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Technology #630
These images were created by a generative adversarial network. Resolution is 1024x1024
Windows + Android
Doesn't lag
Which is the best image viewer on GNU plus Linux?
Coffee Break
Bad iTunes quality on Windows?
Why is Sup Forums ALWAYS wrong?
The best alternative we have to microsoft is linux
Why are women such bad programmers?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Intel Optane SSD
LineageOS isn't a good custom ROM, and people who consider LineageOS support as a selling point shouldn't be on here
Strong, flexible type system
Since GIF is pronounced JIF does that mean git is pronounced jit?
What does Sup Forums do with the old smartphones & tablets?
Junior developer position
Physically securing hard drives when away
Sorry, I just need to rant somewhere
Facebook reconnects to HTTPS
Land of the FreeBSD
Is there an android smartphone that isn't shit? I was about to pick up a Pixel 2, after having the pixel for a year...
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Gnome 3
What about LiveClick? they'll support that, right? I need muh RSS system working again!
Is there any advantage of running Windows XP over Windows 7?
IT is suffering
Used to work a cozy job as telecom project manager
What do you lads think of W10's fluent meme design? I find it pretty ugly tbqh
What's The Best Operating Systems for PC Gaming ?
I hope you don't do this
Apple is finish-
Would Sup Forums recommend this desktop? Is this a good quality desktop PC for gaming?
So, since Catalonia declared independence, will RIPE database be updated?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Old Galaxy S5 laying around. Any fun ideas on how I can repurpose it?
How quiet is your PC on a scale from 0 (no sound at all) to 10 (jet engine)?
Mouse Thread
Use uBlock + AntiAdBlock
Proof Outlook email is Just Getting Started™
Which newest piece of tech could impress a girl on the street?
Javascript niggers btfo
/wpc/ - Weekly Programming Challenge 4
What is the best car gps system? Is there one that doesn't require connection to a computer?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Raven Ridge
Boycott Sony!
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Linux sucks /thread
Honest thoughts on Pardus?
Now the dust has settled?
Our boy Luke goes on a white supremacist podcast to talk about free software
What are your most commonly used terminal commands?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's the best mail provider...
Using harmful software in the current year
Apple gets too much hate here
Holy shit, switching to 5ghz wi-fi from 2.4 is like going from HDD to ssd
Mozilla is maching Tor Project donations!
So anyone want to speculate why Ryzen Mobile came out late? The chip can be a moneymaker but the launch...
Guide update (Coffee Lake, take 3)
Compact.exe/Compact.exe GUI
Technology you haven't seen or used in a year
Samsung phones are fucking garbage
Post your battleroom
Just got my car stolen and was wondering if anyone knew If there was a way to track it down with my spare keys...
Windows 8 is going to make me have a stroke
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Talk me out of it Sup Forums
Post a tiny image, and I'll make it bigger
IPhone X
Why she isn't Sup Forums official mascot? She's the ultimate programmer afterall
Pentesting Thread
Sup Forums cringe thread
Capture site visitors IP
Hey guys, remember solar freakin' roadways?
AP Computer Science
Launcher for Android
Is the internet of things just a meme or what? it just seems like the new cloud
Why don't people make THICC laptops anymore? For me the larger the better. I like owning a beast like the M6500
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Forgot bios password
Old Galaxy S6 laying around. Any fun ideas on how I can repurpose it?
Hey dudes
What Features Would You Like in a Web Browser?
How To Kill a Brand /iPhone 8 version/
Whats a good versatile programming language that's fairly easy to learn?
You and Intel have 1 minute to explain how this was ever allowed to happen
Android Screen Recording
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What Laptop/Notebook to buy?
Why can't AMD ever win one? :(
What's the best way to hurt Google?
Y'ever notice how evil Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have gotten? Like every fucking time you want to log in...
Mint or xubuntu?
Itt: we share cool linux command line tricks/programs/whatever
He uses anti-virus software on linux
Why is it so fucking hard to burn a gapless audio cd?
What do you use your smartphone for?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
As a third year in Uni, I'm finding I'm falling behind in my CS classes...
How many tabs do you have open Sup Forums?
