What are some Sup Forums approved anime?

What are some Sup Forums approved anime?

Other urls found in this thread:



You posted it. Also, Yuru Yuri


love Live, im@s, Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?, Yuru Yuri, Card Captor Sakura, etc.
alfa male anime only.

There are no such things. Weebs should be banned from here.

Boku no Pico

anime website

anime website

anime website

All absolute trash.

Kinue Hayase is where it's at.

Dennou Coil

Sauce faggot.
Too busy doing my neetwork.

Better question: Which anime should newfags have to watch before being allowed to post on Sup Forums?

Please fuck off.


anime website


>being this new
Lurk moar.

maki from love live

I like that milf

No, I meant fuck for your shit taste.


Instaru Genturu

psycho pass

also ex-D

african basket weaving website

>someone posted an anime picture
>calling him "weeb"
>complaining about anime on an imageboard

So much autism. Just leave.

you are trash

Sup Forums is far too intelligent to watch anime

What are some 5 cute facts about Maki

Anime is p gay and shit in general IMO, but this one is quality.

This is obvious bait

Also based shin-chan

Not n = 2k
The plot is meta and cute

Blocked on muh country

The anime is also tech educational: youtube.com/watch?v=upa12yjBCaQ

Battle programer shirase

Dude stop being so defensive
Go spam this fag

Lain, of course

If only we had a sticky that linked a wiki that listed them.

- She's a girl!
- She's a tomato!
- I love her!!!!!
- Maki!!!!!!!!!!!

or something like that as far as I can tell.

inb4 more shitty uguu~! pedophile trap shit shows are posted

New Game!


Sup Forums has pretty bad anime tastes in general because every here are social rejects so they go for shows with stupid amounts of fan service and underage girls.

Duh. If I wanted something realistic I'd just live life.


frog website

This is Sup Forums, not reddit.

kiss yourself, homo

>ywn have sex with yourself
why even live

>this is frog website, not anime

You are in the wrong site. You seem to be looking for reddit.

hahaha lol yeah this guy is just wrong here hahahaha. What a noob lol ^^

ebin xDDDDD

I was politely redirecting him to the correct website. Don't be rude to the frog poster. Frog posters are not very bright.

We need to fight frogposters with frogs after all.


oreimo is red pilled and Sup Forums related




Proxy pic spamfight go


I don't have other related pics. You have defeated me.
You have won the battle, but the war is not over.


anime website


Best thread on Sup Forums right now.


>being this mad

>already admitted defeat


I'm not OP but i am actually doing this.
I am at the part where you chroot into the system.

Pedophile website


>implying lolicons like 3d
If you've been around kids you know to keep that shit 2d.

taiwanese stick hockey warehouse

What does it feel like to be an anti-animefag?

Good luck user. After installing it a few times, no one even remembers that it was hard :^)

it feels fat and it smells like cheap micro-beer and boring sitcoms


But its contrarian to hate anime. Normalfags love battleshounen.

idk but it must feel pretty fucking stupid to post on 4chinz about how you hate anime

Why do people like maki so much?
She has like 5 minutes of screentime and 10 lines of dialog TOTAL in BOTH SEASONS of love live where she appears

If my normie friends knew I watch anime, they would disown me.
I am like IRL

It's just a meme, friend. Everyone knows that the best idol is you.

Welcome to the NHK

If you can't be yourself with the people you call friends, are they really your friends?
You're a poser.
If you actually watched umaru, you would realize how stressful it is pretending to be something you're not.

Why are you friends with people who don't share your hobby?



>If you can't be yourself with the people you call friends, are they really your friends?
Yes! Just partition your mind and take advantage of the greatness of those around you, user. It is in the provision and derivation of that utility to/from others in various forms that forms durable foundations of relationships, user.
Friends are great and useful!
>You're a poser.
We all are in some ways.
>If you actually watched umaru, you would realize how stressful it is pretending to be something you're not.
I do! But I have no onii-chan around to fuck things up, so it's not that hard to hide things I enjoy in my spare time.
Umaru is not so much a tragic figure but a personified commentary of the navigation of the vagaries of social life. Most of the time, she maintain the balance and excels in her personal, social, and academic life, but sometimes she fails because it's not easy, but it is the optimal mode of operation in society.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Level E
Serial experiments Lain
Deadman Wonderland
and this:

First actual answer best post
Also, I couldn't finish NHK because it was starting to make me realize that I am slowly becoming a NEET when I had a dream of actually doing something fun for the rest of my life

Obviously this as it's represents perfectly what is it like to be here.

Golden Boy EP1. It's not approved because the children don't watch good anime from the past.

>t. poster on Sup Forums - Gijutsu

>nobody watches golden boy
>literally the first pick at any laserdisc night at an anime con

>anime is p gay
>likes umaru
ironic weeb checks out