It doesn't get any better than this

It doesn't get any better than this

welcome to limited software, also very limited support for proprietary gfx cards. I have used it a lot and just got bored with it. it's a very boring OS

>it's a very boring OS
It's a good thing though.

>it doesn't get any better than 8 years old screenshot from random google search

KDE 3 on FreeBSD 7.2?

Give me 5 good reasons to use BSD over GNU/Linux.

I believe you

BSD, so obscure that they haven't even discovered package managers yet

>it doesn't get any better than a horribly compressed jpg of a FagBSD desktop
Yes it does. Install OpenBSD with XFCE.

what is pkgsrc

linuxfag here, but
1) smaller,
2) more self contained (no linux/gnu and a trillion different distros trying to do the same thing)
3) less bullshit
4) its also free as in freedom
5) you dont lose anything for trying it

netbsd only

getting cucked by people with more money than you isn't freedom, it's communism

but kde does not look this good anymore

what ppl are you refering to?

>netbsd only

aplel, sony, microshit etc

what do they have to do with FreeBSD? O_o

>more self contained (no linux/gnu and a trillion different distros trying to do the same thing)
>using coreutils
>got patch that spread out among every relevant GNU/Linux
>using BSD
>basic patches not audited and used among BSDs, despite the similar or same legacy codebase
I blame tribalism, but it can be just the laziness.

Next to nothing aside using some code from old FreeBSD versions.

>be me
>got a new laptop
>no OS
>got the latest FreeBSD on a stick
>install it
>open Firefox
>go to ThePirateBay
>get Windows 10
>make a bootable stick
>installed Windows
>opened the internet, downloaded Firefox
>open Firefox
>download Chrome
>open Chrome; they ask me to connect with my Google account
>skip that, cuz they r nigger faggots
>got the latest Gentoo

Install Gentoo.