot is just the Ionic tutorial pre-generated code, in VSCode)

Tiny bitmap fonts require you to be closer to the screen, or otherwise strain your eyes in unpleasant ways. I'm only 28 now but my eyes have suffered enough, and it's very uncomfortable to try and deal with text that small.

Realistically, with a correct ergonomic setup and decent sized screens (so sitting at a desk with proper monitors rather than hunched over a tiny laptop), you're going to have a much better time with a good-sized anti-aliased font.

Also, if you feel you actually need to stuff as much code on the screen as possible to understand what's going on, you might want to consider refactoring so the code is easier to understand. Just because you're being a 1337 C hax0r doesn't mean you have to jam all your code into 200-line functions in a single file.

>people who use fonts below 24pt


>wasting whatever precious screen real estate you have

Found the third-worlder who can't afford a decent monitor.

>not using chinese serif fonts

looks like Monaco

I'd like to keep my vision past age 30, thank you very much.

MS Gothic masterrace
My fav VN uses it too

Did you know that you can have a big high res monitor AND use small fonts to fit more code?
Pretty incredible right?


Terminus 12px

After trying a few I switched to inconsolata and I haven't looked back.

>Tiny bitmap fonts require you to be closer to the screen, or otherwise strain your eyes in unpleasant ways. I'm only 28 now but my eyes have suffered enough, and it's very uncomfortable to try and deal with text that small.
I'm 34 and I don't have that problem. Just get glasses already.
>Also, if you feel you actually need to stuff as much code on the screen as possible to understand what's going on
No matter how good or bad the code is, seeing more of it at one time always helps.

I can't buy any monitor that's 4:3 nowadays no matter how much money I spend.

Whatever your eyes get use to.

Not too bad. My only real complaint is that I don't like vertically centered asterisks.

good stuff

Use an aliased true type font like a real man you fucking limp poor inbred hillbilly sister fucking redneck trash from the south




It's the japanese version of Monaco. He's just a hipster faggot or a retard for not saying Monaco.

I recall reading an article that implied non-antialiased fonts are better for your vision. I still use antialiased fonts though.

Also, Overpass Mono.

>not coding elegantly with Script

Great way to prove my point. Most of those letters aren't even distinguishable when zooming in on them, other than from the context. Pic related: It's one of your "n"s.

> rounded 't'

my eyeeeees

I honestly thought I was reading Arabic at first. You'd probably do the font a favor by at least increasing its size.

>wasting whatever precious screen real estate you have.
Cool. I used to do ASM programming on my dumb-phone too. Some 15 years ago.

I don't anymore, though.

I have tried many fonts, but the X11 fonts will always look best to me. There was a time before anyone ever bothered to change the default xterm/rxvt fonts.


All I do is now increase the xterm fonts to "large", because of my increase resolution. On mylaptop though (1024x600) I keep it at standard.

It just works, and I've never had problems enough with it to need to change it.


>50 lines on a normal-sized screen
Wow, it's like I'm back on DOS.

I like the hack font family

I hate so much the fact that the best looking font has to be proprietary.

And I hate people who suggest Inconsolata as an alternative even more. They look nothing alike.

ProggyCleanSZ or ProFontWindows

I think so.

Is that anti-aliasing?
Please kiddo, grow up. Tell me again how awesome you are at coding, newbie.

You should try Inconsolata. They are very similar.

I guess I'll just pirate Consolas and change its name to Inconsolata, then.

>No one will ever be the wiser.