Is there a program that can automatically translate

Is there a program that can automatically translate
japanese to english on screen? I'm trying to play a japanese game on pcsx2 an for vital screens (tutorial) I'm having pause the game, whip out my phone and google translate from a picture of my screen. This is naturally kinda annoying. Is there a program that I can have on in the background that can translate a part of the screen automatically?

You can always write such program yourself! :)

Short answer: No. You're better off learning basic N5 japanese in a month or two. After that you will know 90% of japanese on screen and be able to search up the rest.

this is saddening

Not really just stop being such a lazy piece of shit.

Japanese is actually one of the simplest human languages around. But even so AIs powerful and smart enough to contextually translate one language to another have not been created.

literally the only reason I'd learn japanese would be to play weeb games, I'm not gonna learn japanese for 2 years just to understand weeb games slightly better.

thanks for the advice though cunt

I said 1 maybe 2 months MAX unless you're literally retarded

Here, I'll make it excrutiatingly simple for you
>learn katakana and hiragana
>learn the 214 kangxi radicals, they make up 99% of all kanji and help you look them up or guess them
>learn the ~800 N5 vocab
>learn basic japanese grammar

That's really all you need for japanese video games and basic communication.

>Japanese is actually one of the simplest human languages around

For anyone who gives a shit: Jsho for android will be your best friend once you learn kana and kangxi radicals.

Trans : Clear Condition

Red : 敗北条件
Trans : Defeat Condition

I did all that just searching the kanji by the radicals and know the definition of these new words describing how to win and how to lose in a vydia.

This graph is fucking stupid because it aims way too high for what OP needs. Japanese is basically symbols put together to display a meaning of something, the talking is even simpler.

The reason why most people have a huge problem learning japanese is they don't learn the fucking kagxi radicals first which is akin to an alphabet in japanese. Then they rote memorize kanji without using it in sentences.

The average person studying japanese at least 1 hour a day could easily pass the N5 test in a month.

>Is there a program that can automatically translate japanese to english on screen?

Yes, it's called a human translator.

Seriously though I don't know fuck all Japanese that would get me anywhere in a conversation of if I was dropped in Kyoto tomorrow, and yet I can get by in Japanese games just fine knowing kana and a couple of basic, commonly used kanji (4 cardinal directions, numbers, the elements, the words for demon/angel, things like that).

>Is there a program that can automatically translate japanese to english on screen?
Yes. But not really for ps2.

Basically, there are pieces of software like ITH or AGTH that understand certain pieces of PC software and can capture the text they display. They don't analyze the image that you see, but poke around in memory or on Windows API or such. [As far as I know, none reliably captures PS2 emulated stuff.]

These then can feed this captured text to translation software like translation aggregator or whatever which then runs the text through various translation methods (offline dictionary software, online translators etc).

So basically, I guess you use your smartphone and botnet translation?

>90% of japanese on screen and be able to search up the rest.
JLPT2 certified retard here, and you manage to somehow be more retarded than I am. You can't expect someone to be able to read that much in two months lol

Radicals are not worth learning. Anyone who's not retarded will internalize them without specific study

>The reason why most people have a huge problem learning japanese

It's because they can't even speak their own native language to begin with.

I can read enough to play videogames without understanding the story, and all I did was dick around in JWPCe to copy out text for 2 games I was interested in. And read a little Wikipedia.

Shit is easy. Kana is a two dimensional grid made up of of vowels and consonants, and Kanji is about as difficult as playing with Lego.

But then I'm a native Hungarian, which is the most difficult language in the world, and I was fully bilingual by age 9, so I guess I don't count.

You actually can but you have to put in the effort.

Learning them first makes looking up and understanding the first few kanjis a piece of cake.

You're probably right.


Humans can't do it on screen. The botnet could (pic related) but only does it with your phone's camera.

>Humans can't do it on screen.

I can read a non native language on my screen, and translate it to my native language.

I'm doing it right fucking now, motherfucker.

Are you calling me a robot?

You're not doing "Japanese to English on screen", you're doing it in your head.

Anyhow, Google Translate can do this pretty reasonably. On your smartphone.

christ user at least you'd be doing something with your life that isn't playing video games

I just might do this, I know hiragana and katakana and probably 200-300 words and basic sentence structure, how long does it take to be able to hold basic conversations with people?

If me doing translations is me doing it in the head, then your smartphone is not doing translations either, it is a program running on it's CPU.

Seriously, you should learn to parse English first. The result of the translation in your head isn't appearing on a screen, is it?

Google Translate's result *is* appearing on a screen. is a crop of a screenshot of Google Translate in action. [There is also a second mode where you can highlight detected moon words.]

Machine translation is garbage for most east asian languages, give up

Love come?

>mfw nobody wants to learn my language

a simple python script

Hook up an android phone to a hdmi display and run google translate, play through the camera.