Good morning Sup Forums

Good morning Sup Forums.

fuck off leaf

It's not fun when you do it, Canada

Fuck off chink

Good evening

Blyat blyat blyat
cyka cyka cyka

fuck off nigger

>Uses an anti Black racial slur
>Is argentine
Besides the fact you are racist agains Africans, You're Argentine
anyone else spot this absurdity?

Good night, my fellow leaf



So you are really nigger? You cant even write Russian swearings properly.

hi (sorry for bad english)

Mornin yall

literal nigger lol

Are you a native?

Yes, but I've been in international schools so I'm trilingual - English, Cantonese and Mandarin


In the hospitality industry (corporate entertainment, hotels etc.), what is the more useful, Cantonese or Mandarin (in HK)?

Mandarin simply because of all the mainland visitors you'd have to interact with, you could probably pick up canto on the job

Hmmm ok. Any advice for someone doing 1 year in Hong Kong?

most locals can speak at least a modicum of english, so it shouldn't be too hard to get by. be prepared to struggle to understand people properly though.

also get an octopus card as soon as possible, it's our equivalent of the oyster and is a necessity for public transport