Show me some programming lifehacks such as the comment trick

Show me some programming lifehacks such as the comment trick
large block of commented code that can be uncommented
by deleting the first line /*

That's pretty dank user

large block of commented code that can be uncommented
by deleting the first line /*

Don't use python

That's not commented

Why not just use #if 0

I like Elm's comment notation because of how it works:

-- single line comment
{- this is valid as multi too, but the former is better because... -} can do this:

add x y = x + y

Add a end brace to the first one and it's an easy way to comment/uncomment blocks of code regardless of editor support.

In MATLAB you can block comment out sections of code

You can easily make the code uncommented


Dang I gotta start using Elm

It's probably the best language to get started on real functional programming if you haven't before user.
It has its limitations for the sake of ease of learning, but it's still a great language for its niche (web development) and Elm skills are extremely transferable to Idris and Haskell.

Nah I've used haskell and enjoyed it, that's why I'm interested. Also used react-redux and I understand elm uses some similar concepts.

What limitations do you mean? Not having monads?


Not having typeclasses/interfaces. Meaning things like JSON decoding/encoding are more manual than it could be and we're missing out on some neat abstractions. There's a point to their omission, since it's true that those abstractions can prove far too much for the average JS dev.

Technically Elm is chock-full of monads, you just can't abstract over them.

Redux was actually inspired by Elm instead of the other way around. It's the same concept at a higher level but requires a tad less boilerplate on Elm.

>Not having typeclasses/interfaces.
Oh, that's kind of a bummer.

Let's say your data stream has a little-endian-encoded 32-bit integer. Here's how to extract it (assuming unsigned bytes):

i = (data[0]

you might get a job and be forced to leave your NEET cave on weekdays

That is retarded. If you use an IDE these types of "lifehacks" are completely unnecessary.
>highlight block of code
>right click->comment/uncomment (or keyboard shortcut)


Yeah, gonna stop you right there buddy.

I want to play a duet with Kaede!

i waited a good 9 months for this game to come out and the ending...damn.

Well, y'know, user. It's just fiction. Danganronpa's just fiction. Nothing to get butthurt about.

she died for this.


(Spoilers aren't enabled on this board FYI, learned that the hard way myself)

Chiakers was too precious to exist, so I don't know why they retconned her into existence in 3.

Because no Python jobs exist right?

That idea was taken from Lua.

switch (true)
As many ifs as you want with no else’s.