Why is Spain so shitty? Life is hell here (literally in summer)

Why is Spain so shitty? Life is hell here (literally in summer).

Spain is best country in europe. Comfy

Algeria isn't even the best cunt in Africa

go away moor, you don't know what you're talking about

Nah, we are shit

Someone pls nuke us

How can an abstract concept such as life literally be an ineffable, purely conceptual place such as hell?

We are, we've the highest HDI.

I do, I visited Madrid and Barcelona several times! It was very nice, food, people, movies etc..

I'm a spaniard enthousiat.

Cross the border and I'll cuddle you at night

go drown in your designated literal shit pool you brainless monkey

life is objectively hell here

There's some lovely beaches in Andalucia and some are cheap as fuck, good windsurfing as well. Other than running into some African migrants you'll have the time of your life, and good, well suplied camping areas if you really want to stretch your buck...

If you're stuck in a city go lie in a nice shaded area under a tree in whatever park is popular and enjoy the hotties sunbathing, take some ice cold gazpacho, a tortilla de patata and some calimocho or tinto de verano... Yeah, the heat is bad, I've been there on the summer, but there's plenty of things to do to fight the heat even if you're a poorfag...

>Why is Spain so shitty?


spain is fucked by europe union, 25% unemployment and 50% young unemployment.

being honest, germans are scum.


Spaniards are genetically inferior. This is a scientific fact proved by race statistics and IQ tests, no need to hide it


Always thought Spain was another rich European country. This redpill is quite bitter desu.

ironically you are considered scum here

We don't care what Iberian shitskins think

Chicanos are genetically inferior. This is a scientific fact proved by race statistics and IQ tests, no need to hide it

the same thing with you, probably i don't want to visit your country in my life because
i don't want to get a shot.

>m-m-mm-uh HDI

Of course, when more than 20% of your cunt is in france alone

t. Javier al-Moordrid bin Siesta bin Notrabajo

I asked on /esp/ the other day but didn't really get an answer, why is unemployment, particularly youth unemployment, so high in Spain?

That's 100% your fault for bringing those savages into my country, once again proving that Spaniards and their spawn are a burden to the planet

>don't want to get a shot

didn't know you were antivaxx, you'll fit right in with america

t. tranny cuckold faggot minority in his own (((country)))

en cualquier foro de españa te lo diran, cuando entramos en la union europea se desmantelo nuestra industria a cambio de dinero para hacer carreteras ( bomb inmobiliario) eso ha llevado al crash del 2007, no tenemos nada de insdustria , toda fue vendida a empresas Francesas y Alemanas, vivimos del turismo..

Chile tiene mas industria que España por gdp por ejemplo.es decir le dedica mas gdp a eso...tus tasas de paro son bajisimas como puedes comprobar.

It always amuses me when some American retarded middle school dropout barges in a thread where no one really needed to see him and says something about IQ and genetic inferiority, like his fucking opinion based on proof-less scientific "facts" from some foxnews-tier company matters.
No butthurt, just saying.

>en cualquier foro de españa te lo diran
ya sabes adonde tienes que volver

que nos la han colado los alemanes, por que somso tontos "muh yo soy europe y mierda" para que? si son la cosa mas infrahumana que hay por encima de los pirineos, jodiendo toda su vida han estado.

Germany and socialism.

Por una mezcla de socialismo y de Alemania tocando las narices.

Porque durante la entrada de la unión Europa Alemania no exigió que cerrásemos ciertos centros industriales propiedad del estado a cambio de prestamos que los socialistas querían utilizar en programas sociales, con es evidente la economía se entorpeció muchísimo y casi todos los operarios pasaron al sector servicios esto hizo que los empleos de alta cualificación fueran escasos.

Luego hubo un periodo de avance pero en vez de tratar de promover un sector diversificado se dejo estallar la burbuja, cuando estallo la burbuja llegaron los socialistas de nuevo y tenían dos opciones, desregularizar el mercado y dejar que la cosa fuera sola para que esos 4 millones de desempleados se recolocasen solos como se hizo en Irlanda o tratar de crear un nuevo sector competitivo donde meterlos, ¿Cual fue la solución que se les ocurrió? Gastar todo el dinero de las arcas en proyectos sociales que la mitad a día de hoy están cerrados porque no sirvieron para nada; El más grande y con diferencia es la expo de Zaragoza, pero existen muchísimos.

