I want to make some retro Geocities/Angelfire webpages, and I don't want to have to do it from scratch. I remember the Geocities website builder from the 2000s and it would be perfect for this.
What should I use, Sup Forums?
I want to make some retro Geocities/Angelfire webpages, and I don't want to have to do it from scratch. I remember the Geocities website builder from the 2000s and it would be perfect for this.
What should I use, Sup Forums?
You can literally make these after 30 minutes of reading the basics of HTML
Yeah I know that but I want this to be authentic
oldest dreamweaver that runs on your computer
>tfw angelfire is still around
This is what, HTML3.0. I don't see how it could be difficult with a bit of time and effort to make it look just like it was 1998
> lycos.com
Oh man that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time.
>I want this to be authentic
Then do what he said. HTML basics are the same, just don't include CSS or other modern shit
Fine, if I have to do it by hand I'll do it by hand but can someone help me find some geocities and angelfire sources so I can copy the organizational style of the layout?
Literally none of these pages exist anymore except in screenshots
>my first blog
The word "blog" didn't even exist before 1999.
Tripod too.
>tfw no Sup Forums webring
Of course you do it by hand. How did you think these awful* creations were done?
Also, not editor short cuts. every paragraph and tables all the way down.
Use notepad.
Use tables and framesets.
Do not use CSS.
Do not use javascript except for giving text a glowing border
>not making the glowing text a line of animated gifs
They seriously never used CSS in these old pages? Not even for light color changes?
They were usually done using the Geocities website builder because I fucking remember using it when I was 12 years old
that was the difference between being a pleb and a h4x0r tho.
Use the WYSIWYG HTML editor that came with Netscape at the time.
It would be authentic. I built all of my Geocities pages with straight HTML in Notepad and used IE and Netscape to check it.
There was no css when some of these pages were made (before 1996). Only html tags.
>They seriously never used CSS in these old pages?
Basically never.
CSS didn't exist back then.
its in the html not in a separate css file and is used for text colors
It came out in 1996
It was all set through HTML attributes.
No reason not to use CSS, it\s slightly less of a pain in the ass than the old way, but wit the same parameters it will still look the same.
And by the time CSS was out most of the conventions were already set out.
Also, don't underestimate the importance of times and cropped images for menus.
geocities.ws disagrees.
just google "Anime" and "Geocities", that'll take you to a gang of pages.
Don't forget the buttons.
Wasn't the tag heavily used also?
fucking lel
There was a time when websites were entirely html with frames and tables ontop of tables ontop of tables and every button just an image that was created by hand in an editor.
right, before "blog" it was "weblog".
1. table alignment and spacer gifs, back then CSS support was shit so they just used tables for everything
2. random borders everywhere
3. tiling wallpapers, like repeating water/rock/grass/starfield textures or whatever
4. dates at bottom of pages or items, like in OPs pic
5. standard MS/netscape fonts like Times New Roman or Papyrus or whatever, hipsters had not yet declared stupid memes like LOL COMIC SANS IS CANCER
6. big gaudy multilingual flags at the top of pages to serve up different language content
7. digital scans of poorly lit disposable/chemical camera pictures with the dates on them
8. no javascript
9. a lot of people made their own gifs or got them from very small user groups and forums, using random old gifs you find from the tops of contemporary internet search results will just look phony
Load is slowly using developer mode and you'll see each table's table load in.
>There was a time when websites were entirely html with frames and tables ontop of tables ontop of tables
>"your browser doesn't support frames" messages on sites in '97/98
gettin' misty eyed here. I miss those old days.
Around 1997, which is when I built my first "homepage", most styling was done in pure HTML with shit like or etc. CSS started to become popular around 1999 or so IIRC.
>every button just an image that was created by hand in an editor.
The golden age.
Tiled starfield backgrounds are so nice.
And two different versions for 800x600 screens and 1024x768.
I think I used !Edit because I first went online with my dad's old Acorn computer.
When again was a separate tag introduced? I remember any CSS used to be very limited to image size and text color.
