How do i stop adblock users from stealing from my web site?

how do i stop adblock users from stealing from my web site?

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you fuck off. Stopping adblock users from "stealing your website" just means they're going to find a different one.

put your website behind a paywall. if your content is good enough (it isn't) people will pay for it. works for pornsites.

stop being a poorfag and running an ad filled website of useless shit that you can find elsewhere with no ads

post your website ill go there with my adblock noscript and everything else that will rape you of making money off my visit

hard-code ads into your site

With an adblockerblockerblockerblocker

You seem like an intelegent individual, why don't you find some creative way to make money without ads instead of forcing them on users like a dirty jew.

install gentoo

this doesn't even work tho

Just make it so disabling ads also disables crucial parts of your website. This will force adblock users to find a better alternative to your site and they won't bother you anymore.

it werks for me™

I'm quite wealthy and extremely competent web developer. I know you guys like to make fun of web developers, but I've been on the field for a dozen years and while I can write C and other low level languages, webdev is what I get paid most for.

Anyways, amongst the years I've amassed enough wealth to quit my job for the rest of my life. I won't though, because I like it.

But fuck, if adblockers are made illegal at any point in time, I'll fucking quit my job and channel all my energy and skills to create as many decent ad-free websites as possible. After a few decent sites I'll launch a fucking patreon to hire more web developers and make the web as as-free as possible. Fuck you, advertisers.

AdNauseam users will click all your banners anytime.

You want something from US, which is for us to visit your shitty website, not the other way around.

Be glad we even do that.

Make you entire website one image.

Oh AdNauseam, the flat earthers add-on of chouse

Doesn't work with NoScript, nice try.


native advertising you fucking retard
more valuable than ads in the first place, doesn't get blocked, and nobody has to worry about some banner exploiting flash (again)

Not taking what is offered isn't stealing, user.


Do you think if I didn't block ads I'd actually click any ads?

Go through every ad on your site and make absolutely sure it does not contain any malware or links to malware distribution sites. If you can't do that you don't deserve any ad views.


I would bed every one of them