Así que llega Rajoy y se encuentra unas arcas vacías ¿Y que hace? Desregularizar un poco el mercado lo que logra que se pare la destrucción de empleo pero las empresas que no son tontas se aprovechan y buscan trabajadores hipercualificados para puestos de mierda, para trabajar en el Burger King te piden un grado superior que es algo como un pregrado universitario.

¿Resultado? 50% de paro en los jóvenes, si nunca hubiéramos aceptados los prestamos nada de esto hubiera pasado.


todo esto viene de los 80s, hay empezo el paro estructural.


Pues eso, lo que dije. Justo en esos años decae la producción industrial y muchos centros industriales del estado se cierran, no hace falta que explique que si fabricas pocas cosas, vendes menos y tienes menos dinero ¿No?; Cualquier registro de datos económicos avala mi posición.

why don't spain leave the EU? they fucking rape you


Really makes you think.

gracias por las respuestas, les deseo lo mejor.

because debts

>why don't spain leave the EU?
because we cannot like UK , we are fucked :( lol

High unemployment

That's really it, but it's a big issue

is it because there are no major parties in spain that are eurosceptic? would any of them even offer a referendum?

Esto es insalvable.

Aquí la gente joven cree seriamente que todo se arregla con feminismo y más socialismo, entendería que fueran sindicalistas y que exigieran más para la clase obrera y menos para el capitalista, pero prácticamente lo que quieren es más burocracia, más feminismo, más moros y jodernos a todos.

Si te pones serio con cualquier joven español te aseguro que es capaz de decirte que puedes arreglar un coche con feminismo, la propaganda de la UE hizo mucho daño, luego añade nuestra economía en la mierda gracias a lo que paso en los 80 y de aquí no sale ni dios. Casi todo nuestro presupuesto se va en paguitas.

doesn't make sense to me. could you explain?

>is it because there are no major parties in spain that are eurosceptic?
yes, check spanish debt is impossible although we don't want EU. if spain leaves UE ,BOOM

1. No.
2. No. If they did would come out certainly not, older people do not know very well that the EU is and and young people believe that cars are arranged with feminism, united kingdom decision was branded a neo-Nazi by popular opinion, im sure in this referendum they have a no. In addition to the Pro-EU never consults on serious issues. Or i can vote the issue of refugees?

We are stronger, ready, and we have a huge penis. They are weak and need to load up with them.


Nice post

Hmm yes I suppose Spain's economy is fragile enough that it shouldn't leave for the time being

Shame about the brainwashing though

I dont think the EU hurt Spain, I think the Euro hurt Spain.
If Spain had kept the Peseta, after the 2008 crisis its currency would have devalued greatly, and, even though that makes everyone poorer, it would have made the country much more competitive, and years ago they would have returned to a normal unemployment rate.

I also think something that hurt Spain is all the separatism, and all the money the spend on that stuff. If Spain were fine, there would be people asking for an academy of the llingua Lleonesa, and an institute for translating movies into aragonese.
They had taken the nationalism and localism to a ridiculous degree.

>wah wah it's another country's fault
We've been bombed to shit and completely destroyed twice this past century yet here we are

Meanwhile you were kindly asked to spend your welfare money carefully

>yet here we are

This is just the storm that precedes true Grace. The end of a long intermission between Golden Eras.

We'll rise again - united. And we will not falter in our ascent to greatness.

It is through hardship that we prevail. It has always been this way.

It is fated.

>We've been bombed to shit and completely destroyed
and USA helped you bastard, and german debt was forgiven...

Spain did not receive marshall plan, we had 40 years dictatorship, and we are fucked by your country

t. Alberto Moorbosa

after the first time hitler recovered the country, we cant get anything like that because we're stuck with democracy and a bazillion of retards voting left wing every time

after the second war it was marshall plan money, we dont get anything like that either because the money eu gives us results in debt

>we had 40 years dictatorship

Germans helped Franco win the war.

