I just got a raspberry pi for free. What should I do with it?

I just got a raspberry pi for free. What should I do with it?

Other urls found in this thread:


setup a honeypot free wifi and steal passwords

nah, all sites worth stealing passwords from nowadays use TLS

put it in your desk drawer.

Into the trash it goes.

Nah, kidding. Install debian on it and make a copy of the data you could need on the go, then leave it to gather dust until shtf.

insert into angus


learn assembly

The only real answer

pihole faggot

Attach an LED to the GPIO pins and make it blink

then what

Stick it up your ass

and do this:

>MITM an http page to insert JavaScript that establishes a certificate on device
>Now MITM https traffic

pewp on it OP

I use mine as an air purification system.


>insert JavaScript that establishes a certificate on device
sounds easier said than done



whats the image in this post, please explain to me, I'm 12.

Needs a bigger screen desu

play with it for like 2 days and then turn it in to a dedicated FTP server for Keepass

Breddy cool

tape it to the back of your phone to look hacker in public

put it back in the box and let it collect dust under your bed


where u get dem stickers cunt

>he has a tic tac toe sticker with only circles

Where the hell do I get stickers like shown

why are you faggots obsessed with stickers. If everyone thinks you're a fucking loser now, some stickers are not going to change their mind

But were all losers here

Shitty input lag makes it unusable

>Tic tac toe
>It's checkers



agreed. Why does the SNES classic feel that much better? Even with sideloaded games

Set it on fire and post the video on youtube

OpenMediaVault home server
Kodi media streamer

Throw it in the trash. Or do what everyone else does after a week and leave it on a shelf or in a drawer.


osmc or recalbox(comes with kodi)

Yeah boi

Install osmc + Pi-Hole + Transmission (+Gentoo)

there is no input. you probably have a faulty controller


Tried PS3 controller (with both wired and bluetooth), keyboard and a PC USB controller. All the same

Google "retropie input lag" to find hundreds of results.

well i dont have that issue with recalbox

I'll try that out someday then.

SETI cluster

>using javascript to install a certificate into the browser

you're gonna need an NSA level 0 day for this kinda shit, assuming the target is using a modern browser and not some ie6 shit

Get it wet

it's a glider you fucking cockmonglers

sauce plox

Make one of those "smart" mirrors
Or just a web server.

Give it back, Jamal.

For what purpose?


Doesn't that get dusty? Protect that shit.

How many raspberry pi should I buy? What's a good amount to have, and why? (I have one now)

not all of us live in filth like you

Who cares.. you just run your own DNS like literally every wifi does and give the device your DNS that links every login to your fake login pages


That sounds like a lot of work.

NSA plz go

None is a good amount to have if you don't know what to do with them beside buying them

grind it into dust and snort it

That looks like a fucking waste of time and money.


Use RISC-OS then weep at how fast it is for how shitty the hardware is.

mine is my only computer

I’m genuinely interested in this, but it still looks like a waste of time/money.
Can you somehow look behind the “curtains” to see what it is doing?
It could make a nice “picture” in my room with an, low res-low power, always on, monitor.

I gotchu famalamalam

Can I install pi hole on rpi3 running osmc?

Yes it just werks

Install RISC OS and write programs in BBC BASIC with inline ARM assembly language

Use it to flash Coreboot on things
And also this

Kodi its really good shit.

I've had them doing a few things, docker swarm, mpi, distcc, all for fun

just reinstalling them all with a new z8350 alongside and checking networking just now

Does anyone know Pulse Width Modulation?
Im using a servo hat:

When the example code is run the servo just twitches and doesnt actually move. I have to loop through all the values to get it to turn and even then thats not the right way because it still gets stuck and starts slowly twitching in 1 degree increments towards the target.

Im using a DS3218 metal gear high torque servo.


>unironically getting an anymoose sticker

PiHole & PiVPN & PiCloud

Can I install PiHole and PiVPN on the same PI?

What is best for the Pi:

pls respond

You should give it back Tyrone

All but Jobs and Schmidt here have Jewish heritage.


simple webserver


We're not doing your homework, user

I have been trying to figure out how to get the servo to turn but the example code provided by adafruit doesnt work the way they say it will. It should turn the servo between two points but mine just twitches in small increments.

pwm.setPWM(12,servoMin,servoMax) should make it turn from the min to max angle but my servo just slowly twitches towards max. once its like

check your connections m8
use a logic state analyzer to verify signals

Disable all wireless communication, keep it air-gapped, and use it to generate and store all of your certs, keys, passwords, etc. Then use it to create a LUKS encrypted usbstick to store everything, and keep the usbstick in your pocket. Or use a Yubikey instead of a usbstick.

I calculated the max/min pulse rate for .5-2.5ms
each pulse (60hz) is 4096 ticks at 4 microseconds per tick. so my minimum tick is 125 and max is 625.
pwm.setPWM(12,0,125) still causes the servo to slowly pulse towards the minimum angle.

why don't people understand pihole is just dns


is a openvpn a dns server?

I want to get into single-board computers and don't really know where to start. Things I'm considering to do with it:
>build a homeserver
>make a seedbox
>build a portable gaming arcade for comfy couchgaming with my friends
The ORANGEPI Orange One H3 on ali is like 10 bucks, I'm considering to buy 2 of them.

do it
do some low level programming on it too if thats your thing, make the best use of the small memory

No, but pihole is a webserver too, it has a webadmin interface.
You can't install it next to OpenMediaVault for example

so just change the port it runs on
moot anyway since pivpn doesnt include a webgui (though one exists)

If money is your biggest concern then get some Orange Pi zeroes, RPi3 preformance for 7$ delivered