/wt/ - Watch Thread $17,752,500 Edition
Programmers/Engineers/Developpers of Sup Forums...
Remove his mental illness and public racism , how much influence could he of had on OS and programming languages ?
Taking a Break From Video Games
Was he a prodigy in any way shape or form?
"UWP Open Source Community"
Mom merged her branch into master
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Could an MMO game based on decentralized, trust-free network design function?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hsg/ - Home Server General
I need a suggestion for a new smartphone under 250$ (~200$)
I love my iPhone7. AMA
Should I install gentoo?
Newfag Guide
LGA775 Appreciation Station
Sup Forums can you please pronounce the name of this software for me
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
It's time to vote
Redpill me on tube amps
I wanna get into photography as a hobby, not professionally, and want a nice but compact camera
Tried VR today for the first time in about a year to look at VR porn and The Walking Dead VR
Hey look another NEW game another WIN for amd
Big phones were a mistake
Wtf I love Edge now
What do you do?
Here's something I've noticed on the apple vs android side of things
Buys a super thin phone
Fucking hell Sup Forums
Why isn't there a Standard for Package Management?
How do I learn 2 IRC?
Kinda neat
Ubuntu one
Data Hoarding
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
This picture made me cry desu. Post Sup Forums feels
AMD Announces Ryzen Mobile
What's the best and most lightweight image viewer?
If iPhone is really so much faster than Android, why is the iPhone 8+ only 8000 points higher than the 1+5?
Thanks for buying moar DRAM! we set all-time HIGH profit!
How do we fix Windows
Geforce 1070Ti $449,00
/wag/ - Windows 10 AME General
Time to let it go?
Why the fuck are there no loops in SQL?
"You know I'm actually on KDE myself" - Tyrell Wellick
I want to use irc. what irc channels do you use?
Pajeet the god makes apps for 5 dollars while rotting in his stinky hindu home while eating curry and you cant do...
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
What's the oldest computer you still use regularly (meaning not collecting dust in a box)...
What is Java good for?
What killed the UMPC/sub-8-inch laptop?
/p2p/ PeerToPeer General
Remember when phones were a pieces of contemporary art
Should I buy a official or unofficial PS2 memory card ?
"clear" just auto-scrolls down and hides everything in the top of the terminal
So will they render our 1060's and 1070's obsolete with (((driver updates))) now?
Hi Sup Forums
Raven Ridge/Ryzen Mobile launched
What is the fastest CPU?
With the one plus 5t being released in the end of november, got a question
Are Mac users a meme?
Please recommend me a good e-mail provider
ITT: Post new laptops that you want or own that cost more than $1000. The more expensive the better...
What language would (you) recommend for a total beginner. i would say python
Mechanical watches
This is the ideal make body. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Do you use desktop icons?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I got a code monkey job 14 months ago
Obtaining my freedums and my Games
Why is calculus considered a necessity for programmers...
Where do you guys torrent movies at?
Worth it use Palemoon todays?
*blocks your path*
Statistics and Python
Dear ProtonMail Supporter
What will you do when you get your robot girlfriend?
Lol, please fuck off with this shit admins
Adam Lanza had a thinkpad
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
SBC thread, no rapepi's please
So uhhhh
Got this as a gift the other day, honestly enjoying it more than I thought I would
Tfw our lead programmer is a code formatting autist
Virtual Machine Problem
A bit of an update
So amd is announcing stuff tomorrow
Looks like destiny 2 is optimized for ryzen. non smt threads appear to be the ones getting loaded
Anyone know any of any reliable portable CD players that don't cost their weight in gold?
How long til AI gf?
Amazon service will let couriers open front doors
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
/wt/ - Watch Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Name a community more hated than this
Why aren't you using COOL-RETRO TERM?
Ubuntu Linux
Laptop General
How to tell if a phone app is secretly including a bitcoin mining botnet?
I want to make something big in C. Something useful. I want people to download whatever the fuck I make...
Rust Language
Are there any base three computer out there yet???
New screenfetch / neofetch thread
What went so wrong?
Linux has no gam-
Name a better GPU
Calculator thread!
Hey Sup Forums I am an EE major who is probably going to switch to CS. Tell me why this is a good/bad idea
Is it worth using?
