
What went wrong?

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Trying to take our fucking audio jacks.

Jobs ded.
Energy and vision of the company went with him.

"Hey, i'm bored. Let me see if i can create a good thread with a lot of replies and images with shitty gay technology"
Then this thread was created and you will be happy because, even if this reply is a critic, it's a reply. Nice job




>tfw you never fell for the applel meme

>Market cap: 812 billion dollars

Cash = Vision


I'm not sure. At some point after Snow Leopard, their software GREATLY declined in quality (seriously, find any apple software that launches without critical bugs. Protip: You can't.) And all macs that were actually competitive offers for professionals were somehow fucked up -

The mac mini is now a fucking dual core and no longer upgradeable, yet somehow more expensive than ever before.

The Macbook Pro has replaced the useful, feedback-giving function keys with a touch bar you can't use unless you look at your keyboard.
Look. At. Your keyboard. THE FUCK?!
Also, it's gotten a lot more expensive for no reason.

The Mac Pro... Not only did it become ugly, not only did it become more expensive, not only did it become much harder to upgrade, it also wasn't updated in the last 4 years.

The iMac was always way too expensive anyway, so whatever.

What I mean is... Apple is short-sightedly getting rid of all the features that attract professionals and especially developers. But MacOS and IOS NEED developers. I know that the "prosumers" are much easier to exploit customer group than actual professionals, but if this keeps going, Apple is going to shoot themselves in the foot badly.
Retards can't keep a platform alive.


Pajeets took over after jobs died

Steve said NO to CIA niggers so they poisoned his food while he was away at Galt's Gulch. Then Tim Cook put botnet into everything. The end.

They courted the Unix nerds to sneak OS X into the Normiesphere, then abandoned both the Unix nerds and the 'content creators' in favor of phones because they're more profitable.

Breaking up Bell and letting people own their phones was a mistake.

This guy explains it pretty well:


Bell were rapists and total CIA niggers but man could they run a phone network.


To be fair there have been several deaths of Apple so far.

>when jobs decided the mac should kill the apple ][ lineup
>when jobs was fired and pepsi man went full retard on the number of different computers they sold
>also when jobs came back and killed off the Newton platform and Alan Kay's Squeak research
>when Jobs handed off the day to day to Cook
>when Jobs died and stopped being able to QC the products autistically

I still think a better successor would have been Jony, even though he should be squeezed by the neck for his skeumorphism fixation, he seemed to care about quality. Cook doesn't even seem like the type who uses computers, that's for underlings. When will we see Cook have a sit-down and give us a quick demo on how to build some kind of basic applications with Swift? We really missed out after Smalltalk died, Windows and all other OS's are still aping it after 48 fucking years (it debuted the same year that Unix did). User programmer is still the most powerful type of user and we've gone backwards ever since the 80s on this. Remember when pretty much every computer user was able to bang out a quickie BASIC program? Even fucking liberal arts types were able to program in the 80s.

>I still think a better successor would have been Scott Forstall

After jobs passed away It went to shit.



Even Avi would have been better, we'd have seen OS X get fixed properly if he was calling the shots.

>watch video
>16 seconds in Jobs says he's going to demonstrate what it's like to build mission-critical apps
>pause video
>laugh heartily for about 2 minutes
>come make this post

Apparently a lot changed since that video was filmed 'cause Apple (yes I realize the video was for NeXT computers and their OS) doesn't allow OSX/macOS to be used in mission-critical situations, it never has (the EULA has always prevented it).

Pic very relevant, and thanks for the laugh.

This is so true. There's a pic of how Apple is run today and they are basically influenced by two Silcon Valley marketers who work with Cook. Explains everything really.

I never liked Jobs much and I generally have never used anything more than an ipod from Apple but, I can't help respect the guy for his difference to all other CEOs.

Apple used to be good. Kids these days will never know that.

>the EULA has always prevented it
The Nextstep EULA prevented it?

