Apple gets too much hate here

Apple gets too much hate here.

But no one here can deny how important they are.

Also you're all poorfags for not being able to afford one of their great products.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm an Apple developer (not working for Apple but exclusively making my money by developing OS X and iOS software) and while they are a good stream of income I wouldn't call them important. They make tech normie accessible and that's OK - but normies use that tech only to make pics of their junk and surf on shitty social media.
If Apple disappeared my income would be gone but in the big picture nothing would change. Work would still get done - on desktop side Windows, server side FreeBSD. Only normies would have to deal with "good morning normie, it's me, windows 10. you surely want to get some shit done? well, tough luck because I'm forcing a system update for the next 45 minutes". but that's not my problem. I would be rocking i3-gaps on my FreeBSD x220.
Only issue would be probably that dumb relatives whom I have on Macs would start bothering me again because their Windows is broken. But luckily it's not 2003 anymore and I could put Ubunto or some other shit on their normie machines they only use to surf facebook.
So all in all - as someone making my living with Apple software - no, Apple is not important. If anything they brought us very shitty trends like """""Ultrabooks"""" with everything soldered in and phones that don't have removable batteries anymore.

>apple gets too much hate
Except good sir i love them but also i admit that their products are bit overpriced

>products are bit overpriced
Which ones?

The iPhone X screen alone costs like $150 from Samsung.

The Face ID stuff is probably very expensive as well.

By next year they'll drop the X from $999 USD to $799USD, which is fair in my opinion for a flagship phone.

Arent Samsung flagship phones $999 as well?

Also they still sell the iPhone 7 which is not overpriced, so what are you complaining about?

The iMacs are not overpriced.

The Mac Pro is because it's from 2013 and dated.


as you pointed out the shartphone category is generally overpriced. paying $800-$1000 for a fucking phone (no matter the brand) is just retarded.

apple computers are just for women, niggers, and men who need to compensate

You can easily get an iPhone 5 SE for like $200.

Or an iPhone 7 for $350-400 if you look hard enough.

Or even an older mint 6s.

I'm just saying, it's not that overpriced for what it is.

When Apple starts refreshing their product line, that's how they make most of the money. They don't make a ton in the initial design like the new iPhone. I bet the margins aren't as high as the 6/6s/7/8.

I agree with a lot of these.

I'm a diehard Mac fanatic because it's less work upkeeping Macs, and plus I fucking hate Microsoft in general and wouldn't want to go back to Wangdows, but if we have to, then can't help it nahmean.

Also Apple devices are great for normies like you said, so it's always good when I recommend it and I don't have to deal with it too much.

I'm not in any of those categories, and I like Macs.

I have a Wangdows system just for gaymes and retarded time wasting shit like that. I hate booting into it every fucking time and I hide it near the closet so I don't have to look at that piece of shit unless necessary.

What about macbook pro 2017?


sure you are nigger

what do you hate so much about pcs and what do you love so much about macs?

The JizzBar is retarded, but it's a fine piece of gear, to be honest.

I don't mind the lack of USB-A ports, they're going away anyway. In the grand scheme of things, USB-C is far far superior, allows TB3, higher wattage of power, is interchangeable, more robust and smaller.

The only reason USB-A and all the other shitty iterations of it is still alive is because of phone chargers and old hard drives.

It's time to move on, mate.


I just like macOS a lot. It does everything I need it to.

I love it so much that I built a Hackintosh (very very stable rn) because I was frustrated with Apple being retarded with the Mac desktop line.

I also have a 2014 MacBook Pro that's solid and a workhorse day to day.

I just like how there isn't much needed to setup and have it running and there's no bloatware in macOS and the hardware and OS is heavily integrated with one another. Not to mention the amazing trackpad and that the Macs feel solid and not plasticky.

With PC's theres too many combinations, while I do think things are more stable nowadays, Wangblows is still a sad piece of shit that needs to be nuked and written all over again. The NT kernel is garbage.