>doesn't wanna learn SHIT to be authentic
Authentic as in made the same way I was making my geoshitties webpage in 2004
This. Accept no substitutes.
wasn't invented then
You will want to use the discontinued Microsoft Frontpage
>not notepad
fuck is this, Kinder Care??? Buncha preschoolers the whole lot of you.
not OP but if anyone here wants to put together a template like this that I can use for an intentionally terrible website, that would be awesome
just use frames everywhere
I got you covered OP:
This site lets you make them the easy nooob way. Browse it to see examples and also:
Press the surprise me button to see real examples of old style pages that are still alive.
Neocities my man
Awesome, found Sup Forums in there, I thought it was web 2.0 for a second. Anyways, very cool search engine.
html in notepad WOULD be the "authentic" way
Sup Forums gets a hail marry pass
I found krautchan and endchan in there also, but not lainchan and 8ch. I wonder what makes it decide what is web 1.0 and web 2.0
If you dont know shit about web programming and just learn the basics from old books or articles it'll end up looking like the site on your pic
remember to align everything by using tables inside of tables inside of tables
>WANTED: Someone to go back in time with me
I found 8ch by turning on adult pages.
>remember to align everything by using tables inside of tables inside of tables
Images are not technically inserted into an HTML page, images are linked to HTML pages. The tag creates a holding space for the referenced image.
>I wonder what makes it decide what is web 1.0 and web 2.0
Whether the site has a ton of javascript for half of its features, and/or if it does everything it can to get its hands on your personal data.
It was created an gets shilled here by some Sup Forums fag lol
I'm never sure if that or Yatta is my favorite old school internet injoke.
a g project that actually completed?
No logo yet though.
this site is basically composed by a table with the default border syle some custom paragraph tags with the stupid green yellow and pick colors and the traditional 90 le meme gifs and stupid repeating background.
For those old gifs there's some sites that archives them and you can retrieve what ever version or itineration you can find, also don't forget to put a (in construction) gif
Anyone know an archive of these?
They are very easy to make.
Hit view source. You can see there's not much to it. Its a shame that people can't be bothered to make these kind of sites anymore.
> Its a shame that people can't be bothered to make these kind of sites anymore.
Instant gratification's a hell of a drug.
People want a personal presence in a "look at me" way rather than a "this is who I am" way.
Damn boi I haven't heard that word in years
I thought I was the coolest shit for coding my site by hand while other people used dreamweaver and had it done in a third of the time...
alright we're doing this
Interesting way to put it. I think hit the core of it.
My weapon of choice.
Install Seamonkey, it has a html maker thing that I used to use back in 2003 when I was a dumb kid making a sprite comic website (well, I used the Netscape branded version back then, but it's basically the same thing
okay guys help me find some sweet skeleton gifs and heavily pixelated shooting guns
Was it a mistake to wildcard block this? I thought only Russian botnets used the .website domain.
look at the picture and make up your own mind
it's the closest thing we will get to .shitposting
Oh my god I love it.
what can i use to have a background image like the warehouse i'm using but choose what gifs i want where so i can change it up now and then
what's interesting is a lot of these websites actually feel optimized for phone use, then you remember they were designed for small screens and it all clicks
>I want this to be authentic
Don't forget
>black backgrounds
>flame gifs
>some cringy injoke the dev put in for the one friend who would get it
Damn man good links, thanks
That site is amazing. What a project.
I hate younglings
Do you not understand? It isn't about tools, it's a mindset that you'll never be able to recreate. Pick up some old HTML books and look into their conventions, look at some old websites. There is no template for these shitty websites because that's the point, they were built by retards and beginners with no taste or know-how.
It's a combination of the crude tools we had to work with (i.e. notepad) and the fact that there was nothing like this to draw inspiration from prior to it. We built web pages the way we did back then because there was no blueprint for it. Just to be able to create your own space that said "hey, I'm here" was enough for many of us and it didn't need much to do it. Sure nowadays these pages look "primitive" by todays standards, but what they lack in gloss and polish they more than make up for it with character and personal identity.
Neither did OP by the sounds of it
Here you go friend. This is how I learned.