Would you switch to windows if they went 100% opensource? Justify.
Would you switch to windows if they went 100% opensource? Justify
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>windows if they went 100% opensource
>not suspicious at all.
As a linux/windows dualbooter myself, how bad can it be?
I'd switch to OSX. Freetardation is a disease.
I would use a debloated windows distro occasionally
Free as in freedom NT is my dream, fuck the *nix faggots who are stuck in the 70s. Maybe in my lifetime ReactOS will achieve XP level software compatibility.
seems like you have to switch to windows now since apple can't build software without having to rely on open source
Can only hope so..
If it makes it easy to remove the spyware and install a UI that's not following the flat cancer
Wouldn't use Windows, but some windows derivative that would obviously be spawned at the thousands. Like the ungoogled chromium of Windows
But hell, if they went open source, there'll be no reason to switch. Wine would just be a complete replica at that point
>windows goes open source
Hm k well if that did happen id love to see the NSA backdoors riddled through out it
No, but I would enjoy WINE 100% perfect binary compatibility after that.
>NTFS gets added as a proper kernel module
>benchmarking shows how awful it is
>Samba gets full AD support
>the AD workstation tools get turned into a webapp and integrated into Samba
>oops we accidentally your business model :^)
Answer is simple: "no". Windows is genuinely a shitty desktop experience.
Maybe after a decade or two of being open source and getting BTFO by hackers/government countless times
You're asking for trouble if you give millions of people and government access to the source code of an abortion like Windows, people would abuse the vulnerabilities in it to hell and back
But I guess my answer is no
>shitty software keeps trying to run itself
>this is the fault of windows
If that ever happens, Microsoft will find a way to sue them into oblivion
No because the OS is still shit
Realistically enough, what would happen if a Microloo employee actually managed to leak the entire source code AND manages to mantain the source code online for a week or more, more than enough time for everyone and their mothers to get a copy of the source code?
I would wait for the wine improvements and never worry about a thing again
i hope to see someone replace the NT kernel with Linux
na, wine'll get polished off and there's be no good reason to use windows ever again
It would fuck over WINE and ReactOS devs. Large portions of the Win2k/NT 4.0 codebase (like 30k files iirc) were leaked in 2004 and it caused major problems for these projects as anyone who had even looked at the source could no longer work on the projects for fear of MS suing them and killing the project. In the end, no real advances came from the leak. A few undocumented functions became documented, but it didn't have any major impact on Windows.
Linux is a terrible kernel with abysmal resource management.
It already happened once in the early 2000s, I think a part of windows 2000 was leaked, but I don't know if it helped to make advances on stuff like wine or development of vulnerabilities
It would help but the problem with MS for me is the crap they push on their users on purpose, not if it's closed source or the technical problems it may have. They need to change their business practices first.
just open source, or free and open source? what license?
"100% open source" is vague, it's possible windows could be made open source but still completely proprietary with basically no change to how it can be used
I think a couple of vulnerabilities were found but they had already been patched. All in all the code was found to be very well written, it took people by surprise considering how the popular meme of the time was that Windows was an unmaintainable spaghetti mess.
>Linux is a terrible kernel with abysmal resource management.
see: OOM killer
>but I don't know if it helped to make advances on stuff like wine or development of vulnerabilities
Probably the later, because wine cannot use any piece of code from Windows or even from any person who has seen that code.
>Linux is a terrible kernel with abysmal resource management.
>OOM killer
What about it?
>see: OOM killer
What's the problem with it?
Absolutely not, actually I would switch my desktop to Linux, as it would now be able to run Windows programs (read: games).
It's a last resort, and a pretty good one at that.
If your system is out of resources somehow, you'd want to start a process to fix the problem. OOM killer guarantees that some other process dies to make room for yours.
Could you name at least ONE operating system that doesn't have an equivalent policy?
I would go back to WinXP if it were 100% open source.
- needs fully working 64-bit version
- modern hardware support (GTX 1070 + DirectX 12, et. al.)
- full multi-core & multi-thread support
The real problem is that, even under an open source community dedicated to writing/maintaining such a unicorn, the code is still an underlying heap of pigshit spaghetti code. It would take years to make it secure and clean out all the (or, most of the) garbage. The reason I use WinXP as an example (Win7 would be the runner-up, then Win2K) is that it's an older generation of spaghetti, so fewer layers to clean up and make work properly. Win7 actually fixed some shit, even though it also added some more. Win2K I don't think could ever be rewritten into 64-bit proper ... but, if it could (including the above support criteria), it would be stunning to run something that light and efficient on something like a Ryzen 1700. I can remember running Win2K on a PII at 233 MHz w/ 384 MB SDRAM and it zoomed circles around WinXP on a P4 1.8 GHz with 2 GB DDR RAM.
I still cannot begin to imagine why something like that isn't available from microsoft today: a hybrid Win2K/WinXP platform, minimalist, lean, cleaned up OS that Just Werx. Provide the basic, lean OS and let people add in whatever bloat they think they need while enthusiasts run a fully tweaked system on old PIII 1 GHz systems. It would delete all competition.
Nobody in Redmond has figured this out yet, with nearly two decades and thousands of coders available to publish a finished, polished project in under 2 years. I'm actually happy they aren't that smart or we wouldn't have the amazing linux & *BSD communities we have today.
See what Windows does when you run out of memory.
> Please come back.
> I have changed
> I'm not abusive anymore
why doesn't microsoft make the os open source when support ends? Like XP and Vista would be open now and 7 would be in a couple years
No. I don't use windows because I don't like windows, not because i'm a paranoid communist faggot.
