>Linux is better for prog-
Linux is better for prog-
> Being a microshill
The envy of a Lincuck: Episode I
Nice reddit spacing, faggot.
Visual studio is a great crutch for writing C#, but that's it.
>I use an IDE
>t. NEET
>t. pajeet
It's the best IDE for C++. No other IDE comes close. Now go back to torturing yourself with GDB.
I'm an academic who uses VIM
Now if only MSVC was any good. Quite the hefty price you pay by going full VS.
I respect STL but a single person can't fix the entire Microsoft stdlib.
A $80k/yr earning pajeet, actually.
As I said, a worthless NEET, sucking on governments tit.
>me touch computer
Visual studio and ASP.NET core is great for web dev, im absolutely loving it. Microsoft does not get the credit it deserves
Of course the code monkey uses visual studio.
Meanwhile advancing our understanding of modern computing with VIM.
I've used both Windows and Linux extensively for programming, and there is no way to beat a 'nix or nixlike for development.
Visual Studio sucks ass in comparison to a well set up emacs/nix environment. I used a better IDE on the Atari ST for fuck's sake.
>i feel smarter for learning bunch of hotkeys to use vim
Don't act like you're some hot shot for using Vim. That's in bad taste. Vim users should be classier.
What projects are you working on? Could you share a github repo?
>Meanwhile advancing our understanding of modern computing with VIM.
I hope you mean using vim to write LaTeX documents because that's all worthwhile academics do.
How many accepted submissions in high quarter journals do you have?
>slow bloated piece of waste
I don't actually use vim, my bashrc has a mandatory "export EDITOR=nano"
I just enjoy triggering visual cucks, always so defensive. I'll use what ever IDE/ editor is most suitable for the job, aka never visual studio
Its funny, even Microsoft acknowledge this, hence the fact visual code was born, its an unmaintainable code base, which they just keep adding too because taking stuff out is hard
This is why all professional developers have the Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display.
lol no
Code is made to bait nu males into the microsoft environment
VS has the best GUI of any c++ compilers. Everything else is vomit inducing, especially code fucking blocks.
>It's the best IDE for C++. No other IDE comes close.
Explain why
Prof in programming languages uses emacs to write ocaml
He's pretty based
Why couldn't VS do that directly? Because its a bloated mess
Being windows only meant I never tried it.
How is it better than qtcreator?
Because VS isn't for web dev cucks
After all, this is the best.
have you even tried it at all? it's at least 20x faster than visual studio and has everything you need for most tasks, no bloat. atom is the numale shit.
It broke my workflow. I also gave up on C# and became a java codemonkey, so i'm better with other IDE. I still don't get who the fuck uses .net core or the linux tools in that crap.
Yes it is
I hear this all the time.
That msvc is the only good c/c++ debugger but it is never included with a list of shit that you can do with it that you cant do with another IDE's debugger.
I don't want to argue with someone, Im genuinely curious exactly why it is so much better.
Use it for 3 weeks. Then use Qt shit. If you don't understand by then you're an idiot anyway.
Not an argument
>As I said, a worthless NEET, sucking on governments tit.
Private companies donate money to the university where I work, my pay is taken from that money.
My office belongs to the government but the building was built using funding from donations.
I am clearly both in education and employment, so I don't see how NEET applies.
Do I look like I give a shit about arguments? Fuck off.
It's in the Arch repos, brainlet
True, but expected more.
visual studio != visual studio code
I do not want your rancid vomit anywhere near my computer you homosexual
Look, I'm gonna try to be as pleasant as I can possibly be at the moment. VS is a nearly perfect IDE. In the professional setting, every other IDE comes to about knee high. VS is the undisputed king. It's not that it has many useful features, it's not that it's been around forever, it's not that MS puts ridiculous resources for its development. No, none of these things make it great. What makes it great is that EVERY other IDE is copying features from VS. That's how fucking good it is. It sets the bar for all the other IDEs. And it pushes that bar yearly. If you still don't believe me, find a Linux software engineer and ask them if VS is a good IDE. Seriously, do it. Then record your face when they tell you it is the best out there. See in real world Linux vs Windows means absolutely shit. It's kiddie stuff, engineers don't have time for your idiotic tantrums. We have actual work to do, we don't have time to waste on idiotic editor wars or browser wars or whatever the fuck you latch on to and defend it like it's your fucking penis.
