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International #629
/rom/+/ita/ = /romita/
Your country
You wake up at your current location in the year 1700. What do you do?
/Nachtschicht/ tagsüber auch /deutsch/
Are braces common in your country?
Why so northern Euros hate their parents?
Tl;dr: what do the Nordic Country Anons think about the Welfare State
Finland YES
I saw a blond thick sexy girl between 17 and 19yo near the beach who drank a 8,6 beer
/ita/ - il filo
These are the two best countries in the world
Rangeban when
1. ITT post the intro of the kid show you used to watch when you were a kid
His flag consists of three straight coloured lines
Look at all these attacks that Eastern Europe, with its rampant racist culture has had to face
All the racism on this board is just memes, right?
Hilo Latino /lat/
You can only post here when your country is superior to all your neighbour countries
Is america really fat? whenever i see shit from america...
What is the point of this Finnish bear meme?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Mfw france has literally a town called "Anus"
Why are asians girls especially koreans autistic as fuck and cold on social apps ? They don't get irony
Just finished watching this after I ran out of things to watch...
My dad always sits down peeing when he goes to public toilets
Go to google
Really makes you think
How racist is your country?
Is this correct?
I want an american girlfriend so I could move to the US and escape the life of poverty
/urban/ + /architecture/
What right do Jews have to the land occupied by The State of Israel?
Be brit
Post average girls from your country
What went wrong?
What's your height Sup Forums?
The /balt/ and the /ausnz/
User,I heard you don't like Arab girls
What European city should I move to?
State thread
1. Your cunt
Non-native English speakers, what was the hardest part of the language for you to learn?
Question to Danish anons
London given 600 extra armed police
Yo! wut up white boy!
Good morning Sup Forums
Scottish AMA
What brand of cigarettes do you smoke, anons?
You guys are my friends r-right?
Hello Sup Forums
Your country
Why don't you reveal your power level by displaying your heritage irl, user?
Are women in your country more like the diagram on the left or the diagram on the right?
Faces of Sup Forums
Putting anything at all into your tea or coffee
/asean/ - Mochi Edition
Taking a shit in the Munich airport with others around also taking furious shits
Why do Brazilians give their children coffee?
If you're not Irish, Greek, Italian or Portuguese you are NOT white
You may only post in this thread if a chess player representing your country has ever achieved a live rating in excess...
You're cuntry
Brainwashed zombie mass would consider this as a crime
Tfw no German gf
Do you dislike korea?
Why does germany make the best cars in europe?
Whatever happened to this man?
Your country
Tell me about European right wing parties please. Wilders, UKIP, Front Nacional, AfD...
What's the point of learning a major language?
Post lower middle class neighborhoods from your city
Reminder: This is the average Australian man
Hilo Español/Spanish thread
Asian-Americans dislikes Trump
Holy Shit. China made a new style of the maid that is male. It's so awful
/deutsch/ Stammtisch - Mehrfache Ausgabe
ITT post your city's mayor and what you think of them
Is he white?
What sickens you most about the Republic of Ireland, Sup Forums?
Vocaroo thread?
Why do >we call people from the netherlands "dutch", when the actual "dutch land" is germany?
Are women in your country easy to fuck?
TFW no wheelchair bound qt gf
Why are weaboos so pathetic?
Post your nip Sup Forums let's see how white you really are
Italy is literally the greatest country in mankind's history
I'm high school student in japan
Are establishments with this policy common in Japan?
Le /fr/ancofil - du jour
Is your country autistic Sup Forums?
Where did it all go wrong for these 2?
Tfw big sister is sickly thin and starving herself
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Today is my birthday. One year closer to death
I'm sorry···
Am I white?
How does this pic makes you feel? tell me
Poorest country in the world
Why does Lithuania hate life so much?
BBQ of Japan
How did this
In your opinion
Why do Czechs write always that Greeks are lazy?
