So now when the dust has settled
Hwat's the verdict, Sup Forums?
So now when the dust has settled
Backend: Python + Flask
>le settled dust meme
Fuck off
You're not actually going to make a website in Flask.. right.
It's primarily for making API's. Use Django for an enterprise-grade website.
> Use a bloated framework that comes with its own shitty ORM and templating language
Pyramid > Flask > Django
Good argument, fanboy faggot
Either Python, Elixir or Haskell. Node.js is shit-tier.
Why is node shit tier?
backend: Go
A website is literally just a bunch of APIs and static assets.
>actually rendering templates on the server side
It's not 2003 anymore.
c++ and c++
2015 onward was a mistake
Pyramid is one of the best frameworks not only in Python but in any language you can ever find, it's heartbreaking that this masterpiece is so underrated, it should be standard for backend frameworks
Sorry, I posted the wrong image
Don't phone posters still need server rendered sites for a non-shit experience?
>one of the best frameworks not only in Python but in any language you can ever find
why? i'm looking at it and it's no different than any other interpreted language web framework with the exact same workflow of import framework; framework.route(); framework.serve()
Only if they are literally running 5 year old phones
Most of these are my opinion, but:
1.) Javascript has noisy syntax
2.) Handling errors in JS is a clusterfuck
3.) Async code is much harder to read and extend than "regular" synchronous code.
4.) Node's event loop is an easy way to tear down your entire app with a single mistake
5.) Even with newer versions of Node, callbacks are nearly impossible to avoid (and callbacks kill productivity).
6.) No common standards.
7.) NPM sucks
8.) Node typically requires at least 2x the amount of libraries the same app would need in other languages
9.) If Javascript wasn't "the language of the web", nobody would pay attention to it
>Javascript has noisy syntax
Not after ES6, it's actually pleasant to write javascript nowadays
> Handling errors in JS is a clusterfuck
most of these errors are type errors that can be elminated with typescript
> Async code is much harder to read and extend than "regular" synchronous code
that's just you, work harder
> Node's event loop is an easy way to tear down your entire app with a single mistake
proof? it's just a queue that contains to be executed callbacks, nothing more
> Even with newer versions of Node, callbacks are nearly impossible to avoid (and callbacks kill productivity).
that's the whole idea of asyncio that has been implement recently in old languages like Python because it's much more efficient for heavy io software like webservers
> No common standards
It's becoming so more and more
> NPM sucks
npm is the most advanced package manager in any language, you suck
> Node typically requires at least 2x the amount of libraries the same app would need in other languages
so what?
> If Javascript wasn't "the language of the web", nobody would pay attention to it
correct with pre es6
that faggot is not me
>it's not 2003 anymore
>let's not use hypertext transfer protocol for transferring complete, semantically meaningful hypertext documents uniquely identified by their URIs
>let's serve megabytes of cancerous JavaScript code clients need to run in order to assemble (after a dozen of additional XHR requests) unsaveable, unbookmarkable, ephemeric "documents" for themselves
Fuck off.
Good websites work without JavaScript.
Sorry, I posted the wrong image
java is still on top. just like it was 10 years ago and just like it will be in 10 years. meme-tier hipster technologies belong in the trash
sorry again, I meant this
Java is for pajeets only, spring is a clusterfuck
Can't I just program the frontend in C#/.NET already via wasm?
javascript is goodly
node is not goodly, because node is pretty fucking gross, source editing eval() bullshit with a "minimal" OS API because muh modules which are either platform specific or memory leak like a fucking bitch. also enjoy running npm rebuild I guess for each fucking platform you may deploy to, or maybe just drop these .node blobs for fucking each platform you may ever magically deploy your shit to. super genius.
the ECMA6 committee making import async and throwing in webworkers is really fucking btfo'ing these joyent niggers for how half baked their runtime really is.
hopefully ECMA will just standardize a formal runtime that all nonbrowser runtimes have to implement because I'm tired of node's shit.
that's pretty much it.
Please stop typing like this
it's faster than assembly
backend: Scala + Play
frontend: html 1.0
Single threaded pile of unoptimized garbage. Why is it even allowed to exist
Php + symfony all other options are for jobless kids
Backend: MSX Basic + some pokes to access the network cartridge
Frontend: Precompressed JS, so it don't hog on the Z80 CPU
What about Laravel? I know it uses Symphony, but I find it way better and easier to use.
Elixir + Phoenix + Vue is the only viable choice in 2017
Javascript as well as any other language designed for the front end has no place in the backend and will always fall short in some way compared to languages designed to be run on a server.
Are you just trying to sound like a hipster now or are you dead serious?
PHP was great when you needed to create a personal blog in the year 2003
I am riding the D / vibe.d / coffeescript train and couldn't be happier.
alternatives apart of toy languages aka python ?
>labeling python as a toy language
you're already retarded, but fuck it, you can use golang as an example
Daily reminder that Javascript will erode as Webassembly frees developers from such a shite language
Node blocks
Python cant multithread well
Php was once insecure as shit but it is still king of backend simply because of its use in wordpress.
Backend will go away for most shit once ipfs and zeronet take off
anything is better than a shitty scripting lang
What's the sanest approach to using webassembly as of today?
that would be a dream