What is this? An OS for tablets?
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hmmm cheese is right. Not a design head, but this looks wrong.
Like I would ever use it though.
my old pcs cry when they have to open that stupid menu
i don't need unity and kde's eye candy
Is this really the new Ubuntu? What's with the phone scroll shit on the right
Last one looked better
>eye candy
>uses shitty compositor that doesn't mesh well with openGL, and can't be quickly disabled
>uses the compositing technology to paint fucking terrible window borders
how do they go out of their way to get the worst of both worlds
I use menu like once a day on mint everything can be done from terminal launched from shortcut on a bar... Who the fuck cares? I could live with browser tabs on left as ;running apps; and browser window as application space interface and line would also work like terminal, some kind of joining web browser into file browser, ...
So I'm gonna turn this shit off, create some simple DE where there is no desktop, just launched web browser,
There are tabs on the left and multiple workspaces switchable by keyboard shortcuts
when i write command in adress bar it works like shell
when i type path, it works like file browser
when i type some application name, it launches app
it would deliver on php based server, so i could turn of the browser, and work on another machine trought browser like that
no stuff like opengl outside of webgl...
you can make pictures even in web browser...
webbrowser plays video and music,
everything else is waste of space...
Who's into this?
Because compared to this GNOME suck cock.
I wonder how it would work for an X220t/X230t
10 Workspaces
Good organisation of screen space
Adress bar at the bottom for shell like consistency...
Some Icons like sound can be next to adressbar, it doesn't have to be that big...
I'm kinda into this.
That’s what it’s looked like ever since Unity was created. The last one didn’t “look better”, it was just slightly different in terms of graphics, the layout was the exact same. Are you blind?
Did you know that you can end a sentence with a single dot? You write like a retard.
>it would deliver on php based server
Oh, nevermind, you actually do have mental issues.
You're obviously inside the menu. What should it look like then? Smaller icons? The desktop itself looks perfectly normal.
This sounds a lot like Chrome OS (everything is a bullshit browser app) mixed in with i3 (no desktop, no menus, switchable workspaces with keyboard shortcuts).
Why don't you just use i3 and save yourself a lot of time?
Name something faster then php whet it comes to financial expesing at computing technology + money for software developers...
How else you want to do whole feed for browser?
Actually once it's on PHP and JS you can hire a indian developer to do it correctly for almost nothing...
There is difference between sentances...
There is difference between sentances
There is difference between sentances.
Three different sentances with different meaning...
But you retard still have to end your code by semicolon, don't you?
Because it's just few cases of new line you would need to solve in compiler you write more like an idiot, that's resolving who have mental issues.
sudo apt-get install i3
To fix all your problems.
Just use i3 or qutebrowser, they are already doing most of the things you listed here, although I understand what the difference is these things already do what you want.
It's desktop enviroment that that you can have remote desktop to by browser tab, in writing of one code...
You guys are into writing code, not into seeing results of your code...
PHP is fast, effecient webserver. I'm not talking about apache, but php can handle sockets well and it's done fast.
What are you even coding that you are satisfied with 3 different input places for one thing and one completely retarded
>opening terminal
>writing (explorer) /path
Then seeing thumbnails, instead of just having one unified terminal...
Actually this is better if it's working in FUCKING ELECTRON than not at all.
I bet you code in fucking autistic vim or something.
I want to save click for every being on the planet, not just me.
There's a fork of unity now called yunity and these randoms are gonna keep working on it
>whatsapp spacing
>4chin spacing
It's a Desktop environment for developers, not for users. It's called Gnome. It's shit.
It's not for just general developers and programmers though, GNOME is for GNOME developers.
Python is just hyped...
I'm going to write javascript(yea I can run chromes engine inside an multiplatform application too) mock up of the interface and I will hope somebody will find a more RACIONAL way to do it...
It's like if you get i5 you can do that type of stuff, if you don't it's your fault.
I couldnt play games, because lack of processor, now poor people would need to click twice...
Actually if somebody will C it out then it would be great reduction and slow pc would have chance to do that.
No it's from php code
Code is every two lines, so you can read it even in vim.
Hey there, php was supporting GTK.
Also it's powerfull scripting langluage.
You can't call php programming, because you don't set out variables yourself...
That's why javascript simple object playing is programming.
Yunit is a fork of Unity 8, with the intention of continuing that development and eventually delivering a full Unity 8 desktop (note Unity 8 is/was under active development and wasn't considered 'stable')
Artemis is a fork of Unity 7/7.5, with the intention of maintaining it and porting it Wayland (more like MATE)
Actually for one sort of things I could for another I just can't.
neat thanks
Yes, the point is that user experience and needs don't matter to them. Gnome is made for their own needs as Gnome developers.
Sounds like that time again...
They're born from the same filth the Logitech Harmony developers were.
Goddamn I just wanted a universal remote I could program from PC, not some 'activities based' based bullshit.
Please be kidding mr shuttleworth ;w; we were only kidding plz no kill units.
GNOME is okay.
It has a lot of stupid shit in it but it's workflow is kinda addicting. It's like a good twm without any bullshit and muh meme non-bloat.
>kde's eye candy
What eye candy? You mean the desktop effects that are all easily able to be disabled from the system settings menu? The application launcher is quite modest and is fully replaceable with a much simpler application launcher that comes with KDE if you really want something reminiscent of Windows 2000. However, the alt-space launcher (krunner) is all you should really need and it is lightweight enough for any computer if you disable all the plugins.
install gentoo
Even if you could use this on touch devices could you imagine the driver hell you'd be in trying to find drivers for your generic chink shit touch chipset.
I shudder to think. Linux, not even once.
>It has a lot of stupid shit in it
and a lot of neccessary stuff removed
>but it's workflow is kinda addicting.
You can have the same with any other DE without the annoying shortcomings and retarded extensions nonsense
>and a lot of neccessary stuff removed
Yeah, I agree. Why the fuck do you remove tray icons before implementing a working alternative? And why they hate window buttons so much?
>You can have the same with any other DE without the annoying shortcomings and retarded extensions nonsense
I don't really use extensions except for pixel saver (undecorate maximized windows) and workspace indicator. Shortcomics are here but the GNOME itself somehow feels very solid and looks like it was made by professionals. Can't really say that about any other DE or WM.
Xfce does feel that way, however it just provides the basic functionality while user has to care himself about decent icons, themes, desktop lay out and additionally tools like dashboard etc.
congratulations you wrote sentences wrong 4 times in a row
DE for tablets. Don't use Gnome.
Gnome developers excuse is that it also has keyboard shortcuts on top of their tablet UI and therefore is clearly designed for desktops.
It's touch ready, yes.
Its Gnome