Who here joining the /pixelxl2masterrace/ soon

Who here joining the /pixelxl2masterrace/ soon.

Trading in my current Pixel XL for a Pixel XL 2 w/128GB. Should be getting my new Pixel XL in about two weeks, very excited. Also bought some Google buds, won't be here till the end of November though. :(

>no headphone jack

>analog ports

No thanks
-Posted from my Note8

>giving Google your own money

its outdated, we need to move to a new standard. Its going to be hard at first yes, but eventually no headphone jack will become normal

Wait till Samsung follows suit and removes the headphone jack from their phone. Your phone is not as good. Samsung software is poorly made, and slows down over time. I don't need additional software to disable it like you do with your terrible phone. Plus it has a useless button to function as a bixby assistant. Samsung's poor attempt at creating a Google Assistant.

I'm glad to give google my money. I always buy my google phone directly from them. I get great support buying from Google. I'm happy to supply them with my information, to make the experience of using their software/phone that much better.

>buying any phone made in the current year
The last good phone was the Nexus 6P and even that one sucks because Huawei fucked up the battery and the Snapdragon 810 is a mess.
You're literally paying more for less features, there's no point in buying any smartphone today other than MUH UPDATES and even then you can just install LineageOS and you'll be fine. My Nexus 6 is 4 years old and it's working like new with wireless charging and a fucking headphone jack, both something that the Pixel XL 2, which costs fucking $850, lacks.

lol enjoy your shit lg build, shit lg poled, and your bootloops

lg makes a good screen you fool, the bootloops are gone. The Pixel XL 2 built is also fantastic, get some imagination. I bet you own a shitty Samsung phone, you're all the same.

have you seen all the countless reports about all the banding and shittiness plaguing the v30 screen? google had to hard limit the xl2 low brightness to pretty bright so it wouldn't go low enough to show how shit it looks.



iOS is too simple and locked down.

Pixel is fast, best camera, no bloat, guaranteed updates.

It's like an iPhone without the shit OS.

Yeah but it's still shit hardware.


>I'm glad to give google my money. I always buy my google phone directly from them. I get great support buying from Google. I'm happy to supply them with my information, to make the experience of using their software/phone that much better.

>I need the absolute best camera to take a quick snap of my fucking Chipotle bowl and Starbucks iced latte


how will I ever recover? sure regretting my best camera right now

>not getting my point
Smartphone cameras are at such a high level already that a little improvement in picture quality can hardly be considered as a selling point at this point. What is much more important is the fucking design, performance. battery life and not having a shit OS.
Anybody that is into serious photography won't do it on a smartphone and people that just want to take a quick snap will be fine with literally every 2017 phone.

>replying to a hardware comment with something based on software
the hdr+ shit google uses for those pics makes cameras with actual quality sensors and lenses produce amazing pics

Good thing Pixel has a good design, good battery, good performance, and a good OS.

we get it you're dumb. Go back to your miserable existence anti Semite scum.

>good design
battery is ok. nothing special. and I mean android is android so

Yeah, but that one user which posted the DXO mark screenshot made it look like the camera is the most important aspect of a phone which kinda triggered me.

The design is fine imo, I just can't wrap my head around the fact that they still put these huge ass bezels on the smaller version. Imagine the regular Pixel 2 having the same design philosophy as its bigger brother, literally would be the perfect phone with a nice form factor.

it has a perfect design

2 front facing stereo speakers . rear fingerprint scanner in the middle where it's supposed to be

and Android is way better than that joke iOS that has programs use their own directories, scrolls slow as fuck on safari, can't play webms, can't sync music wirelessly, can't copy files wirelessly etc... ios a shit

Makes sense if you look at pricing
>$650, $700, $750

looks ugly tho

Mine will be here on the 25th. Fuck the haters. I challenge someone to tell me why I shouldn't have bought it.
>inb4 no headphone jack

I don't give a shit

And no headphone jack, nice design you got going on there.

Same here I also bought some of those Google buds like OP, cannot wait!

>no camera OIS
>no headphone jack
>no msd slot

i'm getting regular old pixel 2 because fuck the no bezel meme, and FUCK curved screen corners. they're both the same exact phone underneath.

i'll be getting it this week.

