Any gigabit, dual band router recommendations? preferably around 50-80 range. What the top brand now...

any gigabit, dual band router recommendations? preferably around 50-80 range. What the top brand now? are nighthawks still good? how are asus routers doing?

Other urls found in this thread:,,&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1508854716&sr=8-6&keywords=Router gigabit dual band&refinements=p_96:10155283011,p_85:2470955011

do you actually need gigabit throughput?

yes upgrading to a gigabit connection

Then your price range is too low.

gigabit WAN/LAN throughput is not something you'll easily find under $100, unless you're going for a router only (no wifi)

spend some good money and buy an apu2.
botnet free hardware,,&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1508854716&sr=8-6&keywords=Router gigabit dual band&refinements=p_96:10155283011,p_85:2470955011

this is poo then i mean compared to verizon router?

i'll check that out

also what exactly should i be looking for in terms of feature/keywords?

go open source or not at all

>this is poo then i mean compared to verizon router?

wireless performance might be better, but the Verizon FiOS router is at least capable of 1gbps WAN/LAN throughput, which I doubt that router could manage.

oops meant to link this

This is the current netgear router that they sell FOR 1gbps internet connections

>GIGABIT INTERNET READY – Built to support gigabit WAN to LAN speeds


well looking at my package, the advertised speed for fios is way under 4000mbps only at 940 Mbps?
so it's better to stick with verizon's router then? than ? you're not understanding this basics here.

Wifi speeds has NOTHING to do with actual routing speed.

You can have 50000mbps wifi but if your WAN/LAN speed is bottlenecked at 200mbps you'll never get more than 200mbps from the internet.

Sure your wifi devices can talk to your router at 50000mbps, but that's irrelevant if you can't access the WAN (internet) at those speeds.

This is why WAN/LAN throughput is so important.

Ignore whatever wifi speeds it says it can handle, that has nothing to do with the actual routing speeds it can handle.

I have FiOS, the other guy is 100% correct, you can have a 4000mbps wifi capable router that can't deliver more than 600mbps to the internet.

ok got it. thanks. So just stick with verizon router then? since I dont think we'll be staying with them for 30 months anyway (i'm basically basing my decision on if we can save the 10$ Monthly)
are you using verizon router?

wrt1900ac or leave

Yes, FiOS G1100.

thanks senpaitachi

unless they've improved performance with firmware updates the WRT1900AC can't hit gigabit WAN/LAN throughput

I get gigabit WAN -> lan np on stock firmware, so yeah its fixed

Got some proof, iperf is preferred but i'll take a test with today's date too.

If you aren't too retarded to configure it, get a Mikrotik home-series router. Best bang per buck.

>If you aren't too retarded to configure it
Considering he is just grasping the basics of routers and learning that wifi speeds don't equal routing speeds, I doubt he'd have the patience for a Mikrotik or ubiquiti.

I got out of bed for this shit cunt

appreciate it senpai, certainly good enough for residential gigabit service, at least DOCSIS.

Would be interesting to see how it performs with simultaneous upload and download.

This is even a shitty v1 model and it performs fine, im on DOCSIS and at least the stock firmware handles vlan tagging np.

Openwrt/ lede is another story, speeds were halved on WAN, not sure if that's a common problem or not.