Every single major royalty in Europe can be traced back to a Dutch prince

Every single major royalty in Europe can be traced back to a Dutch prince

I can be traced to Charlemagne

They also can to the prophet Muhhamed.

Neck urself

>his royality line only goes back to 1815
Top fucking kæk

Why? Is the statement of a fact triggering to you?

They always forget the best king we had.


isn't every single royalty in europe related to pic related?

that guy is Dutch


You mean actual Rollo not the actor right_?


he was danish

You're queen is literally a nigger lmao


Wow Dutch queen was such a slut

your mom was danish

Literally nothing wrong with that

do you wanna be my danish mom gf?

no i'm not gay so i can't be danish

I don't have a bagina

>danish mom gf

I don't have a gf

That ignores the two century (ok two century with gaps) period in which they were basically Monarchs (Stadtholders, an office they consistently got which became officially inheritable in the 18th century) in everything but name.

If we play it like that, the first source of a monarchy in Denmark was in 515 AD

But I'm talking of a consisting family line.

lmao what a slut