Apple Diversity Chief apologizes for saying white people can be diverse too

>The absolute State of NU-APPLE:

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wow what a cuck
not for the apology, for what she originally said

is that her real hair

of course not

If you zoom in on her forehead you can see her real disgusting nappy hair

You'd think being the "diversity chief" she would wear her natural hair proudly instead of hiding it behind a wig.

>tfw fell for the math grad 300k starting meme
>should have taken gender studies
What do, Sup Forums? Should I go back and get a second degree in something actually useful? CDO position just opened at my company

Shut the fuck up

>diversity chief
What the fucking fuck is that thing?
Is this what iturds are funding with their overpcied shitty purchases?

jesus christ, THAT deserves an apology!?
>America, not even once

>chief of diversity

Is this actualy a thing in America?

Seems pretty racist to me to have a job that is solely focused on the race of your employees

itt euroshitters try and make it seem like their shitholes aren't getting this bad either.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to go to sleep at night, I guess.
Not like Germany has a problem with Turks being retards, or Sweden having a problem with... well having a spine about anything, same with England for that matter.

There is no such thing as "diversity" in europe outside UK.

nice apologist behaviour burger of the states

The racial tensions in your country are awful and goes through all layers of society. The simple idea of saying 'the hispanic vote' or the 'black vote' confirms the idea of that these groups are harmonious because of their skin color.

(((you))) have led too many women and niggers into your colleges and universities and now you are dealing with the outcome. (((you))) have put the lower class into positions of power.

Europe is a collection of nations of racially proud states. None of this diversity bullshit exists in germany despite the memes

It doesn't happen in Europe anywhere near as bad as it does in America. I know American Sup Forumstards who've never even left their state, let alone the US, like to think countries like Sweden/Germany/UK are some sort of 90% muslim sharia zones or some shit but the reality is these countries are all 85%+ white and we don't have anything like your BLM garbage apart from the odd incident when it wafts over the Atlantic

This sort of reverse-racism "affirmative action" doesn't seem to exist anywhere outside of the Anglosphere though.

Reminder that trump won

62% of Americans didn’t vote for Trump.

Doesn't matter, trump still won. Despite all efforts by california and new york who have the highest popular vote, trump still won.

And what has he done to stop or even slow America's slide into irrecoverable shithole status?

he just loaded the train up with coal to make the crash more spectacular

He's building the wall, illegal immigration is down, jobs are going back up and coming back, he's telling china and north korea to fuck off, economy is improving, the travel ban is in effect, antifag was declared a terrorist group, and nationalism is on the rise again.

>Despite all efforts by california and new york who have the highest popular vote, trump still won

>mfw the hill shills rigged the wrong votes

Why did she appologize? She is right. Do SJW have this much power?

>I regret the choice of words I used to make this point. I understand why some people took offense.

This isn't a real apology. She's basically saying, "I'm sorry you lot were too stupid to understand my point."

This level of tact and restraint might seem baffling to you anons because you're used to being able to spew whatever invective you want with zero consequences, but it's not how the corporate world works.

Everyone who matters can read between the lines here.

>"Diversity is the human experience," Smith said. "I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT."

>That particular comment went over well with the assembled crowd, but Smith caught flak for a follow up.

>"There can be 12 white blue-eyed blonde men in a room and they are going to be diverse too because they're going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation," Smith said.

How exactly are 12 blonde haired blue eyed men diverse? As a blue eyed white man, I don't understand.

>Sup Forums reacts
Fuck off.


because the apple userbase are sjws.

>every person i disagree with is Sup Forums
you pure thing, you are a nutter.

>tfw SJWs ultimately destroy apple

I guess there's a silver lining to everything.

>photo is a collage of cherry picked articles, some of which lack links, and exists purely to illustrate a libertarian-esque New World Order fear-mongering propaganda ploy.

If it speaks like a Sup Forumscunt, sounds like a Sup Forumscunt, it must be a Sup Forumscunt

They need to end the diversity meme already. It does nothing but create drama, increase costs, and lower productivity. There is no benefit in hiring people just because of their vagina or nigger skin.