We wuz wolves n sheit
Really makes me think
The /balt/ and the /ausnz/
Are they good looking?
If it wasn't for NATO and UN you would have lost the war!!! damn vatican reptilians saved you!!!
Does Norway have the best grills?
Rate your country
Western media stuck in it's own ass
/MeNa/ - Middle East & North Africa
Why are brown Muslims such a bad people...
Times australia ruined our lives
Tfw can say "nigger", "kike", "zipperhead" or "filth" in a public conversation and nobody bats an eye
Risk Thread
Is this the best country in the world ?
Post your favourite animals from your country
What did they mean by this tbhh?
It really tickles me pink to imagine being from a second or third world country...
How can non-white women ever compete ?
Finnish birth rate drops to historic low
Was it an invasion?
Nation boarders are an outdated and bigoted concept. Humans (and animals) have been migrating since the dawn of time
/ita/ - il filo
Are we damaging Europe with this?
30 years ago we thought Sweden, Germany, France are the countries of our dreams. We were jealous. Now, after this time...
White cop shoots black man in america
I think Ukraine Girl is best
/aush/ Australia-Hungary
TFW former colonials are now socially irrelevant
Does the average American think that Asia = China/Japan/Korea, and that India is in the Middle East?
Are people in your country excited for the olympics?
Are serbs the least white slavs...
Why the English are obsessed with France and the French?
Why do westerners hate black people? They are pretty decent persons actually...
Norwegian here
American """eagles"""
Kurva anyátok
State thread
Culture Pals: Generic Edition
ITT: things America made better
Does this state serve any purpose?
Belgium's president
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
At whole foods
Which of these are you?
Is it too late to travel across europe?
What exactly makes them different from each other?
Sup Forums please help me
How can sex with Korean Girl?
"Excuse me user but you mentioned you were NOT, in fact sexually active...
Let's say someone living at Vostok Station posted on Sup Forums. What would their flag be?
Wake up
It says here you know a lot about flags and the negative aspects of almost every country in the world. Care to explain?
/v4/ thick edition
Find out on sunday the qt latina i've been dating for the past 6 months is actually my first cousin
How much do video games cost in your country?
If i lived in USA instead of Colombia, a literal 3rd world narcoguerrilla wasteland, i would
What will Sup Forums be like in 10 years?
Would you date a Chinese girl?
Are Americans the only people who call their parents and grandparents by their first names?
Australia exists because Britain needed somewhere to put its genetic trash
Your cunt
Finally, a map we can all agree on
Is the US a poor country? All the info I've found online seems to be misleading
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Gold n' Stuff
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How do these people look at Japan...
What normie activities have you done so far this summer my fellow Northern Hemisphere patrons?
Why does Turkey think they are Europeans?
Daily reminder
ITT: Languages that look absolutely beautiful in print. I'll start
Gets offended that we casually call the US "America"
Why are Dutch people so pathetic?
What do you do on your computer all day user?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Post your local McDonald's branch
Be white person
Quebec is actually bretty good
Golden Age
I'm going to McDonald's, want anything?
Wtf I hate white people now!!
Mom found the buttplug and panties
ITT Biggest mistakes in history
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only girl around here. Am I the only girl around here?
Хoчy пepeвecти нa aнглийcкий тeкcт пecни, пoмoгитe, a тo мнe cлoжнo...
I am willing to die for my country
You can only post in this thread if you live in the cultural heart of your country
People keep asking as to why the Arab community in France is so filled with rage as to commit so many terrorist attacks...
Every single major royalty in Europe can be traced back to a Dutch prince
I will always be Chinese in a country that is racist and hates me
This confuses and enrages the European
be me
Guess where's she from
American educ-
Why is this board the most cancerous and toxic shithole on the whole website ? all it has to offer is cancer...
What kind of computer do you use to browse Sup Forums?
Daily reminder that without America they would be third world trash
What is your country's "Oy vey! It's the Shoah all over again!"?