Back surgery chair help
Never really come here, ive been generally smart with my PC purchases involving parts...
Alright Sup Forums, which one?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
*fucks up*
How do I delete these files?
How the FUCK
Well Sup Forums
Does anyone make TR4 x399 motherboards for threadripper chips that don't look like rainbow flag fag gamer garbage?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Wtf I love mozilla now
BSD And Other Things
What the fuck
/cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecurity and Information Security General
Muh gaymes
Amazon Wants You to Literally Let Them In
Nerd phone
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Kaspersky Lab says that NSA employee was infected by a office 2013 keygen
/wdg/ - Web Development General
So firefox quantum is out, what's your thoughts on it? Is it time to abandon?
"Go to college," they said
Best file manager for Android?
Desktop has a 1080p display and a quad-core cpu
Why Windows 10 installation so creepy?
You can't be productive on an older laptop
How to get low thermals on your delided Intel Coffee Lake CPU
Im 7/10 drunk
Why bother with other keyboards...
Anyone have the textbook for the CompTIA A+ cert...
Hmm, what a peculiar choice of colors
In this ITT thread: great women in tech
As a CS graduate should I
/hpg/ - Headphone General
So apparently people started using nodejs for servers because of the event loop thingy
I need a good C++ IDE
Hi Sup Forums, I made a thread a couple days ago about ricing gnome to look like the soon to be dead Unity...
He doesnt use windows 10
What DE should a real hacker like me use?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Tfw just sorted all my files into neat folders deleted all the bloat deleted all the porn deleted all the incriminating...
Be an ugly stereotypical computer geek
Sum up software into old sayings
Go is a pretty good middle ground between brainlet languages like python and javascript and autism languages like c &...
In the past what did computer nerds do on their computers?
What technology is completely hypothetical at this point
MS beat Linux in its own game, with Windows 10 I can run more than a single Linux console w/o virtualization...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
4.7" 750x1334 pixels
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
When you make off like a jamal
Are we finally reached the point where smartphones can replace digital cameras...
Last week I saw keyboard thread and I thought that you guys could help me...
Which is better?
Sup Forums I have a AMD FX-8350 and a MSI 990FXA, which one should I buy?
Let's talk about file systems
So when will China break into the CPU/GPU market and lower prices? Those jews need some competition
What apps does Sup Forums use?
What is the most aesthetic and efficient programming language to use?
Why is 144hz a thing instead of 120hz?
What is the best:
Fresh install
What are the best headphones that cost less than $400 and don't require an amp or DAC? pic unrelated
All that people on Sup Forums constantly bitching about Windows 10 being bad
Fine wine vs getting it right the first time
Linux Image Viewer
Ok Sup Forums, how Sup Forums are you?
What are some Sup Forums approved anime?
Why does Windows 10 inject ads into everything? Is there an easy way to remove this shit or should I just go back to 7?
When will we reach the "final resolution" for displays ie...
What music do you listen to while you hack?
AMD Fail... Intel Chasing it Away
Dead man switch
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Amazon Key
Can Firefox compete with Chrome nowadays or is it still garbage?
Yes, it's expensive. Yes, it's UNIX. Yes, it's pretty...
Oneplus 5t leaked
What linux OS should I get?
OpenRC vs systemd
Stopwatch for Linux
ThinkPad Phone
T. modern design
I heard you want a girl programmer
Don't mind me, just blocking some ads
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Have shit due tomorrow
It seems that I can't find related thread for asking general question
Synch notes privately
/wt/ - Watch Thread
WHAT DO I DO Sup Forums
Banana Pi r2 - anyone here tried using this as a router? The first one was pretty meh...
Which applications from F-Droid do you use?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why haven't you removed your camera and mics user?
What Addons would you recommend me?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Illegally stealing content isn't immoral but doing so without sharing it with other people is
"Vega is shit" they said
Hardware fuckups?
Best distro
Got diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, t-thanks Sup Forums
Whats up poorfags ? ;) you allright? hehe ;))
"Buy me a coffee"
Trying to explain how bitcoin works to Facebook users
Start a STEM degree
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Which shell does Sup Forums use, and why? I'm using zsh right now
Is there a way to bypass iPhone activation lock?
