So why hasnt Apple sued over this?

So why hasnt Apple sued over this?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Inc._v._Microsoft_Corp.

because it's actually exceptionally difficult to sue someone making a clone of something, especially when it's free.
why do you think microsoft hasn't sued reactos into oblivion.

sued over what?

Elementary has no money

>So why hasnt Apple sued over this?
Can they sue over look and feel? See:,_Inc._v._Microsoft_Corp.

In any case, there's no point. A Linux distro that aped macOS isn't going to threaten Apple's profits.

Look at the Hackintosh - it is almost certainly illegal under the terms of service, but they have only gone after people who have sold Hackintosh clones.

because that looks nothing like macos.

So they cant sure if someone makes a perfect replica of the MacOS interface from scratch?

Apple don't even go after fucking hackintosh sites, ever. You think they'll go after some Loonex chumps in a basement somewhere that 'sort of' from 12 feet away made a macOS clone?

copying their interface isn't the hard part. hard part is not making it a cheap imitation. the hard part is getting the nitty gritty right like font rendering, sound server, good window manger & compositor and have someone willing to maintain the monolith

>why do you think microsoft hasn't sued reactos into oblivion.
because reactos is so broken it wouldn't even be worth paying Microsoft's legal team to go after them

1. apple doesn't care about OSX
2. what are they going to do, sue a github repo?

doubt it considering MS has freely stated they keep macbooks around to reference

Lol apple does care about os x , yes the the do. But its called Mac is now.

they could sue the ones that maintain the software.
The question arises because they have tried to pull it off before, and I was wondering if it is possible for them to do it.

Because it has - contrary to autistic Sup Forums meme - very little similarity to Mac OS.

is that why they went after

For fuck’s sake. If you’re not trolling, you’re totally ignorant of history:

Apple sued Microsoft for the same shit in 1988.

The result?

You can’t copyright “look and feel”.

over what? have they patented the dock? can you link the patent? there's nothing besides that to sue over really

They actually have.

i think convincing a judge that you have exclusive rights over "bland" is a tough sell, even with deep pockets

>epiphany doesn't have openGL hardware acceleration
I don't think apple is scared

>It instead pertains to aspects of a dock specific to the company's implementation, primarily its magnification component and ability to display application names as a user cycles through its icons.

Dock is wort interface ever.



Yes. Every linuxOS related dock I know does these 2 things.

well, PearOS was supposedely pressured to end its own existence. However there is no proof that it really happened.

it's garbage

>Hackintosh clones.

They can be sold freely in Europe

you can't copyright a user interface

it doesnt even look like a 1on1 copy..

>The “look and feel” of a software program’s graphical user interface, or "GUI" on Internet sites " is the program’s front door to the world. Therefore, the owners of these works have a great incentive to protect them from being copied or imitated. Current copyright law, however, may not specifically protect the look and feel of a company’s GUI. With respect to software, copyright law may protect individual elements like icons or configurations of those elements, but may not be adequate to protect the dynamic whole of the interface.

Why hasn't AT&T sued Apple over OSX?

It doesn't even look like MacOS, is this whole board blind?


You can't sue over design choices. Same reason Apple can't do shit to Microsoft.

IOS UI Elements in a macOS knockoff

Most companies sue people knowing it will destroy them

Elementary is not even half as visually appealing as Mac

>visually appealing

Pick one.

Meme. Linux devs generally don't know how to do design. Even Ubuntu, which is not horrible by Linux design standards, has tons of design flaws.

See: >nasty mud colored gradient at the top
>title bar and menu bar don't merge - wasted space + the nasty gradient restarts
>application title bars have mixed size buttons
>default design elements are mostly flat - clashing with the gradients we spoke about before

why does it always look so fucking ugly
its like they take some elements but dont realize HOW they work and we have meme ios toggles with retarded gradients

>mactoddler things applel street shitters know how to design


because the copyright system is only intended for commercial use and so you cant sue a guy in his basement for doing free things and ask 0 dollaros for it

Because Applel would lose. Lots of people in the free software community would come together to contribute funds for legal fees (I know I'd toss in a few thousand). Even then the case would be thrown out or the devs would counter sue because a huge company is behaving like cockheads towards a small development team that works for peanuts on the grounds of their desktop looking vaguely similar to the one they have.

Nintendo would like to have a word with you.

>things that never actually happen.webm

you'd know that if you'd ever actually used a mac, you fucking 3rd world pajeet

>alt+right click drag
how normal desktop's function

This. How deluded can these people be? It looks what Gnome 3 would have looked like, had it existed in the 90's.

The real reason is being a Russian project is a good protection from the mentally challenged patent system of the burgers.

i dont gt it tell me more

All of them can be fixed.
That won't resize the window, but nice try. I guess. One kill SIGKILL -1 1 have been deposited to your terminal. :^)

>That won't resize the window,
well it does for me

Wake me up

How do you even sue freetards

Maybe they should decrease the size of the touchpad then, especially when the windowing is screwed up this hard.

or make the resize hotspot bigger
it's a software problem

Send them to asylums. Maybe you will meet with new friends from Sup Forums.