Someone found a way to save the Olympics...
Damn... Really makes you think
Who /Somali/ here?
Loving /balt/ is all i /ausnz/
Could i pass as a local in your country?
Post presidents, prime ministers, leaders, etc that fucked over your country
Moved to the UK and been living in Bristol for the last month
What climate is Sup Forums in? Dfa reporting in
Esquivando bans con migue y amigos /lat/
I will always be a retarded beaner with dark brown skin, Native American features and short height (Below 175 cm)
Getting a (You) from a Brit vs. getting a (You) from an American
People on other boards think Sup Forums memes originate from Sup Forums
Why do we never hear of ethnic separatism in Iran?
Tfw no Monarchy
be me
Every time I watch a casual video featuring black americans, I mean civil, normal, regular black americans...
This is the future
What does google say about your country?
Why is Spain in such a severe crisis? How bad is it actually?
ITT: Try to guess the meaning of the flags above you
Anyone else laugh at the average Americans life?
/ex-yu/ filmsko izdanje
What is the drug of choice in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Could she pass as a local in your country?
/rom/ - Romance thread
Name an uglier flag
Why are most countries scared of nakedness?
Are "men" with yellow fever crypto-pedophiles?
/fr/ - Le Francofil de la francophonie
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
When a yuro refers to döner as kebab
1. Your country
Homo Erectus was around for about 2 million years
Questions for East Euros, Finns, Balkanites and Turks
/deutsch/ nachtschicht
Who would win?
Best day of my life, fuck america
Really makes you think
Chile explain this
/urban/ + /architecture/
Your country
Why are other cunts less patriotic than America? The US has a nice culture of pride in our country...
What makes you visit Sup Forums everyday?
Europe used to be the economic, scientific, military and cultural centre of the planet
Why is it so hard for Europeans to admit they A) literally created America and B) that 99% of our culture has its roots...
What's your IQ Sup Forums?
Svergietråden- SISTA POSTEN upplagan
I'm going to Finland, what should I expect?
EINFACH - Edition
Tfw Chad has a fucking country named after him
What will the reaction in Britain and the commonwealth be like when their queen dies?
/ ex-yu /
This man may be in charge of the most powerful country on Earth, with the most powerful military...
Is your country a good boy?
Will you die alone?
Killing cows to eat its meat: allowed
Do People Actually See The Same Colours ?
Just came home from Sicily
My sister is going on a exchange trip to Denmark for one year. Any advice to her...
The IQ 103 marks share and Friuli Venezia Giulia was as the region 'smartest of Italy...
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
When you see this flag, do you ever think of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?
How's your handwriting?
What do you call this in your cunt
If this doesn't bother you, you're a horrible person
Sup Forums calls Trudeau a cuck
Who is the most important single person in history other than religious figures, and why is it Hammurabi?
People keep asking as to why the Arab community in France is so filled with rage as to commit so many terrorist attacks...
Could I fit in as a local in your country?
Post food exclusive to your state / country and rate
What happens here? Is it just a Desert inhabited by a few Ayy lmaos?
Why is this allowed?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/neudeutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/
What do you know about this state Sup Forums, do you even know its name?
You are having a drink with your friends and you raise your glasses and clink them together
Can I travel around Greece without getting robbed and raped?
Tfw can carry this much cash around and not feel paranoid at all
Do you like japan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Whats the best beer from your country?
Post your perfect Europe
/ita/ - il filo
ITT The fastest speed you've driven in your cunt
Really makes you think
Sverigetråden - Den nya spännande tråden
When will Islam have a humanist period like Christianity did during the Renaissance?
Reminder to be extra nice to the funlandians
1. Your cunt
How does the Mexican government plan to pay for the wall?
Is Rome truly the eternal city or is it just a meme tourist city?
Bilingual people
Why do western liberals often protect Muslims? I mean, in Russia liberals are anti-Islamic /anti-Christian...