I use C
Are the Sennheiser HD650s the best headphones under $1000...
Is it worth getting a HTC vive?
Iphone x
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Android file browser
What's the most consistent desktop UI in existence?
Aside from the >botnet, what do you think of Windows 10
You have 10 seconds to explain why there shouldn't be an ethic cleansing of all non-debian based distros and package...
Note 7 literally blowing up planes last year
Born too early to experience a true cyberpunk dystopian future
Javascript is a disease...
What's your excuse for not having turned your thinkpad into a hackintosh?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why haven't you moved from Youtube to Bitchute Sup Forums?
Why does Linux (or your distro's package manager) just scatter all of your programs across multiple folders...
Get ready for Vega to rip Nvidia a new asshole
PC Building General
In what year do you guys think portrat videos will stop being a thing?
Fuck Anti-cheat, Fuck Telemetry
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Elon Musk Concerned Over Talk of ‘AI Godhead’
16.04 LTS or 17.10?
What are some creative ways to hide these dumb "most visited" tiles on Chrome but still display a custom theme on the...
Some nerd from school said you faggots can help. A friend gave me this phone. He can't remember the password...
I am a 28 year old virgin
With the Essential Phone down to $499, am seriously considering getting one to replace my Nextbit Robin...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Anyone here every try Linux From Scratch? Post:
Using dvorak on windows 10
Here is da challenge:
Trusting Google
Implying that people aren't just fighting about desktop environments when they compare distros
How would I do Sup Forums?
The company I work for supports Apple mobile devices. When users upgrade their phones...
When will GPUs stop improving?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
Who the fuck designed this? It looks like an absolute clusterfuck...
There have been 63058200 posts on Sup Forums
Why fuck aren't you using W10 LTSB?
Rate Home Screen General
Using an OS that's 8 years old
'Sup Sup Forums
Find a flaw
AMD stock plunges > 10%
*moves slightly in random direction without touching it*
/hsg/ - Home Server General
Tfw can’t touch type
Hi Sup Forums!
I want to get wireless headphones
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Great Scott!
New to AMD/Radeon
Win8.1, best version
How much data have you used this month Sup Forums? trying to figure out if I'm using a lot or average
Does anybody have an interactive and kidish oriented time limiter for Windows?
We used to just call these thing emoticons. What the fuck is this “emoji” faggotry?
Screenfetch / neofetch thread
What is the computer and the program on the most left on this photo Sup Forums? Thanks
Ask a professional video game tester anything
Someone needs to explain this noob right here about how safe Discord is?
The absolute state of apple
Mfw there are phones without audio jack and SD card slots and they are selling well
Defend this, Cloverfags
IPhone cases with a hole in the back
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does anybody ever become a devop out of their own choice?
Font thread? Font thread
Where on this timeline did Apple fuck up?
Find a better micro atx case
Fuck with this evil person
/lsd/ - Laptop Stickers Designation
Discussion: Smart tv's
I have four (4) laptops
What are you using yours for?
Windows software that keeps you from installing Linux because that software is not on Linux or has no comparable...
Is programming a lifelong investment?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
So when is this shit going to be dropped from GPUs already?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Linux is better for prog-
Why don't we use Linux to recreate a OS with the best features of Mac and Windows?
Winamp 2.95
Mr Robot uses nano
Porn purge
Any gigabit, dual band router recommendations? preferably around 50-80 range. What the top brand now...
This is it, lads. I'm installing Manjaro
College dropout
If you have less than three monitors you should just use a laptop
Hey lads, laptop prices in the UK are fucked...
Why do they have such bad reputation on here even though they offer the best noise-cancelling technology?
It's certified unix
Wake me up when september ends
/wag/ - Windows 10 AME General
Go to hardware store
Which one is the best for laptop use?
It's over for Pixel
Ads are dying because of Adblocker
Gen8 cpu and win10
NAS BSD thread
Hi guys, I just got a gov't grant for my small IT business allowing me to spend 100k
Forcing cs students who just want to learn programming to take math classes
Thoughts on monitor for gaming PC I ordered/am building
ZX1 Compact
How the FUCK do I get Nightly too look like that (tabs ar the same level than the buttons) on GNU/Linux and xfce?