I'm not a ricer either so "but you can rice windows to work differently" isnt't valid, or a good use of my time over just using Mac OS Ten and the Linux Operating System.
(op) holy shit you wouldnt know,, this exact fucking thing happened to me a min before i read it
The code is shot through with so many thousands of security holes and other bugs that even releasing Win 3.11 into the wild would compromise the latest, fully patched Win10. There are millions of lines of Win 3 code still running in the heart of Win 10. That's how deep the spaghetti pile is.
They should go UNIX
It's not that the software is trying to run itself, it's that upgrading from home premium doesn't allow you to use software without forking over another $100 for "ultimate" or whatever the fuck win 10 calls it.
I like gaming, and you can't play shit on *nix.
>inb4 muh wine
I should specify: You can't use software that you could previously use on win 7 home premium on the upgraded version of win 10. You must upgrade from win 7 pro or ultimate to retain the same functionality and compatibility win 7 home gave.
I might try out a fork of it that strips out all the telemetry bullshit and brings back the Aero glass theme. I probably wouldn't switch fully though because I just don't like Windows. It's just a shitty OS.
Actually muh Linux games
What games are keeping you away?
I use linux not due to oss or such shit. I use linux because it is well structured and give me all the tools i need.
Oss is a plus which i like.
>inb4 wdy use fagOS
No tnx, i don't like the idea of some random poofta that steers the company, wakes up one day after a failed buttsex session and decides to ruin features of his fagOS.
No, because it's an opaque mess of interdependent desktop services, overly complex solutions to simple problems and arcane registry entries.
However Linux seems to be heading into that same direction.
source code is the most secured thing and only given in parts to teams
No. Open-sourced shit is still shit.
How can one prove he has seen the code? Does a guy reading the code and then "suggesting" how it may be to a dev allow the dev to continue? You could just rewrite classes and it suddenly is a different code.
If someone forked it and created a libre version of windows under GNU GPL3. It would also need a Packet Manager with a big number of packages.... then why not. But this wont happen
Can't, windows literally dies
>It would also need a Packet Manager with a big number of packages
that's a great idea how discourage people from using windows, no wonder linux is hovering at 3% market share
I have no evidence and nobody has to take my word for it but I'm friends with someone who's coded a bit for MS, specifically for Windows. He only did some drivers but whatever. I mentioned at one point that "It's probably just a tangled mess of quick, temporary fixes that ended up being permanent and the rest is just tangled up in a combination of bureaucracy, code written by people who've left years ago and left behind no information as to how it works and being forced to retain some obscure compatibility."
All he said was "You don't know how real that is" before chugging the rest of his beer, followed by breaking out the whiskey.
man this is comfy
What? No, that's wrong, the only version of 10 that locks down the system is their retarded 10 S version that's just a response to ChromeOS.
You do know that 0 major vulnerabilities were found when the 2k/NT 4.0 source was leaked, right? Granted it wasn't all of it, but it was very significant. Most people agreed that it was actually very good quality code, including those who didn't exactly have much love for Windows.
the software in the image works fine on 10 home, the retard in the image was trying to run an old version, and because it is shitty pajeetware it just kept trying to start itself over and over again when it detected it wasn't running.
La Salsa por favor
No individual at MS (or any large company for that matter) has access to any more of the codebase than they need to do their job, I wouldn't trust anyone who makes sweeping statements about the quality of a multi 10-million+ LOC project when they've probably only seen maybe a couple of hundred kLOC at most
Does that mean they go for the 4 essential software freedoms? I already have Windows on my gaming PC, but I admit I would love to have a version of Windows 10 that removed all the embedded spyware and telemetry bullshit from it.
>no toilet in the bathroom
2d girls don't need to use the toilet. or shower.
>implying that humongous letter macaroni excuse of a source code would be readable
following lines of c code is completely 100% gratis and libre, also you are free to use and distribute it however you can. Wanna run?
That code obviously set's a data structure up to use with Windows syscall. I haven't figured out yet what it does because I find it boring to decypher all that obfuscating jargon.
Of course not. Half the reason for using a Unix-like is for the system architecture, not for the source code.
I wouldn't switch because it's noticeably slower than Linux in a lot of ways, rapes unused hard drives for no reason, often can't eject USB drives even if they're not used and is generally a worse experience than Linux.
But, I would install it on another HDD and dual boot into it for a few games once someone makes a fully de-botnetted version until WINE gets better.
Truth is, even if it becomes FOSS it would take a decade to make a full fork because the source codes are a shitpile.
>2d girls don't need to use the toilet.
This is true. Their cuteness makes them 100% efficient when transforming food into energy.
Odd. As far as I can tell, this is a DNS resolver that tries to print the TXT information of the domains {00..15}.caca.cool, but none of those domains have any TXT records, though they do exist. Care to enlighten us, user?
Why would you even want open source in the first place? Windows 10 does everything you need
Not really, since their POSIX compliance is still atrocious.
But there was a 64 bit XP, but finding drivers was a bitch - even installing iTunes, you had to download ORCA MSI editor, edit a line to include the 64bit version of windows, and even then, cd burning didn't work. It was a kludge job.
Why the fuck would someone use Mac for vidya?
>what is WSL
A meme
No because windows is still an abysmal operating system.
Linux could become closed source and cost $100 for a license and I'd still use it over opensource windows.
I sometimes forget that Linux is the free operating system made by uncoordinated hobbyists and not the one with billions of dollars thrown at it.
>The Linux Operating System
Who is this semen demon?
>Linux is the free operating system made by uncoordinated hobbyists and not the one with billions of dollars thrown at it.
What? Are you fucking idiot?