>kids these days will never come home from school one day from second and third grades to see a pile of Apple boxes and then quickly and with no adult help assemble it into a working system
the magic is completely gone

I find this hilarious, because back in 2010 everyone on Sup Forums blamed Jobs and his marketing gimmicks for turning it into a glorified consumer electronics firm rather than a proper computer company.

right now its iOS11 and the iPhone X.
The market demands software updates with hardware updates, and at this point they release a phone every year because sheep will buy them. iOS11 is the buggiest release since 7, its horrendous and won't be fixed for a while. Apple watch is useless, despite it being "the most sold watch" or whatever

Their product lineup used to be brain-dead simple: mac, macbook, iphone, ipod. Now there are 1000 things on their website.
basically, a completely different company, which was to be expected since jobs left.

No DIM slots. Flash chips soldiered to the mainboard

You're not wrong.

I will hate him forever for turning every piece of software into "apps"

>Now there are 1000 things on their website
I have said this before but it's history repeating itself. This time though they won't have Jobs to pull them outta the shit. Scott Forstall was the rightful guy for the job.

That's just there to prevent them from being sued

>Jobs is alive
>everybody hates Apple and hates Jobs
>Jobs dies
>everybody still hates Apple but suddenly Jobs is a 'visionary genius'
>move on to hating Tim Cook for being a homosexual
I'm starting to think you people only hate Apple because it's cool to

Apple is a rich company building computers in China for Americans who are rich. In one 6 month period 13 people committed suicide while working for Apple's Chinese producer.

While Apple's computers work well, buy older refurbished mac books ($180) that have regular non-Apple screws and put in an $80 ssd and you will get the Apple experience at an affordable price...

>The Macbook Pro has replaced the useful, feedback-giving function keys with a touch bar you can't use unless you look at your keyboard.
See that key that says 'fn?'
Press that. Boom: function keys are back.

I think the touchbar was specifically added for the Chinese market, it's really handy when using pinyin to phonetically enter Chinese characters, lists out all the possible characters on the touchbar instead of taking up valuable screen real estate

Apple expensive products made in China for rich Americans...


Or maybe we always hated Apple and iFags have always been insufferably delusional fanboy idiots who will suck the dick of any accomplishment a gay muslim salesman, even if it's dying of aids.

Apple was never good, people saying that it got worse when jobs died are stupid fanboys who are running out of excuses.
Apple is, and forever will be the stupid tax sold at a premium.

they were alright up until the switch to intel chips and the launch of the iPod, or in other words when they actually became known to normals and everything since then has been about their lifestyle brand, they are no longer a tech company they are a fashion accessory company

that's not to say you can't make a shitload of money selling conspicuous consumption toys to dindus and roasties, because you sure as fuck obviously can

Steve Jobs died and was replaced by a faggot.

>The negative version of pride (Latin, superbia) is considered, on almost every list, the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins: the perversion of the faculties that make humans more like God—dignity and holiness. It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Also known as hubris (from ancient Greek ὕβρις), or futility, it is identified as dangerously corrupt selfishness, the putting of one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of people.

carras access

Applel is a phone and accessory company now

their computers have always been sub-par

>hates Jobs
>Jobs is a 'visionary genius'
The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Some fucker took a bite and left the rest to rot.

MAS, headphone jack, too closed mobile platform, soldered components on every device (lowest cost devices with soldered shit would be okay in my book, but not across the whole line), critically unsufficient number of I/O on all devices.

And they are a starting to let a lot of old components of the OS rot, which pisses off old users to no end.

>Sup Forums praising jobs
>LITERALLY calling him a fucking visionary

Holy fucking shit, is everyone here new or something? When the fuck was Steve Jobs ever called anything other than a stealing con artist? What's happened to this place?

Steve Jobs was a stealing con artist. Damn S.Jobs


Tipping point

I have often wondered if this was true and if so, how did Jobs get AIDS?!

he probably had sex.

w-w-with cook?