This is coming from a guy who grew up on the Commodore, Windows and Macs all at the same time in the early 90s. I used to be a die hard PC fag and always built my own shit and sometimes bought premade PCs.

> 999$ for a phone.

> The base 12" macbook with a simple i7 dual core, no GPU and 258 Go ssd : 1299$

> The base 21" iMac with no GPU and a dual core i7 : 1100$

> 15" Macbook ""Pro"" with a i7 quadcore, No GPU, dumb touch bar : 2399$

I don't speak about prenium Itrash MacBook/Pro because it's fucking stupide to buy it

Do you ever get tired being banned 10 times a day reposting the same shitty shill threads all day?

Get a life, seriously.

>I'm just saying, it's not that overpriced for what it is.
it is. it's a fucking phone paired with a very limited computer (which isn't even general purpose). for the utility it provides it is an absolutely shitty deal.

Why is Paul O'Grady the head of Apple?

>> 999$ for a phone.

Google and Samsung flagship models are the same price.

>> The base 12" macbook with a simple i7 dual core, no GPU and 258 Go ssd : 1299$

It's a retina display, fanless, iGPU beautiful piece of gear. It's obviously not for you.

Get a MacBook Air for $750 if you want the 12" size.

>> The base 21" iMac with no GPU and a dual core i7 : 1100$

The 21" is for office HR departments and shit. Also don't forget it's a 4k screen.

The 27" is not ovderpriced at all, it has a 5k monitor, a decent RX580 GPU, loads of RAM and an SSD and an all in one chassis with Thunderbolt 3.

Try again.

>> 15" Macbook ""Pro"" with a i7 quadcore, No GPU, dumb touch bar : 2399$

No GPU? The fuck you saying.

>I don't speak about prenium Itrash MacBook/Pro because it's fucking stupide to buy it

You forget for the premium price you pay for the MacBook Pro, they last at least 5 years. The trackpad is priceless. I really doubt the profit margins on the Mac line is a lot for Apple.

You are the single most pathetic loser I've ever seen on this site, and I used to lurk r9k. You make the Maki fag look normal by comparison.

You clearly don't fucking understand what R&D is and how companies have to recoup costs.

Do you remember the PS3? Sony was selling that shit at a loss for years.

You're a fucking retard fuck off.

2 rupees have been left at your designated shitting street Panjeet.

>Used to lurk /r9k/
>Calling someone else pathetic


>even r9kers look down on apple toddlers


I do understand it. It's just a shitty category overall that shouldn't exist in a merit based society. But normies will buy flashy shit and pay $1k fort a phone to take photos of their vaggos.
(I'm not ranting against the iPhone specifically but against the whole idea of overpriced smartphones - no matter what brand)

>With PC's theres too many combinations
At least you admit you're a braindead moron. Now fuck off back to /r/eddit.


Ive is a design beast! Anyone with any shit in the industrial design field recognizes!

Also, I unapologetically own an apple watch.

>the biggest argument that I have against Apple is that I'm too poor to afford it so I do my damn hardest to shit on them so that it seems like a choice not to use their products.

>the shame of those that come from nothing.

>when you're so fucking poor you make 20 threads a day bragging about a $1000 toy thinking it makes you look rich

Iphones are a beacon of poverty.

It's not even about that, dummy.

Companies spend like $20-100 million on R&D and then have to recoup costs.

This is how it's always been and the only way to do it.

They literally put in a Microsoft Kinect in a size smaller than half a quarter on a phone, do you think that didn't cost millions to R&D and manufacture it in millions?

I'm as anti-consumerist as the next guy, but people dismiss it without merit.

Like I said, you don't have to buy the iPhone X, but it will sell like hotcakes and bring down the price for OLEDs and Face detection technology and wireless charging by next year for everyone else to enjoy.

These are not smartphones anymore, they're literally computers. The A11 CPU is faster than a 13" MacBook Pro Intel CPU.

