Ok Sup Forums, how Sup Forums are you?

Ok Sup Forums, how Sup Forums are you?
Do you care about privacy?
What do you do to protect your privacy?
>Using GNU/Linux
>Using Firefox or derivates/ungoogled Chromium with privacy tweaks and addons
>Using a VPN? gist.github.com/joepie91/5a9909939e6ce7d09e29
not checked
>Using dumbphone/android without gapps
checked dumbpone
>Using a Systemd-free distro
not checked, should I care about this for privacy?
>Using librebooted machine
not checked

Im mising something else?

Other urls found in this thread:


>not honeypots
>actually doing anything
user pls, if the fbi/nsa want your ass they'll fucking get it.
encrypt your drives and hope for the best

>Using GNU/Linux
>Using Firefox or derivates/ungoogled Chromium with privacy tweaks and addons
>Using a VPN?
>Using dumbphone/android without gapps
Yes, no gapps los
>Using a Systemd-free distro
>Using librebooted machine
maybe later but I'd rather not get that paranoid that I wouldn't trust firmware

>Using GNU/Linux
>Using Firefox or derivates/ungoogled Chromium with privacy tweaks and addons
>Using a VPN?
>Using dumbphone/android without gapps
>Using a Systemd-free distro
>Using librebooted machine
>using Gmail
yes because job and i cant make my tutanota account because ip block or whatever

You don't have any fucking privacy on this shithole world


that's some Sup Forums-tier pseudo article trying to convince you not to use a VPN, just repeating "don't do it, they're evil!"

Only idiots think they have any privacy on any thing
>muh windows 7 placebo
>muh linux placebo
>i-im safe on firefox!
>i have a vpn!
>they cant track my phone if it doesnt have apps!
>i hear systemmd is bad! for privacy!
>muh bios!
come on fuck off honestly

You are literally the exact same type of people who mindlessly eat up whatever shit product is spewed out with the buzzwords they like

just replace "simplicity" with "privacy" in most of this shit adds

Im so done with all this

im so done with all you
genuinely fuck off and stop pretending you know fucking anything

ok, im interested, explain yourself why we should give up.

Because Agent FUD has to make a living, too.

nice shilling faggot

- use an AMD FX-xxxx series, ARM, or other CPU that isn't hardware back-doored
- use a router with secure custom firmware
- block all ports on the router's firewall
- use an ethernet cable instead of WiFi
- disable Bluetooth, IR, NFC, WiFi, and all other forms of wireless
- install a firewall package like UFW and block all incoming ports
- install Tor and Tor Browser
- set your software repos to the Tor .onion addresses
- set your DNS servers to use Tor or DNSSEC
- use opennic dns servers
- set up your own vpn on a vps
- never install or run any software you aren't sure is clean
- learn how to encrypt a partition with cryptsetup
- learn how to archive and encrypt files with tar and gpg
- generate STRONG passwords, certs, and keys on an air-gapped computer with no wireless capability
- keep your passwords, certs, and keys on a luks-encrypted usbstick in your pocket
- don't let anyone insert any usbstick, cd, dvd, cable, or anything else into your pc
- enter passwords using an on-screen keyboard that you click with your mouse
- keep your monitor turned away from windows, doors, cameras, etc
- don't store sensitive data on unencrypted flash drives like cellphones, usbsticks, or SSDs
- on the internet, DON'T CLICK ANYTHING you aren't sure of
- don't visit any internet site you aren't sure of
- don't click email links you aren't sure of
- don't open email attachments you aren't sure of
- don't view unknown .pdf, .doc or other media files
- use TLS at all times, e.g. HTTPS instead of HTTP
- in your non-Tor browser, use security addons like https-everywhere, noscript, ublock-origin, privacy-badger
- don't sign up for facebook, google, hotmail, twitter, or anything else
- never use your real name, address, birthdate, phone#, id# or anything else
- use bleachbit liberally
- wipe your drives with dd before throwing or giving them away, or selling them

>using a literal fbi honeypot for privacy
absolutely delusional

t. complete moron



>how Sup Forums are you

Identity politics is that way ->

Keep sensitive data on offline hardware, financial dealing on live is, don't look for kiddie porn. Works for me.

Is...meant OS

t. doesn't know what 'ARM' means

Explain then.

You can uninstall all of that and have it still work. Those are just for some wlan and BT adapter firmware blobs which you don't need to have installed (can buy no firmware ones).

But forgot to add the RPi requires nonfree boot firmware anyway (on /boot) t. Allwinner A10 and A20 are a great example of fully freely booting and mainlined ARM hardware (cubieboard etc), and some of the Orange Pi:s are also supported too I think though they use newer chips

The joepie91 text is assuming you're a fucking retard that uses vpn products from another provider. Just rent a lowend vps and run openvpn and route all logs to /dev/null.

I try to follow most of these rules but since I have to interact with people who won't, I can't always follow these rules.

>Claims to care about privacy
>Hasn't created his own OS and web browser

why did they stop making that cute little mips netbook that rms used?
Do they make similar ones with all winner?

It's like a mosque in here
What the fuck are you shitskins hiding from?

Vpn can be usefull to go on sites that are blocked and if you wan't to buy some cristal meth on the deep web you don't want the police knowing who you are

The systemd problem has nothing to do with privacy. People dislike systemd for its design, there's literally nothing botnet-ish about systemd. It's in fact, GPL licensed free software.

u can't get privacy without security, besides it's design systemd is just like a rootkit.
Flash plugin tier security at init level kek