Uni Thread
Imagine that God (if it exists) has a task for every nation or ethnicity. What is yours?
Hours of school
How do you call this in your country?
/slav/ /cлaв/
Which European genes make the most white looking children when combined with Asian genes?
How can non-white women ever compete ?
ITT: Say only nice things for the 2 countries above you
What are Scandanavian women like?
Faces of Sup Forums
Why do poles so much hate poland and other poles
Perfect world
Hilo Español
What country has the best white rappers?
Sup Forums
Why people mistake West Slavs (Wends) for the East Slavs. We are chill, civilized and sophisticated...
Anyone up for a RISK game?
Brits are
Why are German people so evil?
Tfw no gf
1. City
Obligatory hindi-english
ITT: Languages that look absolutely disgusting in print. I'll start
Translation needed
Just got back from a trip to Poland
Why is this allowed?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The type of dogs a country had bred are a reflection on that nation's national character
Poland is the most successful Central European country of the 2010s
Archaeologists found a necropolis from a Merovingian village in northern France. More than 600 skeletons
Hey Anons, do your women fart in public?
It pains me to meet young people who seem to have opted for ‘early retirement’...
Your age
Visit Poland
Le /fr/ancofil - du jour
Why is Canada so cucked?
Why do Americans have a very "gay" body language and speech? Another example would be Donald Trump...
What do you call this in your country?
Slavs, would you ever get surgery to turn yourself white?
/deutsch/ - Igelausgabe
What do you think about this?
Are Americans mentally ill?
What are these called in your country?
Your country
Italy > Spain
How do Arabs in India experience when they see the Taj Mahal?
Mom found my panties and buttplug
Пoчeмy вaм нyжнa Япoнию?
/ita/ - il filo
Are nazi eyes popular in your cunt?
Which European countries are the most Americanized?
Europoors, tell me about gypsies. Are they technically citizens of your country...
Kurva anyátok
What do you think about the death of America?
Flag thread?
Would you date a fit girl who made you exercise with her?
/asean/- Peaceful region edition
What is their fucking problem?
Is your cunt sad?
What is this called in your country?
Why are there so many misconceptions about Poland?
Hey folks, one question, is this true ??
You are cunt
Why the US will not shoot such good films as: police Academy, full metal jacket, Scarface, terminator 2...
Why are Icelandic women so grotesque?
Miss Michigan
TFW mom found the masturbation sock set
Texas allows guns in college classrooms under new law
How do we save Brazil? How do we save the Olympics?
Is this accurate?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why should I move to your country Sup Forums?
ITT post
Sverigetråden: fågelvänner upplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
1. your cunt
Europoors will defend this
The raped wife paradox
How much did it blow your mind when you learned that there are 17 million people living in these shitty swamps?
ITT: we guess how long before Australia literally gets glassed
Why are you obsessed with our girls?
I'm gay. Which is the best country for me to live in if I want to be accepted as gay but not praised for it...
Why is spanish such a stupid language?
Your country
What's your country's opinions on salmiakki/salty liquorice?
You will never be American and live in NYC
Have any of you guys born into a rich family buy your country's standards...
Why are australians made of pizza?
Ayo, hold up. Heard you was saying Portugal isn't white
Are tabloids in your country like those in America?
1.Your country
Who else feels so fucking alone?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
You will never cuddle with this Italian Goddess
What the fuck? I love poland now!
/luso/ fio - lusófono
What will your reaction be this November when Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected as the 45th President of the United...
Which country is objectively worst to be neighbors with?
What are the gun laws like in your country? Is open carrying seen as normal?
Your cunt
WTF i hate my country now!
/oc/ - Occitanoromanic
The United States government is the largest terrorist organisation in the world
How feasible is a Sup Forums or Sup Forums colony?
ITT Jokes that went too far
O shit lads...
