Dear Spys of Sup Forums

Dear Spys of Sup Forums

I need your expertise for an espionage scenario: Image a smallish (15 x 15) computer lab. Each computer is assigned a numer, and each comp is surrounded by a cubical wall.

In the room, there are four camera in each corner, identical to pictured. How do I avoid these cameras spotting me using a cell phone?

Brainstorming for clever ways

Other urls found in this thread:

get a new job? or are you trying to cheat on an exam?

Dont use your Phone

post room specs

blast cameras with infrared light with robot

many ways 2 do this

Sounds interesting.

Are you being constantly monitored? Or is no one consistently monitoring, and only check if an issue arises?


Its is about 15 feet in length. Maybe 10 in width. A camera in each corner; i do not know the exact model, but it looks like the black sphere cameras you see in walmart. A generic cctv if you will.

I do not wish to distort the camera with a laser or led as that would raise suspicions. I just would like to loom for weaknesses. Perhaps, a blind spot.

In the cubicle, there is a conputer monitor, a computer, and keyboard; i believe there is headsets too.

>get up
>get tissue
>on the way back blow nose and pretend to crumple up and put it in the blindspot
>take your phone out and quickly put it there
>use it

I need to communicate sensitive materials which are displayed on the computer monitor to another party.

I want to take a photo of the screen then send said photo. Getting paid for this. Will send some btc to whoever comes up with the best plan.

Idk man I don't mean to be rude but this is entry level grad school stuff. We are in a new age.

Just assume I am not getting up from the cubicle. How do I hide the cell phone? I also need to be consistently taking photos for each doc, so a one and done type deal will not work.

As I said, I am gettin paid for this, so to anyone who gives me the most air tight plan, I will reward you financially, BTC preferred.

put phone in front pocket with only the camera visible and send a picture every minute automatically

you are trying to steal company resources?

Alright, now we are getting somewhere. Using clothes as a cover - smart.

I have an iphone 6; how to I program it to autosend to a receipent upon taking photo?

best solution would be to install a RAT on your phone and let your peer control it remotelly that way he can access the camera without you having to do anything

I need you to be completely cold and intellectual.

This sounds like it may backfire. Please, no download links.

You could have it autosync pictures to Dropbox

Make one yourself

get a job that allows you to use your cellphone.

does he need the docs immediately or can it wait?

What are some other ways? I want it to autosend to a contact, as it is more direct

don't use a phone, use one of those tiny cameras you can get on amazon

Try teamviewer for iOS that's how I would personally do it

Immediately. There is also two way communication involved. I have a bandage underneath my arm, under the bandage is a texting device, so I can read instructions.

I wouldn't be using my brain. I see a problem, and I want to find a roundabout way to solve it, not just run away.

It can be done.

Why not try to remote into the computer?

I own a FREDI mini camera.

I am considering using it, but I am evaluating the risks at the moment.

The FREDI is dependant on wifi connection. The wifi in the location is alright during the morning, but becomes spotty later. Also, the FREDI sometimes lags, but not too bad. Also, the battery life is 75-80 minutes charged. So, my biggest concern would be the wifi sigbal dropping or a connection issue with the mini cam; and the battery life, although somewhat suffient could be longer.

I am still leaning towards my iphone camera.

How would I execute that strat?

hide phone in clothes + teamviewer try it at home for me that sounds like the best solution

embed phone in shirt

From what I understand, teamviewer can control a desktop with a phone. What about vice versa? I am downloading it rightnow.

You can control your phone from your desktop as well there's an iOS version of it

Heheh then this may work. What about phone via phone using data instead of wifi?

Your phone will be in a passive state while the person on the other end will see everything happening on your phone's screen he will just have to access the camera which faces the screen you're looking at

You would have to look for an app that takes photos automatically and send them via MMS, or make one

I may soon find out for myself, but how would he go about accessing the camera? He sees everything on my screen, so he would have to click on the camera icon, and that is it?

Yes, feel free to look up videos on youtube and test it for yourself to see how it works /watch?v=3OMuif8DcTE it basically turns your phone into an remote camera

play payday 2 on one down difficulty.

thread closed.

There are probably other apps that turn your phone into a remote camera, find the one that's best for you

I know an app.

I forget what it's called but it records your webcam footage from your phone, then sends it to your PC.

He could record it on bandicam or OBS, then take stills from the video.

oof, *camera footage

Alright I got it to work. Let me break character for a moment just to say this is really fucking cool. I am grinning ear to ear.

However, I only know how to comtrol the pc with my cell phone, give me a minute to see if I can figure out how to comp control phone.

lol motherfucker youre going to jail

Do you need pictures or video?

this. I've already submitted this thread to the fbi, called the cops, and told my mom. OP is FINISHED.

just put in your pocket like everyone does these days and take video instead of photos.

Hack the security system and feed it a looped clip of you sitting in the chair. Then you can do whatever you want.

Does your iphone also uses wifi? if it does consider switching to data, any serious organization will monitor anything outgoing on port 80/443 and block everything else.

Guys I've got it

Just use a shirt with a pocket in it and poke a small hole in the pocket, point the camera thru the hole and have it take timed pictures.

>camera misaligns with hole
>you are now taking pictures of the inside of your pocket

Is someone paying you to steal documents or source code from a company. LOL bro youre finished

Purchase an extremely powerful laser pointer.
Aim at camera, hold for a couple of seconds.

Alternatively, find the power sources for the cameras and turn 'em off.
You put it in your coat/shirt as a button, and it records video that is stored on the camera.