Europoors, tell me about gypsies. Are they technically citizens of your country...

Europoors, tell me about gypsies. Are they technically citizens of your country? Why are they allowed to set up 3rd world esque shanty towns to make otherwise scenic European cities extreamly unpleasant? Is there any silver lining to them or are the basically a culture of entirely awful people?

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>Are they technically citizens of your country?
I'm sure some are, although most are citizens of like bulgaria and romania.
>Why are they allowed to set up 3rd world esque shanty towns to make otherwise scenic European cities extreamly unpleasant?
I've never encountered such a thing.
>Is there any silver lining to them or are the basically a culture of entirely awful people?
My only encounters with gypsies that I'm aware of is when they're begging or trying to sell shit they claim they made. I've probably had other encounters with gypsies though that weren't like that and just thought they were arabs or something instead.

they are citizens
sometimes officially minority, sometimes arent, depending on benefits

they dont "set up 3rd world shanty towns"
during communism, everyone had an easy way to build their own house or live in a state apartment
as we say it, they "live it down", meaning they dont renovate at best or just shit in the corner and burn the floor at worst

the solution was to buy their now worthless building in the town and offer them an even cheaper one in some villages far away from decent places

>they dont "set up 3rd world shanty towns"
our gypsies dont but in the balkans they do.

>Are they technically citizens of your country?
Fuck no. They're Romanians or Bulgarians. Except the Finnish gypsies (pic related). Those may have citizenship here, but typically they just retain their Finnish citizenship.
>Why are they allowed to set up 3rd world esque shanty towns to make otherwise scenic European cities extreamly unpleasant?
They're not really, though I've heard of some places where it's pretty bad.
>Is there any silver lining to them or are the basically a culture of entirely awful people?
No. They're garbage. Shouldn't exist.

Do you ever bring up them up when leftists mention migrants "assimilating" or what not? Given that they've been in Europe for centuries and still not adopted the local culture, I'd be quite curious as to how they'd react to that.

Leftists don't want anyone to assimilate. They want to integrate them. Integration is actually the opposite off assimilation. So leftists do in fact want the shitty gypsy culture to be retained.

kill all gypsies
Their genepool is corrupted

Another thing, are they viewed by the EU as "native" people's of Europe or "European", or are they still seen as outsiders? What do they see themselves as?

nobody likes gypsies so no
there are no leftists here by your standards
they go as far as
>boycott the upcoming voting against migration because its just for show
nobody even says yes to migrants

technically gypsies are registered as wildlife and can be hunted on during the hunting season as long as you have a licence

the EU is deaf and blind on the gypsy problem
>dont discrimate them but jesus christ dont send them here

they are barely seen as human beings and certainly not european at all

>In a perfect world...

They're just some ethnic minority. They see themselves as themselves. Every outsider is a cunt that it doesn't matter how you treat, cheat, or steal from. That's all that matters.

I wonder what would happen if we gave them their own country? Just take a piece of land somewhere and tell them to form their own government.

its called romania

Our ancestors were allowed to kill these animals but then Maria Theresia wanted to civilise them (and failed) and it became illegal to do so. Now they have a lot of fifth column allies from "non-government" "organisations" who should hang themselves.

You mean India

i know what i mean you clueless cunt

>tell me about gypsies
you don't wanna know

Tough words from a slavshit.

why does brits have gypsies? even though they are an island

It seems like they're allowed to get away with way more than any ethnic minority should. Is it nearly unheard of for a gypsie to get a job and attempt to be normal? If so, why?

they come from experience unlike yours you cunt

they will run it into the ground and spread out like its a roach infestation

do you guys want 5 million gypsy? we have them.They are more tan than arabs and kurds.

Those are just a drunker version of Irishmen.

They consider working dishonorable. What kind of idiot lays brick or has a shop when you can just steal from idiots who work? Or cheat idiots? That is their reasoning. It's reinforced by their breeding and culture. They wouldn't allow their children to attend schooling, if not for the laws in most countries where the police will come collect their children if they don't. Although, that's kind of toothless in most cases, as the gypsies will still just come and collect their children from school. This is one example of how they reinforce their dogshit culture.

>100% Indian Aryan!

nah, they actually have some gypsies

We also have gypsies...except they became Americans after a single generation.

I honestly don't know how or why, they somehow just integrated smoothly and are often barely aware of their gypsie ancestry.

that's interesting though but us lands are vast so i think it's fine

We have niggers and they are approximately the same thing as gypsies

That's fucked up. I imagine as soon as you step on their toes, they cry "racism" too?