Homogay edition
Hilo latino
Is there a country that causes more butthurt than mine?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
This confuses the euro
/Sverigetråd/ Natt Upplaga
How do you value other country's posts?
Has your country ever been communist?
Wake up
You will never get to watch all of humanity die
This confuses and enrages the European
Lets meet us ,user
/fr/ Fil Francophone
Good morning in slavs languages
When your psychologist is nice with you and you think she is in love with you
Italy posts in a thread
/ita/ - il filo
Uni starts up again in 36 days
Why can't we ban all generals from Sup Forums? They're absolute cancer and the same shit every day
Are you in love, Sup Forums?
I hate the Dutch
ITT: We post extinct memes
/nachtschicht/ - tagsüber wieder /deutsch/
What country produces the best porn?
Why all these countries don't just merge into one big empire? What do they have to lose...
I've been hearing stuff from my European friends about acting really cuck in relationships...
What makes European women better than all other women?
He imagined himself saving the girl he liked
Jesus was black
Will China surpass the US as the global superpower? What's your country's plan if that happens?
Post an image to show why your country is the BEST in the WORLD
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Do Drug Cartels exist in other countries or just in Mexicos?
Tfw you wished you lived in tennessee, alabama, texas...
/citizen/ General
Flag thread, dumping what i have
If you had to pick out one person who fucked your country the hardest, who'd you choose? No foreigners obviously...
Tfw my country is a mystery to Sup Forums because of the constant memeing and false-flagging going on in every thread
What makes you proud?
Your country
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Finland and Olympics
Why is Spain so shitty? Life is hell here (literally in summer)
Which country makes the best beer and why is it America?
What's your cunts past emperors descendants doing now?
/cp/ - Culture Pals
How does Swedes feel...
Language learning is hard ;_;
Do you prefer the cold or the heat?
"user-san, why do you keep staring at us? It's making us uncomfortabur. We just wanted some privacy on this beach."
These are separate continents
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Europeans say good morning to each other?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Whyt this general so successful ?
My liberial idiot parents want to move to Albania
Russian bathhouse vs finnish sauna
Literacy in the USA
Girl here
/fr/ - Francofil & francophilie
Describe your home town
You wake up as the leader of the country above
Devious Countries
Is she the prettiest Sup Forums girl?
If I told you that high taxes on the rich and corporations post-WW2 contributed a LOT to manufacturing and thereby the...
/West and Europe/ - cuisine edition
Brazil is PERFECT South Brazil is whitest region in the world there is absolutely nothing wrong happening here you are...
Did any of your family members live through significant happenings in your cunt'S history? If so...
Is it difficult to study in Europe as an American?
We're all brothers and sisters, Sup Forums :3
Why aren't Christians on Sup Forums more tolerant...
Yfw Americans won the Space Race instead of the Soviets
Mountain nigga on line
What even is this country?
Why does Merkel hate gay marriage? So THIS is what offends your Christian values, you fat Teutonic hag? I guess Hitler...
Is this accurate?
Would this dude get jailed in your country for wearing this in public?
Sverigetråden - svensk trådstart upplagan
ITT: post your countries empire
When will Americans apologise?
So have been bullied at school?
How do we save Britain? Or is anglo culture changed forever?
Just found out a friend I care deeply for was sent to the Czech/Slovak mission (she's a Mormon)
"So you want to take it further with my daughter..."
Why do some people like tan?
Anons of int
What is the best meme that Sup Forums has produced?
I love you Russia, do you love Russia too? It is white country without the degeneracy seen in western Europe...
/urban/ + /architecture/
1. Your Country
Non-high pitched Japanese is very pleasant and relaxing to listen to
Why Ukraine is so poor ? The average monthly salary in 2016 is...145€...
/ita/ - il filo
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Look at these flags
Average day in Brazil
Personally i dont understand what all fuzz is it about...
Tfw you will never know the feel of love
How do you pronounce "Nuclear?"
North Africa edition
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...