I've decided to buy a NAS or build my own but I have a couple of questions
Tik tik
What is this good for? Is it any good at all?
What does so many millennials use iphones for?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
*hides original ip*
What is your favorite PS1?
Decided check my google photos
/g, give better/cheaper alternative for home server then pic related. Needs to be small, quiet and low consumption...
Oh shit guys. what do I do?
Ryzen laptops hype=dead
Mr robot uses nano
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Where were you when PC was kill?
Do you ever get internet outages?
So, I just got new phone and was thinking about getting app from google play...
Holy fucking shit
Post your desktops
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How the FUCK do i fix my solder tip? solder wont stick to it
Password manager
What's happening with GPUs right now?
Is my neighbourhood going to black out when I plug this in?
/wag/ - Windows 10 AME General
Speccy Thread
FBI failed to access 7,000 encrypted mobile devices
Upgrading from an s7 edge to a new phone soon
You are given a choice of installing one of these two versions of Linux. Pick one and state why
/wpc/ - Weekly Programming Challenge
Which motherboard brand is the most reliable?
Open Office vs Cubicle Farm
Google Is Creating Its Own City
Automatic mahjong tables are technology
What is the least goyim anti virus software...
BSD Maid Cafe
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Why don't you have a home server Sup Forums?
Thinkpad what?
Apple blown the fuck out
What alternative web browser do you use?
Essential phone dropped to $499. Should I cancel my Pixel 2 pre-order?
Buy Pixel 2
Why doesn't Sup Forums have threads about mining anymore?
I just got a raspberry pi for free. What should I do with it?
And awaaaaaay we go
Up to 43% faster performance on Radeon™ RX Vega56 (8GB) graphics than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why does this make all of the Sup Forums sperglords ree?
Is it the worse time to build a PC?
Javascript in frontend
What PC cases are NOT a joke?
Ok, so I don't get it
Home NFS fast, cheap and fault tolerant
Redpill me on the Galaxy S5 Sup Forums
AMD shares to plunge more than 60%
Tech triggers
Why is everything technology so shit?
Just buy Seagate bro
Alarm clock thread
Anyone else noticing how Linux, and by Linux yes I mean GNU/Linux so don't you fucking interject on me now...
What will be the next Facebook, Amazon, Google, etc.?
Yeah I know about computers
Is Louis Rossmann our guy?
Any recomendation for a lightweight Python IDE or editor?
/EDC/ General
Why aren't you running a Lineage based custom ROM Sup Forums?
Applel iCuckolds will defend this
S'wrong with this dude
PowerLine- What exactly is it?
Convert how.jpg bmp:- | aplay -r 44100
/dpt/ daily programming thread
Why do people eat Oreos and not Hydrox
When was the last time you actually used this?
What is your favorite terminal application?
Hardware Porn
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Post your mechanical keyboard
What's the point buying expensive mics? You're not a voice actor, so why the fuck do you own expensive mics?
Does Sup Forums use a password manager?
Geissler tube
Purism Disables Intel ME on its laptops
/gNG/ - Sup Forums Nostalgia General
Python vs. R
Why do most C.S/I.T college professors prefer Mac over PC? I am a C...
"How would one of your friends describe you?"
Leaving/weakening the matrix
Is this a plane
Hard Drive Thread
Is there a way/software to show on screen your PSU's model/wattage?
What is the best drug to do when you program?
Why is the iPad pro the only non-gaymen laptop with high refresh rate and also variable refresh rate
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Daily reminder that appimages are the future of installing applications on Linux systems
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why doesn't someone make a distro that can run EXE natively?
Look at this little thing trying to be a bad boy haha
Thoughts on the GPD Win 2? It has a better processor (Intel M3-7Y30) compared to the GPD Win's Atom x7 Z8700
What 4k tv should you be buying this fall and why is it the LG C7?
Stop using chrome
Microsoft Edge preview now available for Android and iOS
What is the alternative to Veracrypt for encrypting folders?
What language do I learn if I want to earn lots of money?
