I want to make something big in C. Something useful. I want people to download whatever the fuck I make...

I want to make something big in C. Something useful. I want people to download whatever the fuck I make. The problem is I don't know what to make.

What the fuck do you want?

Other urls found in this thread:


undetectable runescape 2007 bot

just be yourself

open source driver for PowerVR G6320

Post on g when youre done

what is this, middle school?

I want a game engine for quickly dropping assets into "exploration-on-rails" type games so I can turn my comics into silly adventure games.

No one will use that.

How can they if you won't make it, asshole?

>i want to make something
>Sup Forums gives suggestions
>"i dont like those suggestions"

kys you'reself

Post more suggestions then.

make me a number machine that numbers numbers until it runs out of numbers

that'll get you the noble peas prize or whatever it is you're trying to steal

Do something clever with networking.
DIY botnet that:
hosts your files across all the linked servers
proxies your shitposting (need at least 7 nodes)
updates you on the status of the bots/servers in the botnet/mesh network

Mesh networking has unlimited possiblities, and can be created in a small amount of code.

I just want suggestions for projects to work on. I'm noting all of them down but I still want more.

Same here, but not in C++.
I will use Python.

Create a replacement for X11

I would like more fun-with-encryption software.
Like something that lets me set up all the parameters of the encryption method, but instead of doing the encrypting for me, I can press down keyboard letters and the letter it encrypts or decrypts to pops up on the screen

the only way you will make something people want to use is by having some ingenuity because every obvious idea already exists as an app or bloated shareware on the internet

/tg/ here make some shit for DnD warhammer 40k mtg or something board game related to streamline the process of doing shit like making a character.

or do a discord / slack bot that's useful

decentralized blockchain currency based around other people downloading files you're hosting

Did OP say C++ you fucking monkey?


Depends on how complex you mean when you say a "big" application.

Write a shell replacement for Windows, like bbLean but extensible and modern.

write your own fucking compiler

I'd use an osrs bot, in fact I've been thinking of making one myself

File picker with thumbnails

Actually a great idea. That's like the next big YouTube fodder. Webcomics are big right now.

My group would love that. Nobody likes trying to remember how character stats work.

This. Please write a C11 compiler written in C11, which conforms to the C11 standard and not to any GNUshit extensions.
Literally every OS except for GNU/Linux would switch to your compiler.


What does that even mean? Filepicker for what, Sup Forums? Extensions already have that I think.

This is interesting. I didn't even know there was demand for this. Would the compiler only target c11?

Jewify software

It takes a photo of your penis and runs some opencv libraries to show how it would look circumcised

A working down them all extensions for current firefucks

>Would the compiler only target c11?
Yeah, and by including all the optional C11 features, you also include all the optional C99 features. If you support C11 fully rather than partially, there's no need to support previous standards.

a shitcoin arbitrage bot


An ffmpeg encoder for some codec.

Is there something like a repository full of ideas for college-level computer related projects?
It should also have a clear list of requirimints and skills, I have zero imagination


Write an efficient easy on cpu and ram prime number generator so you can find a new largest prime number and earn 1M dollars.

Computer assistant like siri/cortana but with barefoot anime girl and without sending data to any servers

Feetfags disgust me.

That's the thing. There's nothing to program anymore.

facebook hacker

everyone will download it

Too bad it'll be useless within the hour of it's release.

Not OP but out of curiosity I decided to have a look at it but apparently it costs like $60? What the fuck.

An Xbox emulator that is not slow shit.

Fart app.

Yeah, ISO is a nasty corporation.
Here's an upload of the final freely available draft in PDF, and also converted to other formats.

I hope since it's a standard there aren't many changes between this and the current version.

write, direct and edit a movie completely in C.

make a "code translator"
take any code, and traslate it to any other type of code syntax.

make a a program that order elements based off of kabalistic numerology

make a blockchain thing based completely off of CP

>The final draft, N1570,[4] was published in April 2011. The new standard passed its final draft review on October 10, 2011 and was officially ratified by ISO and published as ISO/IEC 9899:2011 on December 8, 2011, with no comments requiring resolution by participating national bodies.
There should be nothing significant between this draft and the actual standard. They might even be exactly the same, if no national body had any comments.

A small ncurses text editor.

>I want people to download
Ok all you need to do i..
Oh , ok .. I guess it doesn't hurt to try ....