Android Screen Recording

Is there any way to record your Android screen and then use ffmpeg on android to encode it to a VP8 webm somehow?

All I know is on ffmpeg for windows I use: -c:v libvpx -an -qmax 10 -crf 22 -b:v 0

This law is anti drugs all over again

Write your own app or search screen recorder on the play store.

>not having a screen recorder app built in
My phone does not have this problem

Because I'm a dumbass and know jack shit about programming. I would gladly pay $20 for a working ffmpeg cli like the one from magic len but one that actually fucking worked and did VP8 encoding.

That's all I need desu. There's tons of screen recorders out there. The only missing feature is CRF H264 encoding but I would only pay $5 for that.

That isn't the problem. The problem is transcoding that h264 file to fit into a VP8 webm without sound on the same android phone.

Currently only online encoders work but they suck and take too long. Surely my snapdragon 820 can't take that long to encode 720p VP8.

At least drugs can actually cause serious social and public health issues. This is just unfettered censorship of the masses under the guise of protecting feelings.

Drugs are actually a problem though and will often result in physical or mental problems for the drug abuser.
Drug laws need to be harshly enforced, especially when it comes to "hip" drugs such as Marijuana.

Trolling only hurts the feelings of other people

More reason for the feely law to be disbanded

How do we start a gofundme page? I'd love to have a working ffmpeg cli on android too.

bumping for this

install termux

can you do vp8 encoding on that?


where the hell did pic related happen?

Prove it because pic related happens on magic lens ffmpeg cli.

webm related, I converted it with ffmpeg in termux

I have the same ffmpeg version as you...

wtf magic len

i think ffmpeg can record screen by itself.

ffnpeg -i file -c:v libvpx -an outfile is what I used. For some reason direct conversion from gif to vp8 webm didn't work and I had to convert it to a vp9 webm first

what country has a feely law? that's just a violation of basic human rights, freedom of expression. people can say anything they want, it's up to the listener to grow a thicker skin

i wouldn't be surprised if this is a thing in the UK

>do drugs
>harm only yourself
>say hurtful things
>harm others
I wouldn't mind a world full of legal drugs and banned hate speech. In fact, if everyone did drugs people would be much nicer to one another.

I know when I'm high sometimes I'll write a mean comment on here but then I'll stop myself before posting, think about what I'm saying and why I'm saying it and then delete it. Am I self-censoring? Sure. Am I being a shitty person? No.

It's all about who you want to be. If you want to be an asshole just because you want to spite people then maybe you're just an asshole and it's not a wonder you don't have friends. But if you want to be a decent human being then maybe think about how you talk to others.

"An unexamined life is not worth living" ~ Dead Greek dude


The problem I have with banning hate speech is that it'll always be subjective what exactly falls into that category.

I like that it forces people to think of their argument before they put it into words, and you certainly can get any point across without hurtful words, but then there's things you don't percieve as hurtful that others do.
For example, a calorie counter on google maps was removed because people said it's triggering them.

I'd rather embrace hate over that. Plus, just because hate speech is banned, doesn't mean the hate disappears.
If someone hates me I'd like to know instead of them remaining silent until they can't put up with it anymore and shoot up their school.

TL;DR Openly hating is much healthier for a community.

>Harm only yourself
Thank god we don't have a heavy cubes of metal that can move at incredible hihg speed.