This is Linux Tarballs, creator of LinusOS and before that UNIX. Say something nice about him
If robots are replacing humans. Who buy all those products made by robots?
So we all know college is mostly a fucking scam used to racket people into funneling money into third-parties like...
How do you handle external libraries on a GitHub repo? Especially if they're huge, like 150+ MB?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Decentralized Spotify
What's the most secure password manager?
Windows 8.1 is the best OS
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Petition to label the FSF as a terrorist organization
What is your programming level Sup Forums?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Quick Sup Forums b4 the kids get off from school. What are some recommended applications for the OSX?
Screenfetch thread
Have brave installed for 3 days
Is GitHub a monopoly?
I've been using Linux for over a week now and I was wondering what terminal you guys use. I'm currently using Termite
Sup Forums, I run a small little textboard I programmed myself...
User if you were to make money illegal what would your safest and best bet be
What is this?
Mobile Spotify is shit
What went wrong?
Have gigaybyte motherboard
The Most Complete GNU/Linux Distro
Imagine being dumb enough to after losing the headphone jack, seeing the ugly as fuck design...
Free VPS
When loonix can do that, i'll change
Razer does it again
Will future android females replicate the vapid, generic, boring, tasteless, banal, oblivious...
/wpc/ - Weekly Programming Challenge
What happens when someone hacks a Linkedin account
Take illegal content
I'm planning to buy a dish to have to have a look at satellite signals using SDR...
Star/fork repository
Is videogame console technology reaching a dead end?
If you're not using at lease three of these you don't belong here:
What usability changes and programs do you use on Windows to make it good? Fences? DisplayFusion? Classic She'll?
Why is windows so bad?
LMAO poo ryzen can't even keep up with processors from a decade ago...
What went wrong?
I'm logged on my college's debian server, what kind of fun things can I do ?
Convert azure.jpg bmp:- | aplay -r 44100
Where is tpg (Thinkpad General)
What mouse do you guys use?
Im in community college right now and i have the opportunity to study computer science next year at a university
What does Sup Forums drink while programming?
> you must open your code even if you don't want to
Try to ping from a local device
ITT: your current phone
Things you are legit autistic about in tech
Time again for this. What's your:
I want a qute little server that i can put next to my pc on my desk and save files to any recommendations?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Essential phone price cut by $200
So, what's the Sup Forums consensus on when gaymer volta cards are going to hit the shelves? around spting 2018?
Is this an acceptable degree of progress for six years of work?
Developer job postings
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What happened to Operating Systems?
Is programming dying? Doesn't seem people have the same passion and desire for it anymore...
The p*ssyreker of all phones
Raspberry Pi
Why are androids so fucking slow compared to iphones?
Why don't you have your drives encrypted?
Entry level jobs require Bachelors for 12$ an hour
So I see you're running Gnome. You know I'm actually on KDE myself...
ITT: Sup Forums-tier games
Why do people use steam?
I hated Unity
GTX 750 TI No Signal
Was Ted Kaczynski Right?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums bingo
Electronic voting
Dear Spys of Sup Forums
Thrift store find, how'd I do Sup Forums?
Finally a replacement for my G400
Multithreading in 7 zip?
Vivaldi Shills
Went for this meme cooler 2 years ago, should I change it up to a liquid cooler?
Only Sonyggers will defend this
What does Tim Cook have to do with 'koding'?
Why are you not using LXQt, Sup Forums?
I am looking for evidence if any of diversity hires hurting the tech industry
Literally have no idea what to do. I have an AMD A8-7600 (fucking meme)...
Gentoo for a newfag
This is my trusty hand crank mp3 player / usb drive
Sup Forums lifehacks
Why would you want to work as a programmer in 2017?
When fagbook was in its beginning stages, this is what Mr. Zuckerberg had to say to his thousands of users
>l-lincucks is the best operating system
I've gone through multiple programming tutorials. How do I actually MAKE STUFF...
Tech Zen Thread
What went wrong?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Some random guy on DPT mentioned the red programming language and I just tried it out for a few minutes. ( )
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Fried gpu repair
Welcome to our start-up, user!
How does Sup Forums name their hard drives?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Software that Sup Forums raves about all the time but is actually a pile of buggy shit that has better alternatives...