>We have actual work to do, we don't have time to waste on idiotic editor wars or browser wars or whatever the fuck you latch on to and defend it like it's your fucking penis.
like you and vs right now? lmaoing@you're live
And yet you have time for a post like this?
> Programmer != Engineer btw
Unless you are a real engineer, in which case hello fellow engineerbro.
stinky curryeating nigger
I thought MS is a rich company that can afford banners.
Better than idea?
I don't think so Rajesh.
Yeah, I mean using the best possible tool is absolutely the same as latching onto a fad. Fucking moron.
This should be pinned on this board. This whole tools war bullshit has to end.
Flat Earth is a based meme.
This is always what they say.
If you cant say why it is better, how could i notice?
Torture yourself with inferior tools then. See if I care.
"Best possible tool" is totally subjective. Thus, any tool is basically a fad.
Yeah then why don't you use your fingers to eat a soup? Spoons are a fad after all.
it really is quite good
though an IDE isn't really compatible with the unix philosophy
>This whole tools war bullshit has to end.
With a braindead bullshit? Good job.
Lmao that's pathetic. I made 110k at my first job (we used Linux btw)
I just dont understand what makes other tools inferior.
Ive watched some videos from professional devs that say everything else is shit for debugging, but I can load up qr creator or kdevelop or clion and do exactly what they do when theyre debugging.
Is it just a matter of workflow and interface?
That I can understand.
But if there is some feature that msvc has that enhances shit 10 fold, Id love to know about it.
i made 150k at my second job and we were coding in java on win 95 home edition
Six months ago I worked with a remote team who used VisualStudio. I used notepad++
We had a lot of problems because my code just wouldn't go into the repo... I mean on my side git showed that everything was fine but they always insisted that they can't see any of my files. Idiots almost convinced the project manager that git is buggy and we need to start emailing code to eachother.
In an effort to understand the problem I asked for a VS licence and installed it, only to find out that files added to the filesystem wouldn't show up in project files panel unless they were added through VS.
So, if you enjoy your having your IDE decide that showing and compiling files in project folders is a good idea, then be my guest and use Visual Code
You would have to pay me quite handsomely to get me to use Visual Studio.
I don't see the problem, it's an easy to use tool for building GUI so you can focus on the code
>that git is buggy and we need to start emailing code to eachother
hello ranjeesh
Workflow, interface, features, virtually limitless extendability. There is no other debugger that comes close.
If you think I'm going to hold your hand and tell you why VS is better than every other IDE in existence, forget it. Either use it and you'll see eventually, or use your tools.
I'm also not saying you SHOULD use VS. You should use whatever the fuck you want to use.
>still making less than 7 figures for pressing buttons
I made 190k on my second job coding FORTRAN on SEL4 microkernel
Don't blame others for your incompetence. Also don't blame the tool for your coworkers incompetence.
With ReSharper it is Mikhail.
CLion and Rider are prettty nice but still not good enough, and hindered by the fact they run on Java.
It's obviously not a biased opinion.
CLion sucks ass compared to IntelliJ
And requires the gcc toolchain so you need MinGW to run it.
1 hour 19 minutes needed for an intellij post. I'm disappoint.
>my file viewer should randomly decide to not let me view files
we got a live one boys!
>using goymj after they've fucked their customers over with the licensing bullshit
ishygddt dot costanza
Makes sense.
Unless the sln was updated, it wouldnt show your files.
Pants on head about your coworkers.
That is the same thing I hear whenever msvc vs anything else is brought up.
Says it has features and extensability without giving concrete examples.
I don't question interface/workflow because they are preference and can be learned.
"Don't expect me to hold your hand and tell you about all the great features I use."
Why not?
I want to learn. You obviously know.
It would take you less time to reply with a handful of unique features than continually reply with "use it, if you cant tell then kill yourself".
did microshill pay for your Sup Forums pass or did you buy it with your MTurk earnings?
>using vs when clion and ryder exist
Intellij Rider will probably surpass VS.
The compilier is a literal joke that doesn't conform to any standards. gcc and Clang are light years ahead
you can install a rider extension
literally outplayed