So what, realistically, is one to do? Genocide is out of the question, should they all just be deported to India or something? I feel like if a majority of a group can't integrate properly into the whole of society, it should be removed as a result. Even Black Americans I can have some respect for as there are quite a few who are actually educated and intelligent, but I can't see why Gypsies are tolerated as much as they are.

nobody organises shit like gypsy lives matter
gypsy would never become a president

Say what you want about poor blacks, but middle class Black Americans have done a lot to contribute to the U.S. And I can respect them for that. Gypsies have done no such thing from what I can tell, they just leech and take while giving nothing back in return.

Gypsies even followed us over here. I had gypsies renting my old house when we moved out.

I was not happy to have them running a car theft scam ("licensed car dealership without a dealership location") out of my front yard.

The nazis tried that but gypsies breed like rats and there are now more of them.

You can't really deport them if they have citizenship.

>Are they technically citizens of your country?
depends. none of them are integrated in any meaningful way (for example I only had one roma guy as a classmate in all of the 12 grades), you wont meet any in your workplace unless you're doing some really shitty manual work (most of them work as cleaners and streetsweepers), a lot of them dont even have an ID card
>Why are they allowed to set up 3rd world esque shanty towns to make otherwise scenic European cities extreamly unpleasant?
because of muh human rights and because they're extremely useful for politicians come election time. they're easy to bribe because they're so poor and gullable and they sell their votes.
>Is there any silver lining to them or are the basically a culture of entirely awful people?
to be honest they're not without culture, its just that it gets buried underneath all of their gross shit. traditionally they're really good musicians and their weddings are really huge and interesting, most people wont admit it (or even notice it) but a lot of traditional balkan music is influenced by roma music. also their language is sort of interesting, we used to try to learn their expressions when some random gypsy woman would curse at us on the street. you have no idea how bleak and cynical their expressions are, ive never seen anything like it, and im from the Balkans.

overall, I dont think Americans would really understand the relationship between the gypsies and the other ethnicities. its not like in the USA where black people are sometimes looked down upon and made fun of, because even then you have white people that date and have kids with black people. This is impossible to happen with gypsies because theres practically zero interaction between us and them, and if you somehow ended up fucking or having a kid with a gypsy girl (or god help you a gypsy guy), you'd be a social pariah and a outcast.

Now that we are talking about gypsies, I wonder if in your countries they have their own accent. In Spain they do and it's very comical.

Eurocucks make me be proud of living in this isolated island

>he has to leave his own country to genocide lesser people
wew lad

"Our" gypsies speak Finnish, and if they have an accent, it's a Finnish accent.

>"Our" gypsies speak Finnish, and if they have an accent, it's a Finnish accent.
so the finns are gypsies in sweden?

The gypsies that UK, Ireland and US have are not the same as the ones Eastern Europe has. The ones in Nordic countries are also different from those two, but we also have Romanian gypsies. Our local gypsies hate the Romanian ones the same as everyone else.

Not exactly.

Gypsies are peddling counterfeit smartphones or ask detail at public transport stops. Some of them sell drugs. Some gypsy hypnosis act to enter into a trance and sacrifice to take away value.

I'm from Serbia and i live next to a gypsy trash village. (Houses literally made out of cardboard and trash). All of them act like niggers, beat up kids at school, steal, sell drugs. There was a huge fire at their village, but still half of them came back like roaches. The government even gave them temporary housing but they're so used to trash they had to come back. I have never in my life met a normal gypsy and i hope they all die.

the only verifiable gypsy descendent i knew was a rich white girl who went ballistic every time someone said they "got gypped"

pretty sure she was not a toothless migrant and her family could afford full tuition, but w/e

The funny part is they always have swedish surnames.

While many of them have Swedish or faux-Swedish names, at least as many have Finnish or faux-Finnish names like Aaltonen, Helmikallio and Tammi

Might be, the point still is they steal surnames to try and trick people. Good thing blacklings are so easy to identify.

>Are they technically citizens of your country?

>Why are they allowed to set up 3rd world esque shanty towns
They're not.

>Is there any silver lining to them or are the basically a culture of entirely awful people?
They're not niggers.

I fucking hate them. At least I've met decent arabs, but there can't possibly be any honorable gypsies.

>I have never in my life met a normal gypsy and i hope they all die.

Ironically I worked with a romanian gypsy waiter. She was surprisingly a nice person.


How are they able to claim benefits if they don't pay taxes, have citizenship, or work in any regard? I was under the impression that its hard to get actual cash and housing benefits in most Euro countries that aren't in Scandinavia.

I deplore dindu culture, but even I have to admit that's being a bit unfair to most Black Americans. At least intelligent, red pulled black people actually EXIST.

They have citizenship in shitholes like Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, etc.

Caravan for me ma. Periwinkle blue!