BSD And Other Things
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Jesus Christ, programming must be so fucking comfy...
What's a cool, original custom keyboard layout for android...
Retro Thread?
Autistic and insane developer creates new language
Firefox not loading webms anymore
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
Sup Forums, what a front-end developer working in the industry should ideally know? Let's discuss and, if possible...
Windows 10 /AME/ general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What are your first thoughts when you see or hear that someone is using Linux?
Who else is hyped for 10-core Psion Gemini Linux PDA/Smartphone?
Have a bunch of shit open
/hsg/ - Home Server General
Learning programming and actually being productive
When You Realize This is All You Need
And this shit is the most popular language nowdays?
What went wrong?
Is VR like a rift / vive worth buying now or is it a giant fail? I see some VR porn that might be interesting...
You have an hour of unrestricted root access to the webservers of any company of your choosing
Linux distro which just works
Go into server room
Alternative Router Firmware
HDDs are fragile pieces of shit
Konqi is building his own computer! He plans on using KDE neon because he wants the latest and greatest from the KDE...
Any empty case version of pic related but with usb drives?
Any movies about AI besides Her?
Web browsers
Sup Sup Forums
Enter incorrect data in login
Who the fuck actually uses sudocode?
Iphone 8 turned out to be a giant flop
You make not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
There is literally nothing wrong with the notch
What's the alternative to this? I fucking liked unity and now canonical fucked everything up
How do I make my Mac a e s t h e t i c ?
It's coming
What do you expect top of the line consumer technology to look like in 2027? (Ten years from now)
Fall Creators Update
Building a computer mostly for mining and csgo/league
Is pretty incredible how scarily good Google Translate has gotten
Is there any reason I shouldn't use ubiquiti stuff for my home network?
Behold, the best cpu ever made
What is the best Linux distribution for security?
When Linux native programs have versions that work in Windows
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
You lived long enough to see Microsoft Edge become okay-tier
Hey Sup Forums an user here who has no experience with laptops or computers in general(except smartphones) just...
3d printers got me thinking about something
The perfect distro for everybody doesn't exi-
You can't pretend forever
So I scored myself a rather pricey ID card printer a little while ago. What should I print with it?
What's the fastest "modern" OS with a gui to run in a virtual machine? The fastest I've ran is windows XP
Why can't all Linux environments be as good as this one?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Okay fuckers tell me why i should switch from nvim to emacs
HP OEM Keyboard
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why haven't programming languages evolved in any meaningful way?
What's wrong with IPv6?
Do people actually use these things?
My cryptology professor spells and pronounces "cypher" as "chipper"
Post ending in 00 is the wallpaper I will use in class
Anyone else in the position of having to use W10?
Loving technology: after-basement life
Why still so many wasted pixels at the top?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Enjoy your botnet
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Party at my girls house
Let's play a game, Sup Forumsents
Is there a genuine explanation for this?
Ruby package "FactoryGirl" renamed because of "Girl"; shit breaks
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is this true Sup Forums?
Aged Battle Station
What the hell happened to websites?
SystemD is the worst thing that have ever happened to Linux
Very good user, very good... we just have one last whiteboard exercise for you
ITT: Sup Forums Memes you don't understand
I'm an aging software developer in my 30s who's finding it increasingly impossible to compete with younger people in...
/wt/ - Watch Thread
New "real" Iphone Feature
System76 Pop!_OS
Gentoo Ransomeware in the wild?
Should i buy this smart watch
Pixelation and data corruption
Reminder that Windows 10 is the best OS
Fall for the 16GB of RAM le unused RAM is wasted le RAM XDDDD meme
So....Sup Forums
Anyone else think this will be the future of computing?
I'm actually feeling a bit sorry for web koders and how much they're going to struggle with WASM
Would you switch to windows if they went 100% opensource? Justify
What have you done to encourage women to pursue technical career paths?
New to the software industry
Danbooru patched the API bug which allowed basic and anoymous users to look at content behind a paywall
Switching from iPhone 7 to android, Galaxy S8 or Pixel 2?
Why is all currynigger software so shit?
We all agree silver is the best Apple color
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...