Hmm, what a peculiar choice of colors

Hmm, what a peculiar choice of colors...

Great thread.

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untermenschen wouldn't understand

Thanks! You've got to admit the similarities are uncanny.




Arbeit mach drei

Holy shit, I think OP might be onto something!


wtf i love amd now

>tfw you dream about Nazis in UFOs to save the world from the kikes every day
Don't get my hopes up just to disappoint me

>the quality of nu/pol/ posts

I knew I was right in Team AMD all along

Hoc thread merdam est.

Why Latin?

edgy verysmart guy

haec facetia merda est
Fucking casual

Nigeri lingua Germanicarum dicet. English filliam lingua Germanicarum est.

Hui, Hitler et Marx et Merkel nigeri est quod lingua Germanicarum dicent et Germanici sunt.

*filliam linguae Germanicarum

