>tfw so diverse and inclusive you start to endorse segregation

where are the 20 year old white men?

They should get the Muslim googlers and the gayglers together. I’m sure great things would happen.


As a black, I use duckduckgo, because it reminds of that kids game that got me suspended from pre-school. Teacher had big titties.


So Old White Men are fine as a group added to preserve (((diversity)))?

Is that Vint Cerf being a Greygler?

It's about time he distanced himself from that shit.

Why not nigglers?

I don't get how equality is supposed to be achieved by putting them into categories that imply that they're something else.

Just don't give a shit and go on about your business, and if someone really wants to be treated equal /by/ being treated differently, I can't help but have a chuckle.


dont know why libshits insist on doing this
white bigotry and supremacy is a reaction to this

>no indian network
inb4 indians belong with chinks

more like oldjewglers

But where are the Jewglers?

>trying to turn demographics into groups.

You can thank our individualist enabling society for that. This problem doesnt exist outside the West

>it's real
what a surreal world we live in

>identifying with groups is individualism

>Moot at Google

Is that a self portrait? One way or another everyone identifies with a certain group be it religion, race, what music you listen to, so on. This is enabling individualism by saying you aren't part of the "main" group in this case American but someone unique -- (myuniquesness)gler

>white bigotry and supremacy is a reaction to this
Nah, mongrel "supremacy" is a reaction to inferiority of all the low IQ natsoc types who desperately need to imagine something good about themselves.
If liberals groveled at the feet of natsoc vermin, it wouldn't make the nationalistic plague any less bigoted.

You dont have to identify with people just because you like music. that's retarded. there's no absolute law of the universe requiring you to identify based on religion or race either

Isn't that the most anti-globalist thing ever?

I honestly don't get Sup Forumsyps.
>every race should have it's own country and live separately
>freaks out about Google giving every race their own network

If only South Africa had held on a few more decades

>"diversity and inclusion"
>by creating a caste system and leaving out the majority of people

>there's no absolute law of the universe requiring you to identify based on religion or race either
But there is you blockhead, it's called human psychology. Hundreds of thousands of years of living in tribes meant humans evolved to work and think in similar groups. The West teaches you to be an individualist which is an anti-human quality and that leads to shit like mindless consumerism that directly advertises to (You) such as the iPhone. You wouldnt understand the nuance since youve been brainwashed since birth to go against the big scary group

The founders?

Internet already was the most diverse and inclusive place on Earth before social media and big corporations came along.

When everything was text-based, everything was taken on the merit of what people wrote. There wasn't even any opportunity given to shut somebody's idea down because they were a certain gender, had a certain skin color, looked certain way or smelled some way.

Internet was an incredibly diverse place then. There were Usenet groups for everything. It was easier in 1998 to find somebody who wrote about a subject they were legitimately interested in and posted it on their web page than it is now. Those camera phones and the idea Facebook had to mandatory link your "online persona" to your "real" persona is what destroyed something that was already working very good.

is it true?

I feel like I saw that guy at WeirdStuff Warehouse in Sunnyvale yelling at someone over the phone about patents.


>There wasn't even any opportunity given to shut somebody's idea down because they were a certain gender, had a certain skin color, looked certain way or smelled some way
And yet everyone on the internet at the time was a smelly white male

>diversity through segregation

Looks like every other corporate diversity page. Explain how this is relevant again?

Please explain. I'm interested I'm boobies

How progressive!

Not true. I know plenty of people who were very active writing diaries on the internet and subject matter experts around 1996 who were females. Sure, I guess many of them were white before internet really got to india and places like that.

No, they weren't. That's what people *assumed* because they couldn't see the gender or race of people.


>There wasn't even any opportunity given to shut somebody's idea down because they were a certain gender, had a certain skin color, looked certain way or smelled some way.
Wrong, if there is some disgusting pajeet writing in pajeet english that is noticeable.
Same for other none-whites, who are unable to write coherent english. Have you seen what the negros are writing on twitter? You can barely call that english anymore!

You can see nigger english. Aou do not need to see the other persons skin to know they are a disgusting fucking nigger.

wheres the muslim network.. fucking racists

It's more about the apparent hypocrisy, I'd assume.

>no group for gingers
Not enough diversity and inclusion. 0/10 Google.

>white people not allowed

>such as the iPhone
found the poorfag lel

I doubt a lot of hoodlum niggers spent their evenings hanging out on CompuServe.


use startpage instead


I'm so upset that something that doesn't affect me in any possible way is happening

>every race
Why can't I find a network I would fit into in that case? Why do certain groups get networks handed to them while I have to work to do that myself?


hello boobies

>LGBT = pedos
seems accurate

>Those camera phones and the idea Facebook had to mandatory link your "online persona" to your "real" persona is what destroyed something that was already working very good.
It used to be common knowledge to not post your personal information online, now it's a requirement to do so.