>use CRT Monitor for 20 minutes
>my eyes literally burn afterwards
why do some of you like these Monitors?
>use CRT Monitor for 20 minutes
>my eyes literally burn afterwards
why do some of you like these Monitors?
Other urls found in this thread:
input lag fucks with my epilepsy
t. eyelet
it's because they use electron guns (called "cathode rays" to obfuscate the true meaning) that shoot directly into your retinas.
it causes cancer and is not recommended for periods longer than 15seconds per day.
>why do some of you like these Monitors?
Because they have good memories attached to using that monitor during a period of their life, like sucking nigger dicks. It's nostalgia.
My first monitor was CRT as well, used it throughout my childhood and i had constant headaches or hurting eyes. Despite the fact that i used it for at least 8 hours a day, my eyes only have a 0.2 error (or whatever the fuck it's called in english) currently.
I hooked up my CRT monitor one last time before i took it to my grandparent's house so it can collect dust in their almost empty garage, and holy fuck i couldn't believe i looked at that thing for almost a decade. Blurry, bright, bad. It was like looking at a lightbulb.
you mean 1.5 seconds per day
jesus dude, 15s? your eyes are vaporized and your brain is melted at that point
play cs 1.6
git gud
The people shilling CRTs are the people who can't afford a true high refresh display with non cancer inducing visuals.
Or they cant afford OLED for the black
That too, but most people shilling CRTs I see are shilling for "muh infinite refresh rate".
Are there any high refresh rate OLED monitors yet? I upgraded from 60hz TN to 144hz IPS a few weeks ago and the jump is massive.
Can't wait for 144hz OLED panels that are affordable in the future.
What's the refresh rate?
I can't stand anything less than ~90 because I can see the flickering.
LCD doesn't have this problem because the response times are high.
It's not for everyone user
Some people are eyelets
And that's okay
Just get use it as a secondary monitor
$ git gud
git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
Did you mean this?
set it to 100+ hz
I still use a crt and I,m completely fine because I use the 85hz and 120hz mode. While the normie 60hz mode is atrocious and I get headaches as well.
It's because I can play old games at low resolution without them being blurry. Literally the only reason I have one hooked up to muh old PC.
Magnificent color reproduction especially compared to the early LCDs that were utter shit
did you set it at 60hz?
It doesn't hurt my eyes when the freq is 85hz or higher.
>my eyes literally burn afterwards
Either turn off ligths, or up the hz.
>tfw spent years using a CRT now I can't see without glasses
>been using a crt up until june 2017 when it died.
20/20 vision
You forgot the filter
Grew up on CRTs.
Switched to LCDs at one point.
Few months ago picked up my last CRT from the garage and hooked it up to my Windows 7 VM.
Never had headaches, always had them at 85hz.
ITT: Newfags into retro Sup Forums claim CRTs are fine. Truth is, everyone had sore eyes staring at a CRT for hours on end regardless of refresh rate.
there is literally nothing redeeming about CRT monitors. they're bulky, heavy, have shit quality, and use outdated tech to make lights flash. use a fucking led or lcd screen like a smart person, quit trying to be a hipster and using shit tech just because no one else uses it fuckin aspies
nice bait.
You probably used it @60Hz.
wifi gives can too so does breathing
Why do you guys use LCDs? CRTs outperform LCDs in every comparison, For example: CRTs Can do unlimited resolutions, while LCDs Have extremely limited(sometimes even going as low as 800 x 600 as it's max!) CRTs have response times the speed of light, which means no ghosting, or getting used to it while trying to play games! CRTs have true color and good contrast ratios. While LCDs have extremely limited color and poor contrast ratios, if you look at the black on an LCD and then on a CRT, there is no comparison, CRT wins. CRTs are more durable, if you drop one, The monitor lives on. Whilst if you drop an LCD, it's completely ruined. CRTs don't have input lag. CRTs do correct upscaling CRTs don't get deadpixels and unfixable driver IC issues. whereas most LCDs you buy within the first year will have a dead pixel, if not already having one out of the box. CRTs come in widescreen: google.com
crt monitor is literally an x ray
ofcourse its going to hurt after long period of time
why do you think there is a screen provided with the monitor?
the one Sup Forums meme that nobody falls for, you did
Whenever I see a CRT, is always throws me back to the days of care free gaming and other such stuff after school.
>Mfw when I finally managed to tweak WoW enough to get 30fps on my 800x600 CRT with my P4 machine
Those were the days
Is this pasta? You realize IPS technically has better contrast ratios right? Also CRTs have fast response times but you still can get ghosting due to the phosphor. Set a black background and move your white mouse to see what I mean. Also text looks like shit on CRTs, no idea what youre talking about. Everything else is mostly right, but they're really only useful for gaming. Even then they suck for FPS games due to the small screen size. 17" is impossible to go back to after playing on a 27" 1440p monitor.
good crts exist too but most people had shitty crts that came with their shitty prebuilt computers.
this is doing bad things to my eyes
why is this doing bad things to my eyes
This feels kinda good. Like a reset button for my fucked up eye problems.
>muh outdated tech
when will this meme every die
>retro Sup Forums
I had fucking bloodshot eyes as a kid because of my CRT screen
Now I mostly only use it when I'm watching movies or porn mostly because of color quality.
>you'll never kill the flight master in TM and keep sapping a lowbie until they commit sudoku
Feels bad man