Daily reminder that female programmers is a meme, the only reason why there were lot of female programmers is because punching cards was a tedious task, they actually were only writing algorithms made by other person, not designing them
Female coders
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>t. 30 year old virgin
but he is right.
You mean they were secretaries?
exactly, thats what they were, otherwise why there are almost none important algoriths discovered/made by females?
dude come on.
Hedy Lamarr made bluetooth and was a hollywood movie star
How about Barbara Liskov?
dude she was coworking with Antheil
being a project manager doesn't makes you the real mind behind.
Your point being?
Ah yes cobol is indeed an excellent language
How about Steve Jobs? He was a proper cunt.
Sup Forums is so fucking ironical,
>hur dur verbose languages are shit
>I have to prove OP is wrong
now cobol the most verbose language is great.
Spot on
We have a female programmer on our small team, and she's just as good as anyone else there.
>reaching this hard to try and justify misogyny
She is probably a he.
She was also a terrible capitalist who tried to chase an entire town out of their homes by raiding them.
greatest compiler writer ever and winner of Turing award
Yeah and bluetooth sucks ass even to this day
Who else here /koding/?
So is he to be fair
Bluetooth was actually made by some Dutch guy.
>only reason why there were lot of female programmers is because punching cards was a tedious task
Sounds like women would be great web developers
>learn this meme library that will be out dated in a year
>now learn this meme library
My favorite programmer cd
you are all missing the point of the image
you never see hear teaching good looking girls
worst meme her work was useful, only people before WWII research about early computer.
don't be retarded, she's good looking no matter what race group you consider.
she didn't invented all blueetoth