62% of americans aren't legally allowed to vote due to age or status

lol diversity doesnt mean you have to follow your own culture to a T, if anything it means you don't

>"I regret the choice of words I used to make this point. I understand why some people took offense," she said in a letter to employees. "My comments were not representative of how I think about diversity or how Apple sees it. For that, I'm sorry."

So white people shouldn't use apple products because apple products are made for diverse people, diverse people as in black people, LGBT people and feminazi-sjw people but they are not made for nondiverse people as in white people.
I indeed understand and will never again during my lifetime buy an apple product.

regards, nondiverse white person

>>There is no benefit in hiring people just because of their vagina or nigger skin.
>Continuing to spread the false narrative that people are not funded for their skills because of divertsity

nothing wrong with what she originally said

I immediately lose respect for anyone who uses the following buzzwords:

Majority of Apple is composed of "white" men.

12 different cumshots into her vag his pretty diverse 2bh

antifa detetced

>black woman
>real hair

Some may be fudge-packers, user. Use your noggin.

Sup Forums website, numale

>itt euroshitters try and make it seem like their shitholes aren't getting this bad either.

Our shitholes are shitholes for other reasons (besides Sweden and UK). But such hysterical insanity is indeed unknown here outside of some small groups of radical lesbians and other nutters.

>the statement appeared to suggest diversity of thought is a suitable stand in for proactive hiring practices adopted by a variety of tech firms, including Apple, to foster racial and gender diversity.
gee its almost as if diversity of thought was the important part

>What is an individual?

I don't give a shit whom you respect

How can there be a Chief about diversity? Why would a company decide to do that instead of hiring someone based on its qualification & skills?

>radical lesbians
Lesbians are pure you fucking retard

She are damned perverts and dirty sodomites.

I meant "they"

>"There can be 12 white blue-eyed blonde men in a room and they are going to be diverse too because they're going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation," Smith said.
>Media outlets pounced on the statement, while diversity advocates decried Smith's words as contradictory to the fight for workplace equality.
>"I regret the choice of words I used to make this point. I understand why some people took offense," she said in a letter to employees. "My comments were not representative of how I think about diversity or how Apple sees it. For that, I'm sorry."

tl;dr it's fucking nothing

Ah, you see you are a racist who can only see race

An englishman, polishman, german, american, and russian are not a diverse group? You collectively have 4 different languages, probably more in the range of 6-8 different languages, 5 different cultures, and 5 different ends of white breeding stock.

>my race and eye color are the only thing that define me
>not where i came from, what i've done with my life or what i stand for

White people cost more money. There's fewer whites out there, and they tend to be intelligent and demand fair wages.

By widening the labor pool as much as possible, you can drive wages down, and less intelligent workers are more likely to just accept what they're given, rather than asking for more.

Diversity is the marketing word that tricks the easily manipulated morons in society into supporting a concept that is always implemented with ulterior motives.

well that's not true, Germany is pretty contaminated and the big cities of Europe are mostly black

actually you've got 4 westerns and a russian

it IS very much a diverse group you're describing but in terms of moral compasses and cultural baggage, the western europeans are much closer to each other than they would be to, say, any north african or arab or hispanic.

ultimately none of this should fucking matter anyway

i guess saying people have diverse lives no matter what you look like is being a cuck. Didn't know leftypol used shitty pol memes.


>actually defending racism
What are you, Alt-Right?

the cost of labor has little (if anything) to do with race and everything to do with education and integration. pic related.

note that second gen immigrants in the US only consists in 46% "white" people. if what you said were true, then the other races would be bringing the national average down. but that's not the case.


you are the easily manipulated moron. except it's not corporate interests pulling your strings but just good ol' conspiratards.

>browse Sup Forums
>tech company has a race cop
>wonder why the fuck this exists
>get tagged as Sup Forums
you just proved that you are an idiot.

>b-but muh Sup Forums is everywhere

>t. feminazi
>t. sjw
>t. globalist
You realize Tumblr already exists for people of your kind? Stop polluting this place.

>he's telling china and north korea to fuck off
yet his products are made in china...
weird how that works

begone child

you need to go back