faces of Sup Forums
faces of Sup Forums
me on the middle
would i pass as a local in your country ?
hehe , nothin' personnel
Rate me
ITT: people insecure about posting their faces who make fun of those who actually post theirs
I guess
post yours polan, always triggers me the fact that eastern europeans don't post their faces
Are you the Israeli diaspora?
Why would you post your face on an anime imageboard?
If you want to get attention go on facebook or instagram. What's the point of being on an anonymous website if you post your face
Also what does it have to do with international discussion? Can we get a couple mods who can actually delete these shitty threads
I'm the half jewish dane if it's me you are thinking about
>Also what does it have to do with international discussion?
we can appreciate the features of the ethnicities from different parts of the world, fuck off already
Why don't you fuck off to /soc/ instead?
Fair point
because /soc/ is boring and generic, I never post my face or anything there, I like to do it here, where we can have some fun with the flags as well
im sorry im not gonna post more for obvious reasons
numale as fuck lmao
become a trap, you were meant for it
fair, looking good m8
Whoa thanks mate, my head is kinda square tho
Looking good!
who is that qt?
sorry, I think you confused the thread, this isn't noses of Sup Forums, lad
t. ChicANO
Posted it in /lat/ last month why not here
sangrepura/ 10
good pics, saved
>only one white guy
really makes you think...
forgot image
rate me
>good pics, saved
What did he mean by this?
for what purpose?
better :3
You look like a homeless person in the early to mid stage of his opiate/crack addiction.
>crossed not one but two borders
That alone gets you an A for effort, José.
sup chinlets
say that to my fucking face kid
I literally just did.
Did you move to Buenos Aires?
wanna fuckin scrap pussy?
i'll lay ur ass out ,shots at ur fitted
>Whats a normie like you doing at a place like this?
Why did you shave your eyebrows and glue it to your chin?
4 megapixel?
>europoor as fuck
Decent bants 3/5
Try and start shit and you'll need to make use of that free healthcare y'all have up there, esé.
you look like a future sauna shooter
.... are my eyes uneven?
I look like a fucking stroke.
Im kind of freaking out. Am i just seeing things please help
>I look like a fucking stroke.
My sides haha
Benedict Cumberbatch
me and my cousin are in MS13, we'll fuck u up ese
pic related, it's us
one eye is lower than the other huh?
one of my eyes is more squnited than the other, but it isn't physically lower on my face like yours is
Hiding that hairline with a combover eh?
same thing bro, gonna use these later LOL
you look like a literal cuckold
Shave that fucking facial hair off, what the fuck man
hehehe so funny
Why dont you tell me, I'm curious! That sounds like an exciting move :)
Is that one of the Boston Marathon bombers?
Looks like it was taken in prison too
Who /balding/ here?
>tfw 3 hours of sleep in last 48 hours
hello ͏reddit
Voi ei they know
I think I really need to start taking these
hello hacker known as Sup Forums
Thanks for the (you)
and if this is your face no offense but you look like a little bitch
Its okay I do it too.
Dw, normies dont notice, only fellow hairlinelets.
Speak four languages so don't let my look fool you
That's not me i took that picture from reddit
Good luck with battling your addiction, though. Have you already checked into rehab?
well, I didn't see you in a while, so I couldn't tell you :)
looking good, Slovakia!
meh more recent photo, hi
Go to sleep.
are you making a big photo with pictures of anons from nations of Sup Forums?
AHAAHHAHAHA fucking hell lmao this one made me laugh
would I pass as a local in your country?
Im clean buddy thanks for minding
Now would kindly post your face or fuck off?
Why would i post my face on an anonymous imagewebsite for the discussion of Chinese drawn CP?
which languages?
no, 2 lazy for it, but some user should do it, the last one is from 2014
geez, why you had to say where I was from? delet this immediatly!
Because thats what this thread is about
also funsies
i'd rather not
But i will stay here
this isn't complains of Sup Forums either, please go somewhere else
candyass :^)
no thanks i will stay here
Not sure if you were kidding or not but I deleted it anyway, but 2bh no one here cares at all... -_-
Tell me though, what happened? I'm very curious
>Btw i'm a gril give me attention pls
dont be shy about your nose nargentina
thanks :3
nothing happened, I'm just here to search a job 2bh, what about you?
oh shit who is dis..