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Requesting purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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Fostex X00 purple heart.
Best headphones.
Purpleheart a shit. If you're going to get a TH-X00, get the ebony.
Holy shit there's a lot of people dumping their LCD-2F on r/avexchange for cheap right now.
Do people really have that big of a hardon for the non-fazor LCD-2 that they're taking $300-400 hits on their fazor versions to buy the 'Classics' that aren't even available / tested yet?
Why would Audeze have even released the 'F' version if it wasn't actually better? Is this some Coke Classic bullshit?
Hello looking to upgrade from the E10k I use sony mdr0z7's and HD 6xx's no budget but I do not want to get to stupid price performance and I would prefer one unit but im not opposed to two 100%, thanks!
It's going for $299 right now, I think. Pretty solid all-in-one unit
why does this website seem so shady?
Schiit stack or aune t1 mk3
should have mentioned im not interested in tubes. Schiit stack seems nice modi 3 and magni right I hear it mentioned a lot ill look into it.
What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?
$50 more
For what?
the magni 2 is super cheap right now is there any reason to get the magni 3 over it? would it be possible to use an E10k as a dac for magni 2/3?
~$100, flexible.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
Closed, would like it if coworkers did not overhear squeaky nip tunes.
>Comfort level
Comfy is preferred, going to be wearing for long spans of time.
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Etymotic MK5 - get uncomfortable after a while, HD280 - get uncomfortable after a while, ATH-AD700 Super comfy, but open and so not what I'm looking for.
Match your headphones with magni 2 on audiobot 9000 and if magni 2 can drive them to 115 db you have no reason to spend more on magni 3
thanks looks like they would work fine so all I need to know is if I could use the E10k as a dac for the magni 2
did some searching looks like i can. disregard this question i suck dicks.
Yeah run the line out on the back of the e10k into the magni not the headphone jack
Is sonarworks a meme, I noticed no difference using the T50 MK3 profile.
I can't recommend sonarworks because they use a very bass heavy target curve and their high frequency corrections can actually make things sound worse as their measurement system and your ears may hear things quite differently
Is the ATH-M20x better than the HD668B from Superlux?
I don't have many options since I'm from a third world country, but I'd like to know if it's a worthy upgrade.
In that price range I would recommend koss portapro
Just get beats lmao
Best under $20 earbuds for those of us who go through a pair every few months?
For melanin enriched listening, nothing compares.
It's chinese. You have to email them and jump through a few hoops to buy their stuff.
Thanks. Is there a huge difference between the Ports Pro and the AKG414p?
Find some fake beats on ebay
~100€ flexible
>Type of headphone
>Sound signature
Dunno, I listen to electronic and indie mostly
>Past headphones
Shitty ones for 20 euro
Last time I asked I only got suggestions that aren't available in Germany. Would appreciate some recommendations of IEMs I can buy/test here instead of shipping it from the other side of the world.
I only know the Shure SE215's, but I heard they are a meme and not worth the price.
Portapro are the best sounding headphones in their price range and a time proven classic with a lifetime warranty
It does look like a website straight out of the 90's, but they're legit and have been around for a long time.
Yincrow X6
TFZ King, GR07 Classic/Bass Edition
Because they sell shitty products that are near knock off tier.
Much better FR and aesthetics.
i'd prefer the purpleheart from that graph
what is the second best amp maker behind schitt?
>not owning multiple different sounding headphones
t. poorfag
Look at that BASS
>not just owning one comfortable open and one comfortable closed and using eq
stay poor :)
t. fedora tipper
This guy gets it.
your EQ is objectively inaccurate because you don't have a measurement rig and replica of your head and torso for accurate response measurement and subsequent correction.
Does anyone know where I could get a cable that has a female 3.5 mm jack on one end and two 2.5 mm jacks on the other?
Sounds good to me shrug ascii
Can't fix shitty headphones m8
2 requests 1 for headphones 1 for earbuds
$150 CAD (120 USD)
Anywhere as long as they ship to either canada or US (have a mailbox there)
>Type of headphone
Over head
>Open or closed
Don't know, I think closed for better isolation and experience
>Comfort level
Need to wear it for like 5 hours sometimes so something good preferably
>Sound signature
Good bass is the key, I listen to a lot of bassy music (progressive, techno, etc)
>Past headphones
Sennheiser CX 300B MK II and apple earbuds
Canada or US mailbox
idgaf as long as they can ship there
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Something good to work out in and that I'll be able to sleep with
>Sound signature
Once again, something with good quality preferably really good base but dont have to
>Past headphones
Sennheiser CX 300B MK II and apple earbuds
Someone posted a study here the other day which essentially said that eq can fix bad headphones
a fucking leaf
Beats, Ja'Darius
the studies people post here are poorly done and no one reads the beyond the abstract as usual because they like their confirmation bias
>In conclusion, it can be said that the listeners gave the various headphones the same quality ratings whichever headphone was used as the simulator.
>One of the most important results of this study is the finding that the quality of a headphone of poor or fair quality can be considerably improved simply by simulating on it the acoustical characteristics of an excellent headphone.
oh fucking hell, what a horrible study
>with this experimental setup, the listener wearing a single simulator headphone can listen in turn to several headphones simulated by various filters
so basically a study where a person listens to one headphone EQ'd to what other headphones sound like, not taking into account distortion that EQ can introduce when a driver is pushed too hard. fucking hell.
another horrible study that no one reads. I can take my HD800 and EQ it to sound like a $5 earbud and then EQ up the bass and it will sound great because it doesn't distort! except the real thing will fucking distort because it's a garbage $5 earbud
>I didn't read the study
If you did you would have seen this:
>In the case of headphones, the distortion is very small so that they can be modeled with a linear system and their acoustical characteristics can be said to be given by their transfer function.
