Hey folks, one question, is this true ??

Hey folks, one question, is this true ??

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what a shit map. Where did you got this?

>this thread again
let's get this shit started

Apparently Uruguay is whiter than Argentina?

Oh its another episode of
>Brown and white people are obsesed with race
Lets see how this shit unfolds

dis thread gun b gud

South Brazil has actual white people. Argentina has delusional shitskins.

This map is a mess
Redo it

no Amerindians left in CA
and there is shit ton of mulattoes on the Atlantic coast
>no whites


Also, it sure doesn't make any sense to put a big "triracial" stripe in Santa Catarina which is Brazil's whitest state.


Oh boy here we go

Maybe we need a map that has state borders to begin with.

>my country is a ethnic clusterfuck

No wonder why we keep killing each other

This is true. South Brazil is basically new Germany and has the highest gdp in all of Latin America. If it became independent, it would as wealthy as Canada

Great, now you triggered the racially insecture south brazilian mongrel.

This one its better i think

Good map but some corrections:
- Coastal Venezuela and Colombia are Red
- North Brazil is green
- What you painted pink is black
- What you painted black (besides North) is pink

los brasileros del sur son como kaká, mestizo con cara de chimpance

los argentinos negros como el carbon con nariz judia

en mexico son todos marrones

>inb4 chilote sucio

Meh, why not?

"The proportions of genes of European, Amerindian and African ancestry were found to be 61%, 30% and 9%"


That's the same as Mexico except Costa Ricans have twice the black admixture... Figures for 80%+ whites are based on self-identification...

The pictures aren't cherrypicked. I found them randomly on google. They're both just students on a school trip:



es verdad, el que contradiga es un mestizo envidioso

pic related soy yo en mi bar mitzvah

and so the costa rica is white meme lives on

Fun thing, Kaká isn't from South

Most people don't care about it

Well, it was OP who started the discussion with the map. Argentina isn't whiter than south Brazil or Uruguay.

>amazon area
>not yellow

Shi map, kys.

There are not blacks on our center-west area tho.

It really doesn't matter because they're still doing better than Brazil, even the southern parts

Not really. Only Chile is better.

And what does this have to do with the point of this thread?

This may work too


Lad, Argenina's economy is beyond fucked, almost Venezuela tier.



Here's how you judge if a population is white or not: you find large crowds and groups of people and judge if the majority of them look white or not.

Does this south Brazilian crowd looks white or not to you?

The source quoted in Wikipedia's Demographics of Costa Rica article is INEC, that's figures from a CENSUS whose figures rely on self identification.
See I quoted a genetic study of the Costa rican population... Wikipedia is a wonderful source but certainly not authoritative over published studies...

Isn't my OC,so you should do it yourself

> Paraíba flag
It's so ridiculous. Who thought this would be a good flag?

"nego" can also mean "nigga" here so it's even funnier.

Post crowds at al a football stadium, it's roughly as close as you're going to get to a broad representative demographic when it comes to large groups of people, the one you're showing could be a cultural event for German immigrants for all we know, and even then I see much more dark skinned people than blondes.

The design reflects the state's people

Shit map, Mexico is white

>the one you're showing could be a cultural event for German immigrants for all we know

It's a procession though. If it was that, there wouldn't be black people in the crowd. It's from Caxias do Sul, RS by the way.

That's only discussing Northern states, the least densely populated in the country, and even then the guy is quoting 60% figures which are consistent with verifiable data. Nice strawman.

You must have local football clubs in South Brasil, represented in those crowds would be many lower strata people who you wouldn't see in other places.

Damn colombians are pretty dark skinned


More like this pu7it0. Complete it with the rest of the conmebol.

And 2


fuck off, Sonora and Chihuahua are both pure european. We should just join the US since they treat us better than southern mexico.

yeah, those don't look all that different from the crowds I posted, Argentina does look whiter...

Knock yourself out, I made that for a different thread, not going to waste a good half hour just cause some random made a request.

Nope, Sonora and Sinaloa are sibling states and they stay together IN MEXICO. Chihuahua is not Pacifico but along with Durango they're honorary members, they get to use our beaches we get their snowy mountains.

Is this one fake or more accurate than the other two maps ??

No more excuses mexibro, this is the blackest possible it can get.

it is now proven that south Brazil is truly white. that massive arm raise from the crowd left me blind for a while, too much whiteness.

love being white

Pu7it0 is triggered bwahahaahha :DD

in case you haven't seen Justin Trudeau's cabinet, which looks like Canada, Canada is not that white. Yuck.

