What mouse do you guys use?

What mouse do you guys use?

Razer Deathadder, I know its lame but I got it used and it works for what i need. planning on upgrading soon but need ideas.

That one lol

Should i get one? lmao im the guy with the death adder.


how do you like it?

Yeah, it's good.
If you don't care about wireless then there are probably better options but for a wireless mouse it performs really well and is priced somewhat competetively.

Performance MX because it was recommended here, it's alright

its another post a stock photo of the product that you own thread

i own a deathadder lmao.

ROG Spatha

Im looking for something kinda minimal like the zowie mouse. what do you guys think is a good competetor?

Its alright but there is really nothing better as a WMO replacement. I've tried everything else out there.

I've had a Deathadder for the past seven years.

Once in a while it will get the double click issue but will also go away pretty fast (couple days).

Really not a fan of the logo (too gamer fag for me) but love the two side buttons (not too much not too little).

g502 since it releases, kinda want new mouse but nothing is worth the upgrade


>What mouse do you guys use?

A really crusty razor Imperator. I definitely need a new one. Recommendations?

Logitech mx master 2s
Logitech trackball wireless m570


mx master
corsair harpoon rgb

surprisingly for $30 im very satisfied, definitely not a bad mouse.

been using a g403 for nearly a year for overwatch and csgo mainly, and in my hands it’s the best feeling mouse I’ve ever used. Previous mice I’ve used: intellimouse, steelseries kinzu, elecom scope node, g400, g9x, and tek syndicate standard issue. I’ve tried the deathadder before but it didn’t feel good enough to justify buying it. My favorites apart from the g403 are the g400 and g9x, and I wanted to like the standard issue but it’s too slippery for my hands to lift and doesn’t feel as agile as other mice.


It's good.

Big mice are a meme.


this one

Logitech G102 Prodigy.
Man this mouse is light after G400S. And cheap as fuck too.

Mionix castor

Mionix Castor. Best purchase I made since MX518.

Can you take a picture of your hand on it?

pic relatted but wireless, worthly successor to my g400s

I have one of these. While maybe not the greatest thing ever, it worked pretty well until the mouse wheel broke. Got it RMA'd.


My Naos scroll wheel click broke after 2 years. Seems to be a common problem.

Logitech g pro. Not too bad desu.


Logitech G203

Modesty meets RGB

A resurrected G5

Their new G looks like SHIT and it makes me ANGRY

A4Tech X7
6 years in, still working flawlessly

mine still works, blue leopard started to flake off and the thumbrest is polished

Yah I fucking hate the looks. Looks like ass. But it's decently comfy desu.

Literally the most pleb-tier above generic Chink shit.

I hate my wrist

I have this mouse at work, it is suprisingly decent. Keyboard is shit though.

my gamer mice

>Keyboard is shit though.
It's okay for the price. My biggest problem is how with my small keyboard tray, typing with it is uncomfortable. I'm looking to 10-keyless mechs now.

>my gamer mice
You can alway wipe the mouse, you know.

Also, what the white stuff on the mouse?



Not good for low sensitivity users imo, kinda a bummer but it was only 10 bucks

the free one that always comes with a laptop


I have this chink shit, but actually isn't shit:
>best grip I ever had
>sturdy and solid feeling
>custom weights
>fully customizable rgb leds
>fully programmable 5 thumb buttons
>keeps setting in memory so you can use it wherever you want
And it came with less than 10€.

also the side buttons are badly placed for people with big hands im always accidentally clicking them

what mouse is this


The mousewheel is feeling weird now. Should I go for the G403 when it finally dies?

Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum

Zowie ZA13 with the side buttons removed.

Good luck finding it. When I bought it, it had another name, probably "thunderbird" or something similar...

my brother bought it few weeks ago. the brand was called patuoxun on amazon, but it was clearly a fake name

This, I've been using mine for 3 years now and none of the new mice that have been released since then picked my interest at all.

T420 clit mouse
Most of the time I use keyboard only though.

Am I cool guise

sidewinder are good keyboards but not mice

strangly i behaves very very very shitty with sc:r. worked fine with sc lotv. so i use a generic mouse; speedlink. 5€ afaik.

Currently using the MM520, though I have so many mice that I have to keep them all in a box next to my desk.

Right now I'm waiting on the Microsoft Intellimouse Classic to see what that's like, even though it's 129 grams and uses BlueTrack for its sensor.

G102; best $20 I ever spent.

MX master S2

Worth it? I bought the MX Master because it supported Bluetooth but the tracking was awful verses using the USB receiver. Has the S2 improved this?

My favorite mouse ever was the 2006 MX Revolution, I haven't tried the new MX.

Why does Sup Forums all have gayming mice? Is it any better than other cheaper wireless mice if you don't gaem?

Cheap garbage with a broken mouse wheel.
I don't respect myself enough to buy a new one.

Gaming mice are a very mixed bag. But you'll find most of the marketing material targets gamers because those are the only unified group that cares about their peripherals beyond the basic function.
They're also very easy to sell useless features to.

So because of this gaming mice are more commonly among the top. But not just any. There's exceptions of course.

Also for wireless mice especially the latency is a priority in gaming mice. I've felt plenty of wireless mice that aren't comfortable to use because of the latency. With non-gaming wireless focus is on battery life at best.

Chinese one

got it for 20$

They are comfy, you can map the buttons to suit your needs and are usually designed for prolonged use (ergonomics). I own a very cheap one from Trust and I love it, I'll get a good one when this one fails.

Any recommendations for a guy with big hands? Have a microsoft intellipoint that I've been using for about a decade, and its starting to die. The intellipoint is a big mouse, when I have my hand on it the heel of my palm can touch the desk with my hand over the mouse and my fingers can almost touch the desk on the other side. I do a lot of PC gaming if that matters, and I do enjoy the two buttons on the sides.

Post pics of your hands

Better view of it than if I am holding it.

Logitech M570

disgusting, get a mousepad at least

I still have mine, although the right mouse button is starting to doubleclick
sad tbqh

Had a decent steel series one. Cats decided it was a toy and tore the shit out of it.

Right, and judging from the state of your table this was a couple of years ago?

alternating between an MX518 and an Abyssus 2014 that I got for 5 dollars

Went through 3 mouse pads, two decent ones and a cheap $3 one, stopped buying them after that.

Zowie FK1+
Because I'm not a handlet, I don't like RGB faggotry and it just works.

Cooler Master Sentinel 3.

I have tiny hands and use the FK1.

your thumb makes me want to throw up

I feel like the FK1+ is still too small for me. I'd like an FK1++ for real men like me.
So hard to find big mice that aren't shit.

A 6$ one from aliexpress
To my surprise it lasted a year already and looks brand new.

Razer Deathadder 2013, never failed me, best mouse i've ever had

Aliexpress 4 dollar mouse

Maybe you should just find a cure for your bikini atoll hands.

Gigabyte M6580X
>Fall for the Logishit G400 meme
>Have to use a shit mouse for years until it breaks
>Buy this for $15
>Best mouse I've ever used

You're gay.

G900, almost a year and have't lost the dongle

G403 as well.

razer naga because I'm a degenerate mmo addict. for work have terminal commands macro'd into it. i hope I never accidently touch the rm -rf / buttan though

I have the same one!

this meme