Why do women prefer Alexa over Google Home?
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Knowing women, it's probably because of the name.
>caring about 3d women
uhhhh my wife's son's mother prefers siri lol
I've heard of these things but I have no idea what they do.
They're like Siri for your house?
I know you're angling for a big and black comment here. I'm not going to give it to you.
Because Amazon Echo is black and big.
Look how small the white one is.
>Long black object vs short white object.
Wonder why
I hate you all
Why? it's the truth.
>implying it's more than one person
It's OP bumping his shitty thread after being called out on his creepy fetish.
Do they? Personally I like the Home way more because it just feels way more natural to talk to and it's speach gen sounds nicer.
It's kind of like an iPhone in that it's a status symbol for pathetic poorfags.
yeah. you control your smart devices via voice (lights etc) play music. Search Google and a bunch of other household shit. it's pretty comfy once you get used to it. I have the Google home
Yeah, imagine a good version of siri that was just kinda in the room, so like just saying "hey google, play some music" , "Hey google, add milk to my shopping list" or "hey google, how long will it take me to get to work"
The smart home shit is kinda useless as it always has been but being able to do things hands free while cooking, looking after a baby etc. is real nice.
To each their own.
I've never understood why talking to my phone is supposed to be better than just typing. Similarly I'm not sure why the modern Clapper is better than a fool-proof light switch.
Doesn't everyone carry their smart phones (with this built-in capability) with them 24/7 these days? Seems redundant.
They're the first phase of making women obsolete, user
because women are gay.
Always on voice with way better mics and having a decent little speaker attached for music and stuff makes it worth it.
I don't want always on voice on my phone, but having it always on in the kitchen/living room only? that works perfectly.
Because Alexa was made for shopping through Amazon.
>willingly bugging your own home
Funny how talking to your technology seemed like the ultimate dream since the rise of sci-fi and cyberpunk fiction long ago. Now that it's slowly making its way into reality there's a big divide between those who still want it and those that don't because of muh privacy.
I guess the recent outings of government dealings and all that made it easier to oppose it.
I don't trust any of these corporations enough to install a 24/7 hot mic in my house.
At least with phones and computers I can pretend the mics aren't listening.
That's why you unplug it when not in use. I want one just to better understand NLP research and the state of where things are in the consumer market.
If I unplug it then I can't conveniently talk to it.
g-girth is more important!
That's my only justification for buying one. I'll keep it unplugged when I'm not using it. I just want to play with it from an academic sense, since I plan to study NLP.
Yea the whole point of the Echo or whatever is that it's always on and you don't have to press a button or anything.
Unplugging it would defeat the purpose.
Look how cute and small the white one is.
Google Home has no identity, so it is hard to interact with an object you can't personify. This is basic human psychology and the reason Disney gives their cartoon movies human characteristics to fish, ants, deer, etc.
Alexa is a better home automation device, but it's dumber overall. Google's is more intelligent but it can do less useful stuff for home automation. If you actually want to use it for smart house stuff get Alexa. I wanna get a GH just to study NLP from a consumer side. Not actually use it for anything like home automation or whatever
Have you ever tried the Hound app?
Because I'm looking for this, but better.
Wwoooooow no.need to add Scarlett Johansson's voice to this. Checking this out further, thanks.
Fox and the grapes.
I gotta say thanks user. You got me super soaked to look this up and learn about it. I'm very impressed from superficial reading on it.
Stoked* Hate typing on mobile lol
This seems unusually spooky fast. Especially when he has for the multiple capitals, sizes and populations of countries.
Slow down the speaking and add a soother voice and it'd be sweet. Can't believe I haven't seen this, yet.
Agreed. It's like it's speaking unusually fast. Add Scarlett Johansson' voice to it and slow it down to a natural conversation speed. This seems to blow everything else I've seen out the water. I haven't been able to play with google home that much but this seems more impressive. I wanna learn how this technology works
Hound has context for what you asked it previously. I just asked it who directed so and so movie and it gave an answer. Then what other movies he directed and it correctly gave additional movies as the answer.
>those that don't because of muh privacy.
Probably more to do with not sounding and looking like a tool lmao. There's something faggy as hell about a not-busy suburban nobody spouting out commands to a digital box. Might be cool for one of those psychopathic lawyers or CEOs who do not stop, ever.
Can guarantee 78% of sales will be switched off and hidden under the bed when guests are over.
The remainder will get that nice awkward moment of "... You can't just turn the sound system on yourself?" after the nu-male husband asks the thin air to turn on some music, but nothing happens due to the chatter of other people, the street cars, and the baby crying.
>having some pajeet at the other end answering your every question
Pick one.
The movies and TV usually depict the one talking to their shit as agents/cops/superheroes so yeah I get your point. Might seem awkward for a normal person, but who knows?
Nah dude. My roommate had one and you could switch songs during (college) parties. It can differentiate pretty good
because women are more natural with communication, and they instinctually understand that "alexa do this shit for me" is more natural than starting ever sentence with "ok google".
who the fuck starts a conversation/request/sentence with "ok"