>happy to give Google my data and my money too
How can I become such a good goy?

Worthless goy-cattle.

Paid $658 for my s8, unlocked with no carrier bloatware

>Yfw the pixel 2 has ois and eis

you're paying $950 for a phone that is a sidegrade. let that sink in

I'll keep my Pixel XL WITH a headphone jack thanks
Gotta love Apple for making this stupid fucking trend. Super innovative xD

Do you wanna tell me why an essential port is outdated? Or are you an apple fag
>i-its bad because its old!!!!!!!!

It's going to take an extremely long time for wireless to sound as good as a wired connection. They will continue to be on every laptop/computer for a long time, so why remove them from our phones?

except the OS amirite? TouchWiz runs it

Non Sup Forums smartphone enthusiast here Im really curious why you picked google phone? all of the posters in this board knows the botnet meme and the data mining stuff, how do you feel about buying a brand that purposedly collects and makes a profit out of it

I've used a Note 3 for many years and for a long time I've believed that whatever the second generation Pixel was would be my next phone.

I'm really pissed about the lack of an aux port, though. I understand the need to improve standards, but I NEED to be able to charge my phone at the same time it's plugged into the car. I spend so much time driving and listen to music while using GPS.

Having only ONE input for both data and power is simply retarded and totally against what I thought the Pixel was supposed to be about: more options and control and getting away from Apple's cancerous "do it our way or nothing at all, also buy all our add ons goyim" and less of Samsung's bullshit gimmicks.

This "lol get with the times and get wireless headphones :)" shit is so stupid when 99% of the world is NOT with the times. If I'm in a situation where I want to play music over some old ass sound system at my uncle's house or something, I'm out of luck unless I bring my dumbass dongle with me everywhere, and then I can't charge the phone at the same time.

>implying that's not a valid complaint
This is your average smartphone consumer nowadays, no wonder they all fucking suck now.

The only other option is Apple though

>no headphone jack
>no wireless charging
Unneeded compromises. I went with the V30.

>no headphone jack
>Android phone where you actually use Google services
It's like you enjoy being cucked.

Because some people realize them collecting data doesn't negatively affect them in any way whatsoever and that buying a phone doesn't need to be a political statement about whether you agree with the company's behind the scenes business practices.

I mean, it's a scummy thing to do but I don't care about it any more than I care about manufacturers using borderline slave labor to make their phones.

I guess I can understand how it might be an important issue to some people, but all I care about is how the end product functions for my purposes, and as long as them telling Quiznos "this user googled 'is futa gay' 98 times this month" doesn't affect my experience as an end user, I personally do not give a shit.

No it isn't. You can buy an Android phone and install a custom ROM and use software that doesn't depend on Google services. It's totally possible to run an Android phone without Google data mining spyware (i loathe the word 'botnet' since Sup Forums seems to have no concept of what the word means), and if you can do it by building the ROM from source if you want to be extra certain that the only tracking going on is the shit you can't avoid if you're using a cellular connection.

Is there a single reason to get it over a Mate 10 Pro?

Yeah you can buy a Google Pixel and do that, so what's your point exactly?

Analag port for widely used analog device.

>permanent botnet



My current Google Pixel is meeting my needs still.

A sidegrade that has been improved in every aspect except headphone jack is called an upgrade

What the fuck is the point in purchasing a Pixel device if you aren't 100% dedicated to the botnet? That's the main incentive of the Pixel, no?

>You're literally paying more for less features
I for one like it when manufacturers remove features I don't use in order to lower prices or splurge in other areas.

i remember when they just started producing phones and tablets their meme was affordable but high quality hardware: galaxy nexus, nexus 4,7, nexus 5.
why do they release it with regular price now? it's not like the point of it is to make money anyway.

The point of the Pixel is a good phone, with a very good camera with 2 years of botnet upgrades and a large developer community. It's better than buying from other manufacturers where you get Google botnet plus the manufacturer botnet and carrier bloatware. It's the lesser of the evils when you think about it.

