Plex Alternative

What is a good plex alternative for local video streaming? Specifically one with the awesome automatic metadata finding and all that neat stuff.

Today it refused to play a video because it could not connect to the Plex servers. Fuck that shit.

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plug your PC in to your TV with a HDMI cable

>Plex servers
This is exactly why I hate Plex and switched to Emby. Plex is probably marginally more user friendly, but not by much.

I'm using Emby, as well. But it has some problems, too.
For example, subtitles synchronization on DLNA devices.

Why not Kodi? Plex forked from it. Last I checked, it was more geared toward local streaming.

Lmao, don't do this. It's a completely pants-on-head thing to do in 2017, when you can get a Fire Stick for literally $20 and load Kodi on it. Fuck, a PC doesn't even give you competent remote control support without hacks on hacks on hacks. Literally one of the most basic features of any TV or TV set-top box from the last 3 years, and PC is somehow terrible at it.

I use obs and team viewer with vlc on a htpc. It's probably not the best but it is for me since my beefy desktop is my server and it can do smooth motion 60 fps video which is streamed to my shitbox htpc. I control it though a wireless keyboard+trackpad on a team viewer session.

kodi is good

Pretty sure you can force Plex to not transcode though.

Emby is the only FOSS choice.
Use Kodi as a front end.

Plex isn't FOSS.


Why did it need to connect to the plex servers? You weren’t local to your plex server?

Plex must connect to the servers no matter what.

Even if you are using it on the same PC your library is hosted from.

Are you sure?
When I disconnect my internet I can still watch all my local media.

Not OP but what if I want to stream remotely? I've looked at Universal Media Server but I haven't actually tried it out yet. Emby looks pretty good but can it transcode my Chinese cartoons and bake in subtitles for remote playback?

>tfw no plex friends

too bad they became money whores and put most of the stuff behind a paywall

>remote control support
Why support an outdated way of controlling? Just get one of those cheap wireless keyboards with built-in trackpads?

I tried Universal Media Server, it's simple, can transcode but IDK about the fancy metadata thing.
My favorite solution is copying the desired content to an external hdd and plugging it to the fucking tv. This way, I can watch the show instead of fight the technology.

Clear all cookies then try again.

It remembers your login. But if you are using a new device never logged in you are SOL even if on local network.

>copying the desired content to an external hdd
might as well set up a simple samba server

If I want to setup an old laptop just as a music server, how do I go about it without having to be part of any botnet?
Is there even a solution apart from a remote filesharing server?

am i the only one thqt thinks kodi is a mess in terms of order. options and shit are spread to pkaces beyond imagination

im still using xbmc on my old xbox with ps3 media server

>people actually recommending Emby
they're even more jewish than Plex

I've never seen this happen before senpai

Using a keyboard with a television is retarded. The ergonomics of using a keyboard are not compatible in any way with any traditional means of relaxing in front of a television. Remote controls do exist for a reason.

look into subsonic
disclaimer: all i know about subsonic is that it's foss and does what you're asking

You seem to be limiting your idea of a keyboard to really big ones

nope subsonic went full jew too.
now there are two forks you need to use instead.

Small ones are even worse. With those, you can't use muscle memory to touch-type. You basically have to learn new muscle memory for that specific keyboard. That's dumb as shit when you could just, I don't know, use a remote control. You know, something that people who aren't on the spectrum will intuitively understand how to use.

So how does touch typing relate to remote control functionality? Don't tell me you use a remote control to type. Besides, you only use a remote control in short bursts.

Just fucking Christ dude buy a goddamn Chromecast and use Videostream

You're a fucking idiot who has no friends.

I'll be your Plex friend

Sad. Guess I'll have to make it myself, not looking forward to the mess I'll make. Such is life. Thank's for the input still.

What are the names if the reccomended forks?

Whoops I'm retarded nevermind


Infuse, automatically grabs metadata from tmdb

Why don't you just use MPV/MPC instead of a big media center suite.?

I've used Emby 3-4 years ago. They changed their app to a web based one.
I stopped using it.
It had some issues with being very slow at transcoding back then.
The metadata stuff was OK.

Frankly op. Making a simple personal website where you source metadata from one of the many open apis and do your own conversions automatically seems the best way imo.
That's not what plex is. Plex aims to let you stream your own files to any device live.
You can of course do that with MPV/MPC but it's more work than just having those as players.


>turn on tv
>play video in fullscreen
lmaoing at those losers watching movies in two steps since the dawn of time
it's 2k17 get with the times you gotta stream your shit with a remote server and pay for a box/stick if you don't have a smart tv

See I have network folders on my server.
All I have to do is add the network location to windows/linux and play with what ever I want.

Now if I'm outside my network I can VPN in.

I just don't like how plex converts/streams things.

>I don't like how plex transcodes
I've always found this to be the main point of these tools aside from the nice presentations (they never nail that though, so what's the point?).
If I didn't want that I'd just run an sftp server.

Will check them out, cheers user.

So, if you’re not actually going to be typing, why would you ever want a keyboard? Are you seriously defending the idea of having a full keyboard and trackpad just because your shitty HTPC has a mouse cursor and no remote control?

Congratulations, you are a giant retard.

>turn on tv

Okay, so your tv is on. Presumably, you’re running an HDMI cable from another place to your TV. How far away is that? For some of us, the computer is far from our primary TV. If that is indeed the case, how are we handling input? Do we have a wireless keyboard and mouse, or are we running a fucking 50-foot USB cable for that too? How’s the signal on that wireless keyboard? Any metal in the way? Plaster walls, etc? By the way, how does this function of your computer? I hope it handles display setting changes gracefully 100% of the time, or you’ll regularly sit down to eat and watch TV only to end up troubleshooting your nigger-rigged media setup instead. I would know, I used to do this.

>play video in fullscreen

How? With your mouse? I think you’re leaving out all the navigation steps in between. Either you’re launching your media server (because, if this is the same computer you use for everything else, which is presumably the point of this exercise, I doubt you have your media server open and in focus at all times), or you’re using a plain old file manager to do it, which is even more tedious, whether you’re using a mouse on a couch (LMAO @ ur lyfe) or a tiny trackpad affixed to an equally tiny keyboard.

Meanwhile, for $20-50, you can get a fully-baked, turn-key, purpose-built solution for doing this exact thing. You dipshits are always shooting yourselves in the foot by being cheap.