Jobs was always a fag type.
After the exam was released it was said the nurse that released it was lying and shit but it ended never denied.
Really I don't believe cancer killed jobs, it was probably cancer caused by aids.
He even let cook around probably because they were fucking each other asses

Because the technology was stolen by Samsung

I don't really like their tech, but they had great logo aesthetics in the 80's.

aliens only shared the technology with Steve

He was a stealing con artist but he wasn't completely retarded unlike Cook.

this is before gays approrpriated the rainbow as their symbol

oh yes they did


What have I become...

>Name company after fruit
>Die because you tried to cure cancer with it instead of proper medicine
>Your replacement is one
Apple is one big meme.


By 1 year.

Imagine the timeline where Woz comes back and makes the MacBook Pro with real pro I/O.

>IR becomes the wireless infrastructure of choice
>laptops up to 5 pounds or more again
>giant GPIO header on back of computer
>small humidor included in computer body

Stop I can only get so erect

"Muh thin"

Latest victim: All of their laptop keyboards.

>video about a guy with keyboard problem
oh no
>top comment by OP of video
>"For me the fix is was a quite easy, I apply a substance such as oil or grease to the butterfly mechanism internal pins (white on video) to minimize friction and allow smooth movement. That's it!"

>Muh $700 repair
>actual cost is a dab of lube
this is your brain on fandroid

1. That (self-repair) voids your warranty.

2. If you read the article, you'd know that most common key that gets the "stuck" problem is the space key, and you can't take out the space key without breaking the keyboard irreparably. (The video shows someone applying grease to mechanism under a key that is not the space key.)

oh no not my warranty

yeah basically we get to watch how a billion dollar company is going to get crashed by dozens of faggots making terrible decisions

i was an applefag until recently. they have given up on their passionate userbase because the iphone makes them more money.

final cut turned into a sick joke, iwork got nerfed, etc. the ports meme and the macbook 12 were reallly the last straw for me. os x is still (pretty) slick, but they ruined the hardware.

i have a galaxy s8+ and an xps 15 now. i miss os x, but microsoft is getting more competitive by the day, and emulating the old apple goodies that made apple good in the first place. windows 10 gets regular feature updates, and is now more stable than 7. add that to the strides google and samsung are making with mobile, and it wasn't that hard for me to switch.

more than anything though- i miss imessage. the closest thing to it is telegram, which fucking nobody but my closest friends use. oh well.

Its creation.


Translation for mongoloids: macOS is not a RTOS

>went to google to make contrarian post about apple stock rising
>find out its actually not doing too hot


It's like a prophecy that foretold the company would one day be led by a homosexual.

>the macbook 12
What's wrong with it? I have one and a 13" Pro, and I use the 12" a hell of a lot more because it's basically perfect.

There's a pretty interesting interview with Scott Forstall where he says that Tim Cook esentially kicked out every employee who was remotely conflicting in order to create a workspace of harmony, which is the absolute opposite of what made Jobs Apple succeed.

That's a wonderful pic


I think it's pretty simple, they keep doing the same thing. 20 version of an iphone which is just faster, but not a mindblowing concept anymore. always just releasing ipads, or the watches.

No longer striving for actually looking at what people *need* and fulfilling that, no new concepts.

propietary hardware.
planned obsolescence.
considering form > function.

>There's a pretty interesting interview with Scott Forstall where he says that Tim Cook esentially kicked out every employee who was remotely conflicting in order to create a workspace of harmony, which is the absolute opposite of what made Jobs Apple succeed.

Do you have a link to that interview? I would like to read it.

I have always felt that Scott should be the one running things. The guy was crazy talented, although abrasive, but look at Jobs. Now it's a safe space where the wrong decisions are not confronted, which explains current Apple.

maybe for your workflow- not mine. im constantly connected test equipment, extra drives etc. i needed a laptop that would function like a workstation, and once i saw the whole one port meme, i was out.

wtf that quote doesn't make sense

It was founded by na honorary street shitting syrian shitskin.

They'll be probably releasing their newest(3rd gen) Mac Pro sometime during next year
I'd really like to own one of those bad boys tbqh

Housefire trash.


I love u, wholesom Sup Forums
