Is it too late to travel across europe?

Is it too late to travel across europe?

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yes go to be kid

stick to central europe it's really nice

Is the picture on the right some sort of nigger gathering or is it just how many niggers are in Paris?

>Picture uses Nazi occupied Paris

Edgy. You could've used Paris in the 50s, 60s, or 70s and it would've conveyed the same meaning without the edginess.


The picture is bitching about Blacks in Paris, it's edgy to begin with.

The pic maker would've probably gotten a pic of 50-60 in the parts with a notable Black population.

I don't think it's edgy to complain about the huge amount of non-whites in European nations today, especially in France where around one third of everyone under 20 in the country is not French

I think the image is meant to compare and contrast 'occupation' then vs. 'occupation' now

I think there should be more sympathy for the fact that those people are there because they're from French former colonies.

>occupation now

So once those colonies gained independence it's still justifiable that they all flood into France because where they came from used to be a colony?

Minorities taking over Europe demographically

Paris 1950

Please user without the buzzwords

no its pretty real
french (mainly women) also race mix at extreme rates and paternity tests are banned under fine 15 000 euro and 2y jail so they can cuck that country even more

What buzzwords? A third of young people in France are not white, that means in 50 years a third of old people will be non white and an even higher percentage of young people will be non white. Are you retarded?

>"Will you stop stabbing me? I stopped raping you 10 minute's ago"
The French invited them in and they came I don't see the problem

By your logic the left is taking over the west and they'll soon be occupying us

You're obviously an immigrant to Europe and you use this as justification, but it's the most retarded thing ever that you guys use that as justification because groups of people have always fucked over other groups of people in all of history and this is the first and ONLY time that people that fucked over other people invite the fucked over people to their homeland because they "feel bad", even though the people they're inviting to their countries follow a retarded religion and can't assimilate into modern society

Lol what? Ideologies aren't genetic, someone born to 2 conservative parents can be liberal, someone born to 2 niggers can't turn white. It's fact that certain European countries will be minority European in 100 years if white people don't all of a sudden start having a fuckton of children

>you're obviously an immigrant because you're left wing
Great argument pal
>humans have always treated "other" humans bad so we should treat other humans bad
>we invited them because much feels
No you ignorant burger we invited them here because we needed them have you ver heard of WW2? NHS?