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funny when i posted shit like this on Sup Forums the reddit mods ban me

>reflexively memeing at any mention of civil rights
lmao what a mess

Pajeet detected

Found your problem

>Civil rights

I was reacting to the Egyptian imagery.

>still using Google

>egyptian ankh
>eye of horus
>euro-style crown

Why is Google using using this "we wuz kangz" black conspiracy theorist imagery?


>"black conspiracy theorist"

You do realize that many black people believe that there was a conspiracy by whites to cover up that the pharoes of egypt and many euro historical figures were black, yes?

google and youtube needs to be nationalized...NOW.


Google and youtube need to be broke out back into seperste companies that are not both owned by alphabet

sorry I'm drunk and can't see a reason to get mad about

>Sup Forums - Technology

>google isnt technology

This isn't even tech related. You deserve your ban, fuck off.

Google may be a technology company but its internal politics and things related to it, such as the artwork of the Google logo, are not. So is so tangentially related to tech that it's effectively not related at all. You just came here to shitpost and bait people and reduce the overall board quality, what's left of it anyway.

Just fuck the hell off.

t. polfag who always tries to push his racial politic bullshit on Sup Forums

go back to your trump general circlejerk, fucking american inbred hick tranny kekistani imbecile

Your thread is bad and you should feel bad

>caring about Google's pandering to minorities

Just google "american inventors", thats sure to rustly your jimmies. It's in their best interest to appease the SJWs or be berated in this backwards media cluster fuck

fuck off cuck nigger lover, worship god trump or die like a shitskin

google logos are the worst. The shit icing on the shit cake. Always some foreigner or minority individual that I've never heard of before. Way to force feed a bunch of crap.

>being so thick as to not realize i was agreeing with you

If you're just going to spout senseless trigger words, pol is a better place to do it friend