I'm sorry that your bias towards thinking distortion is a bigger, more audible issue than it really is for most headphones caused you to instantly dismiss a study done by researchers far more knowledgeable than you.
>I'm sorry that your bias towards thinking distortion is a bigger, more audible issue.
Now I'll ask you to prove that THD is not audible and then you'll proceed to link me that shit sudy people repost which also has a ton of flaws.
>caused you to instantly dismiss a study done by researchers
it's cute you look up to researchers and think they actually know what they are doing. also, what is xmax? I've blown multiple headphones with a subbass boost while watching movies. if the driver didn't matter then all speakers could produce equally loud sound. try winning a bass competition with your 10" desktop speakers
>but-but people don't listen that loud enough to hit xmax and people never listen loudly enough for distortion to occur anyways
more claims you will need to prove that you cannot do because it's false and easily verifiably so with a quick test.
Looking for some advice on a nice portable music player to get. Preferably something with a clippy for active wear.
~75 bucks
US of A
thats what im looking for
>type of headphone
akg iem that came with my phone
Thanks for the informative link
I learned something today
lol you got absolutely btfo just accept it and move on it isn't the end of the world to be wrong on the internet which you clearly are
Sansa Clip+ from eBay
Rockbox it and get a microsd card for it
>lol you got absolutely btfo just accept it
no, the onus is on you to verify the information you have "learned" and come to the conclusion yourself instead of taking either side based on studies that you don't fully understand or arguments that people have made that you don't fully understand either. it is easily verfiable. get sonarworks and one of the most dirt cheap headphones they support. Another test is to try bass boosting a $5 earbud vs bass boosting a closed back headphone.
Why aren't you doing your own peer reviewed study that proves that one wrong? Oh right because you're nobody and wrong.
>Oh right because you're nobody and wrong.
I don't have the time to go out and do a study to disprove a stupid theory. If I had to do that every time I ran across a shit study I would have literally hundreds of studies I would need to do.
Why the fuck am I having to prove a study wrong in the first place? A study is merely a test of a hypothesis and the burden is on the study not the reviewer. You are insane for telling me I have to disprove a study, studies are not facts.
Peer reviewed studies are certainly more credible than anonymous posters on a website which features Japanese drawn dickgirls, especially posters as wrong as you
are you a woman? are you incapable of thinking for yourself or do you always direct your trust and security to those who seemingly have authority or status? if you're not a woman then fuck off and verify it yourself with an easy test. there is an user who did it in a previous general too ago with his hd600 and hd800. maybe you should do the same instead of doing appeal to authority fallacies everytime you don't have an argument. maybe you should ask your boyfriend for a more expensive headphone
You sure get mad and type walls of text when you get proven wrong.
Are the Kinera H3 IEMs any good? They're $85 on massdrop right now and look very nice. I have a pair of Shure SE215's that I love but would like to try something else out after having these for 5 years
Get etymotic mk5 or go home
Frig off Randy I don't want ear dildos
Not him but that HD600 and HD800 comparison isn't proof of anything, it's one person's claim. And the differences between both headphones is mostly in the frequency response.
t. own both
>Not him but that HD600 and HD800 comparison isn't proof of anything, it's one person's claim.
of course it's not, but neither is the study. I mentioned it to call user out for his faggotry and blindly following instead of verifying himself like other anons have tried to do.
I have verified it myself and you're still wrong.
what was your testing methodology?
Are you the same user who always post that study? If so i'm honestly curious to what headphones you own.
Anyone knows anything about the Soundmagic hp200?
Why this one specifically over any of the newer models?
It has been measured and is measurably transparent. It has more features than competitors in that price range once Rockboxed. It has super long battery life once Rockboxed. It has unlimited storage via MicroSD.
>It has been measured and is measurably transparent.
Clip+ isn't transparent.
It is except for when driving a select few ultra low impedance ultra high sensitivity IEMs in which case when played at a very high volume a very slight hiss will be heard. It's transparent for almost all users.
Then it's not transparent. Please don't throw around the term 'transparent' when it really isn't. Also the pitch bug is there on the stock firmware.
>it's measurement transparent
>except it's not
Who the fuck uses the stock firmware? The whole point of buying it is for Rockbox support.
I didn't use the stock firmware.
I used a Rockbox Clip+ with an ER-4S for many years as my DAP.
Now I just use my smartphone.
>Type of headphone
Over/Around Ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Comfy is preferred, going to be wearing for extended periods, usually daily.
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Gen 1 Beats that I had for years, finally died. I found them super comfy, and great for extended periods of use.
I'm considering HD 598 Cs. but I wanted to ask first. Am I on the right track, or no? Thanks, y'all
pm this dude and ask if it's still up for sale:
yeah how about we stop posting the blog from an engineering freshman as citation for anything.
Audeze EL-8 Closed Back
Ad hominem much?
since when was citing something from an unreliable source acceptable?
>it's unreliable because I say so
>the measurements totally don't speak for themselves or anything, they're invalid because I say so
>all measurements are reliable
you've never measured anything in your life, post your measurement rig or fuck off
I have, actually.
>post your measurement rig or fuck off
miki has the cutest little butt
miki is a prostitute
I used it at your mom's request. She was quite impressed when I measured it, especially when she felt it.
Why can't planars into upper mids?