Post until your digits reach 7 0

It looks correct to me

Am i white in american standards ?? Or just light skinned spic ?

sinaola is where the cartels come from they can fuck off and durango is a sterile wasteland full of indios and shit

Ah yes, Costa Rica and Argentina are definetly whiter than the US and Canada. Brazil is also just as white as the US too! This map is 100% accurate

spanish heritage = automatically not white even if your skin is pale

them's the rules


Well the US has a lot of niggers and spics tho

Because I very politely told you to fuck off on doing the work of collecting images? Yeah right, whatever...

Nope, once again see what part of you're a browner country than Mexico as per genetic study are you having trouble understanding?

Looks about as dark as this Argentinian crowd: Some regions of RS have a lot of niggers.

Looks lighter than any big Argentinian crowd I can find.

Hahahahahhah no shit, meme magic still
inhabits this corner of the interwebz

So for americans he is not white ??

Accept the truth m8

Yes I accept that the US is just as white as Brazil. No flaws with this statement at all

again ANY spanish blood = automatically not white

it used to apply to both the irish and italians too

You look like a spic like me, whatever that means.

Bingo! this guy wins the thread for being the first to respond to the someone posts their hand meme

Pic related is a crowd in an Argentine theatre debuting some kind of Chinese dance thing.

As someone who has traveled Argentina and south Brazil extensively on street view, south Brazil has actual white people. They aren't as common as america but they exist. Argentineans literally just all look like beaners with very few exceptions. I even looked in the southern snowy towns too.

Argentina this argentina that man you're obsessed with us, drop it you're getting nowhere

White or not you're a fucking loser anyway

Can't see anything very well. Way too blurry. It's to be expected for the crowd to look whiter than the average population though, since it looks like something only rich people could afford it.

there aren't many injins in durango lad. Racially we're pretty dark but ethno-linguistically we are 98% hispanic.

Read the map
It's "European Descent"
Which is true since Brazil and Argentina has the biggest immigration of italians in the world
But you guys don't consider them as white so no need to be sour

you're both mud people, stay out of my country

t. Criollo

You are fatter than me tho

t. CHI

Nah mexico is browner


>crowd in an Argentine theatre
Well they are the more cultured.
Hence you see more whites.
If you go to a wachiturro concert tho, pretty sure there will be tons of beaner-looking people.

Northern Mexico should be striped Europid, especially Sonora.

Are there actually very many white Costa ricans with no of very little info blood? I have to say I don't really trust the maps considering how brown your neighbors are.

pic related is my hand. Parents are from Monterrey, Mexico. Spanish and French decent.

My region got Italians from the north mostly. I did a study on surnames once and like 90% of the people I tested had northern surnames. They tend to look pretty fair.

top tier huritage desu
>ywn be a castizo CHI

Where are the Zambos ?

Like there's no cartel pressence in border states... Are you retarded? We are the state that was settled by Germans, that's where tambora music comes from and we aren't conceited racists fucks as some light skinned mestizos pretending to be white... Tell me if you really are Mexican where do the tall women with light colored eyes come from in Mexico? Which state produces the most renowned beauties? Sonora and Sinaloa were one state originally and we fought together in the Mexican revolution under Obregón. You don't share in our culture (eg la Liga del Pacifico) so good luck ever convincing our Sonorense brothers to ever turn their backs on us, much less Mexico. Pinche pocho vendido sin tradiciones ni cultura...

Pic related, German born Mazatleca

Is weird, but I guess is true...
Not really sure about percentajes tho, I'd dare to say, from the top of my head that here are about 45% whites, 45% browns, distribute the other 10% in niggers, asians, etc.
So basically half white, half brown I'd dare to say.

Do you see many red heads in Brazil?

I quoted a scientific study, you're quoting a census... Obviously the education level in Costa Rica must be hideous if you can't understand the difference...

lol No, and there are better places in other cunts.

Not uncommon in my region. You can easily find a redhead in a group of 50 people at least. There are two in this pic.

Yeah maybe, I got fatter this summer and got sausage fingers, but Im not the mae eating two packs of oreos right now

Ouch, getting beat by Mexico City chilangolandia must be really painful...

regardless of complexion the hands of a mestizo always stick out and look exactly like this.
cant explain why or what, but that's how it be.

What kind of HDI is being used for the Mexican states though? We use a different method now that takes inequality into account. Pic related was in accordance to the old method.

I see a strawberry blonde and what may be a girl with Auburn hair, no gingers... Or did you meant the geeky kid with chamomile bleached brown hair?