>I am quite sure that very few of the so-called Reds in Spain were really Communists. We were badly deceived, for, had I known the real state of affairs, I would never have allowed our aircraft to bombard and destroy a starving population and at the same time re-establish the Spanish clergy in all their horrible privileges.

And if it wasn't enough, germans invented pic related.

Try making better stuff for less money.

>immigrants integrating

Nothing wrong with that.
Also, bit rich coming from a Brit, huh?

Maybe I was too harsh, but the Marshall Plan was not a gift. It had to be paid back to some extent. The German economy recovered because some infrastructure was untouched and we had nowhere to go but up.

Why do you complain about Spain anyway
>beautiful women
>great food
>marvelous architecture
>awesome weather

You know the average Northern/Central European would kill to live there
Just kick out Podemos

>The German economy recovered because some infrastructure was untouched and we had nowhere to go but up.
are you sure you had nowhere to go but up? the likes of podemos and psoe would've sold it to have welfare for 1-2 years

The Euro literally keeps southern Europe tied to you and fucks them over. It was a terrible idea. The best thing for them would be to leave the EU. I'm just waiting for the Italian banking system to crash with it's 300 billion in bad loans and then the fun will really begin.

They are always talking about the Deutsche Bank being a nuclear bomb waiting to explode but they have been saying this for so long that I don't know if it's a meme.

Deutsche Bank is in an incredibly weak position. It did shit in the recent stress tests. Coupled with the Italian banking crisis, the EU is likely to see some serious shit in the coming year or more.

Would be really funny if germs destroyed Europe for a third time.

>the EU is likely to see some serious shit in the coming year or more.
i wish

>pizza paella
Why would someone do that anyway?

>Why do you complain about Spain anyway
are you serious? really? with 25%unemployment ...please

You are overreacting. You have high unemployment but that's about it. You country has beautiful cities, music, culture, weather everything.
Imagine living in Bosnia.You'd have double the Spains unemployment.(about 60% of young bosnians are unemployed)
I live in a capital and we have water reductions every single day.That shit doesn't even happen in africa. Many people in my country don't even have electricity.
Our air is very polluted, streets are dirty and full of beggars and people trying to sell shit to you.

You should really appreciate your life in Spain dude, because Spain is paradise.

>You know the average Northern/Central European would kill to live there
if you want to live in a hellhole of course

>y-your countries not so bad!! l-look i basically live in hell!

Yeah, we are in the 6th circle of hell and you are in the 7th.

We got more culture per square mile then your entire "Country".

If you are in 6th we are in 100th then.
You are the 30th riches country in the world, so you shouldn't be complaining.You are richer than 90% of the planet. And Bosnia is not even in the top 100!


el mejicANO

el socialismo nunca existido en españa

En los ochenta la unión europea nos obligo a desmantelar la industria y hacer políticas liberales que los revisionistas corruptos del psoe pudieran decir We WUz europe ANS sHIT, después otro gobierno del pp hizo lo mismo y dio las empresas a sus amigos, otro gobierno del peso sin nada que saquear fue full idpol y más tarde Rajoy puso los últimos clavos en el ataúd de este país. Lo peor es que ahora no hay solución sin dolor pero retrasados como este
Insisten en imponer las mismas políticas que nos llevaron a la ruina

>Querer competir con Alemania teniendo la misma moneda y las mismas leyes comerciales

Literalmente la misma estupidez que hicimos nosotros en los 90, te sirven 3 años como máximo pero después te rompe el culo

Reminder that Iberians are moorish mongrels and genetically inferior.
And that's incidentally why your country is shit too.

Precisamente privatizar empresas públicas es lo menos socialista que se puede hacer pero para los que no tienen ni idea eso también es socialismo y la fórmula nunca falla si la economía se va a la mierda ¡culpa al socialismo!

t. ignorate con buena ortografía.

France, Italy and Spain need to unite and make the EU central bank work for them.

But how?

being yourselves.