Ordered the 2 XL, the Google Live case, and the boner-inducing midnight fabric case. Fucking buds better be back in stock soon.

boy I sure do love paying $1000 for a phone with no SD card slot or headphone jack

>when software and hardware developers design phones

>when apple faggots design phones
overpriced featureless crap "pixel"

If you're buying these shitty phones you're contributing to the problem

Anybody not buying a phone with 3 years or more of OS updates is apart of the problem. Fucking drones buying phones that get one, maybe 2 updates if you're lucky after shipping.

Meanwhile iPhones have double the product life yet the OS is so shitty that I can't see how the fuck people willingly use it as a daily driver. That is how bad Android is losing. So embarrassing from a manufacturer's standpoint, much more than a fucking headphone jack.

what a retarded post. you could get a xiaomi phone with lineageOS for a fraction of the cost. you got your more than 2+ years of support from developers, a good dual camera, and a actual SD card slot and headphone jack. the only reason to ever consider a pixel is if you're a brand loyalist.

Thats Google fault for throwing android out in the open and getting ass fucked by chinese companies with no quality standards put in place. Google is shit now just like apple and MS.

Nah, dedication to the botnet would be a Chromebook. With a Pixel you can easily choose to tell all of Google's apps to fuck off.

Pixel is supposed to be about a bloat-free, non-gimmicky piece of shit and no walled garden crap, but still having the advantage of being partially part of the botnet with good software support. It's like building a PC but also buying Windows 10 for it.

>this camel turd is rated 98, unlike this liquid dog shit which is rated 94
hot damn
how about you buy a real camera with a sensor bigger than a baby's dick

I already accepted that applefags exist and suddenly google fags... Satan save me please.

>No headphone jack
>Giving media companies a wide open door to DRM the audio output of music services
>"We have detected a connection to a wireless speaker, although this speaker is on our approved devices list your subscription currently enables you to listen through approved wireless headphones only. To listen through wireless speakers on our approved devices list please upgrade your subscription for an additional $10 per month. Reminder that wireless devices that aren't on our approved devices list cannot stream audio from our service. Thank you for choosing Spotify, have a nice day."
Think it won't happen? This is already how Netflix operates.



Oy vey volume and power buttons along with Camera's on smartphones are old and outdated let's get rid of it too.

>analog ports for analog devices
What's the issue?

Holy shit that thing is ugly

I am a good goy, thank you.

Can it run Linux?

It already does

thicc bezel version is better, no reason to spend the extra


desu this is what i look for in a phone the most

How do I plug it in my Car AUX?

Pixlel fanboys are the new iSheep

Use the included adapter. Or just have a car with Bluetooth like me.

I have a perfectly good 2008 car and it just has the AUX, which also works perfectly fine

If I have to use the adapter that means I have to now keep the adapter dangling from my phone like some limp cock constantly instead of leaving it attached to the headphones

>An ad company gets into the premium hardware industry
>Not realizing they could have continued their discounted, high quality hardware program to push their botnet
>Missing out on potentially lucrative ad revenue that would offset the initial investment of discounting their hardware
>tfw a fucking NEET on a Japanese pony trading forum knows how to fucking run a multibillion-dollar company better than (((they))) do

I'm so fucking sick of the rampant anti semetism on this website. They really do need to shut Sup Forums down.

It's still boggles my mind that the smaller version has bigger bezels.


welcome to 2014 goyim

Thinking about getting one of these, should I pull the trigger if I get $200 off?

Jew here why don't you fuck off nigger.

Ok we get it you're a self hating Jew!

>no headphone jack
>no SD card slot
>stupid curved LCD corners
>camera bump
might as well buy an iphone at that point desu

>new standard
>can't be found anywhere

Just get the fuck out, you're banned from Sup Forums

>Dirty fucking uncle tom!
>Self hating (insert race)
said every liberal ever.

The irony is that democrats are some of the most racist people out there, and yet they are the ones telling everyone how they're racist. A whole bunch of rampant projection, the fuckers are.

>keep the adapter in phone

>can't keep it on AUX cable

Put down the K2 user

Eh I really don't hate myself but I do like jokes about the Jews.

that can't be true when it's taller than the s8 while only having a 5.0 inch screen. those bezels couldve been reduced

>no fingerprint scanner

n-no user they're basically the same phone!

Are better