>The A11 CPU is faster than
This is how we know you are a brain dead moron.


>Talks shit about macOS
> Rice' his DE to look just like macOS

>Google and Samsung flagship models are the same price.

You don't need to buy a phone at this price.

>>It's a retina display, fanless, iGPU beautiful piece of gear. It's obviously not for you.
>Get a MacBook Air for $750 if you want the 12" size.

In terme of hardware, all apple product are well overpriced.
You can find a good laptop for 500$ less for the same hardware.

>The 21" is for office HR departments and shit. Also don't forget it's a 4k screen.

I don't see the point to have a 4k screen on a 21". 21" is to small too see the different between 2k and 4k.
On a 27" a 5k srean and for some usecase, it could be useful.

>No GPU? The fuck you saying.

The RX 550 ~ Intel IGPU and for 2399$ it's not enougth.

>You forget for the premium price you pay for the MacBook Pro, they last at least 5 years. The trackpad is priceless. I really doubt the profit margins on the Mac line is a lot for Apple.

For the price of the best Macbook Pro you can buy a good workstation with a good laptop.

I have one question, did you just buy apple for the screen resolution and the design?

Thanks for confirming beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're a brain dead fucking retard. Why are you even on Sup Forums?
Facebook seems more or speed.



>did you just buy apple for the screen resolution and the design?

No because I use the Adobe suite and macOS has superior font rendering and font management in general and tools like Font Explorer Pro.

Wangdows is not friendly for people like me (creative industry).


See Brings a sense of stability to my universe knowing mactoddlers are still brain dead technology illiterate troglodytes.

>unironically believing a shit ass mobile chip that will thermal throttle in under a minute on full load offers better performance than a current generation i5

>trying this hard

Geekbench is legit.


how important are they?

please provide code for it's benchmark so I could evaluate it's legitimacy on my own and not through a Sup Forums shill.

People have already done that. Shit doesn't even require RAM. It's so tiny it fits in L1 cache. It's so easy to cheat at with dedicated hardware like crypto accelerators it's not even funny.

Plenty of well-off normies own Apple devices simply because they're convenient to use and because they give zero shits about tech so they don't mind the walled garden ecosystem.
But then you also have plenty of nigger-rich people who spend their welfare money on iPhone plans, and these are the ones who treat the ownership as a staple of wealth, when in their case it's the exact opposite.

This. A11 is fucking trash. Even a Celeron would smoke that garbage in any real task.

For the creative industy, macOs is good. I use Adobe suite on windows and some time I want to kill my computer.
But in the same time for web browsing and basic productivity appli is useless to have a mac. Use linux.

For rendering time, a pc is way better than a Mac for the same price with Adobe suite.

A good idee is to use macOS on a good worksation.

Adobe has been trash on macs for years now. Unstable, missing or broken features, slow as fuck compared to the windows version, etc. Adobe has all but abandoned macos, just like the rest of the creative industry.

So why people buy a mac for creative activities ?

40 year old baby ducks. No modern studios use Mac garbage anymore. The entire film industry completely dumped macs. Not even apple uses final cut for their own commercials.

Apple invented smartphones.
Apple invented tablets.
Apple invented macbooks.
Apple invented smartwatches.
others just copy all of these

OK .... I see that apple porduct is for dumb and rich as fuck people...

Is this like the halo invented fps meme?

And this is precisely why we hate Apple

Daily reminder to report and hide these apple shill threads.

How is Apple important anymore? Steve Jobs was Apple, and now he's gone - as are Apple's innovative products.

Literally, Apple could go away tomorrow, and people would simply migrate away and nothing of value would be lost. No one relies on Apple for any business or government functions, except maybe shitty hipster small businesses.

Literally Apple is irrelevant to technology anymore. They're another drop in the ocean. They cater towards your average technologically-retarded normie.

This but reverse the roles