"How would one of your friends describe you?"

>"How would one of your friends describe you?"

As a sage.

Why on Sup Forums?

I don't really have friends soo

Because it was during an interview for an IT position.

computer genious

"That freak I only hang out with because he can fix my computer at any moment.

What kind of position?

I would say as a faggot, but I'm not your friend.

Database administrator...Kinda. Didn't go well anyways, too much sketchy and obscure shit unrelated to the field.

Someone who knows how to use the quoting function

Probably negatively, so she's in my freezer. What job am I here for again?

At this point in my life I'd be surprised if anyone from my younger years even remembered my name.

>not saying out loud "greater than character, implying I have friends"

>have a little faith in yourself
>have some confidence and self-esteem
>believe in yourself
>allow yourself to enjoy your successes
>give yourself a break

>please stop punishing yourself user

Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>all these spergs ITT worrying about such questions
>not simply lying
>not just parroting a bunch of retarded just-world platitudes
>not pretending you're a normalfag
>not pretending you have a healthy social life
You will probably still get caught lying but hey, you shouldn't play by the rules if you're the under dog fighting goliath.

So just make shit up. Just like for the rest of the interview.

Unless... you weren't... actually... qualified... were you?

>Chad magician gets the job just by giving a juicy wink
>Beta programmer actually puts in effort in learning programming and fails a basic social test
lick pottery

Are you a teenage girl?

I'm a pickle rick!

The irony is that teenage girl parlance is widespread now and used unironically on Sup Forums


>be me
>recruiter (in IT btw)
>always acing job interviews
>end up being awkward and performing poorly in the job afterwards
Life is pain


Just lie lol

nah hes the 2nd best SC2 player

>what do you see yourself doing in the next 5 years?
>what are your hobbies?
>do you have regrets in life?

Just shut the fuck up and give me the job already you piece of shit. How the fuck am I supposed to know where the fuck I'll be in 5 years, I just want the fucking money, hire me and I'll do the fucking job in order to get money, it's that easy you turboretard.

I'm memeing, of course I lied, in fact I'm pretty good in interviews.
It's just funny to nail every technical part and then invent some friends, Chad would do the opposite.
What am I saying, Chad would be the boss.

Whatever man, you have to answer these questions with the most obvious lies and you're good
>what do you see yourself doing in the next 5 years?
Working hard
>what are your hobbies?
>do you have regrets in life?
Not working enough
>what are some of your defects?
I work too much

And so on. It sounds dumb but that's what they want you to say, even if everyone involved knows it's a lie

man I miss being alive

what friends? You mean my waifu?

A dick, but a knowledgeable and loyal dick.

>having friends

A boring retard that we just tolerate by habit



He should be married by now with his income.

domestic terrorist or pseudo intellectual, or kangaroo.

I think this is the easiest way to get your application thrown out, it sounds like you're making fun of them and most HR people have a god complex, so they'll definitely hate that.


It has worked for me every time
Of course my post was exaggerated but you get what I was going for

I'm sure it wasn't just your replies.
Are you average looking?

>domestic terrorist
>pseudo intellectual

I agree very strongly with this statement user