AP Computer Science

What are your thoughts Sup Forums? My little brother tells me this class is absolute dogshit.

>main "programming language" is SNAP!, an offbrand version of Scratch
>Assignments are easy af
>Considered one of the more difficult classes at his highschool
>students generally say it's too difficult, when all they do is just slap "code" blocks together to do basic things like fizzbuzzing

Did you take any AP classes in highschool, user?

I don't know why they keep teaching this drag and drop lego coding shit.
It's absolutely nothing like real languages.
Is this secretly an effort to turn people off of programming?

Yea I took a bunch, Chem, physics c, calc BC, stats, and English comp & lit

my sister did the drag and drop shit in college.
every time she would say she is coding and i just glared at her

you have to type the code or you will not learn the code.
its simple

>Did you take any AP classes in highschool, user

Every single one they offered, 7 in all
>they dropped ap trig
>and physics
>and latin
>and gov
>all when I was a freshman

I think I might have taken one, but I don't remember, HS was a blur and I couldn't be assed to remember or look it up.
I do remember being held back in science because alg 1 had science tied to it, and I hadn't passed the prereq to alg 1 so they put me in remedial retard "science" class full of drop-outs to be and they kept begging me for my homework becaus i was the only one doing it

also, the year I entered, they cancelled home ec, and shop class and replaced it with "health", which I still don't remember what it was about, it certainly wasn't about health or abstinence.

I took tons of AP classes.
Psych, US History, CS, Physics 1, Physics 2, Microeconomics, US Government, English Lit.

AP Computer Science was actually one of the harder ones, but that was probably because
>it was in an actual language (Java)
>we did nothing but browse imgur all class and copy and pasted problem solutions from the textbook
>the exam questions were fucking retarded, like tracing some value as it was passed around in a recursive method. You know, the thing you never actually do when writing a recursive method.
I ended up getting a 4 on the exam because I could actually code worth a damn. My friend opened the book, looked at the free response questions, then put his head down and took a nap. Walked away with a 1.

If you've ever used Unreal Engine, their drag and drop system is actually quite good, but it is different than scratch and more suitable for OOP, which makes sense as it all actually runs C++.

When I took AP CS (about seven years ago) it was offered in either C++ or Java. Obviously it wasn't *hard* as it was a high school AP class, not a true university course, but it was certainly better than what it sounds like your brother is doing.

CS is dogshit until masters

It's supposed to get people *more* into coding, but at this points it's so watered down that is serves absolutely no purpose other than teaching how legos work

Took this class last year. It teaches Java.

I'd rather play with legos than be a pajeet

Yea I was gonna say, I took it in Java with the Gridworld program. At the time it felt like I learned literally nothing but it honestly carried me through my first three semesters of collegiate comp sci.

I took 6 AP classes in high school: Chinese (I'm not Chinese, but hey why not learn another language), Psychology, Statistics, Music Theory, Microeconomics and English Literature. I would say they are harder than your average brainlet classes, but if you are fit for a worthy university you should be able to handle them well. I self studied AP Comp out of my own interests, and here are some things that I thought were unique to the subject:

First, AP Comp is basically Java. You only get tested on the most simple algorithms. You can get a 4-5 if you aren't an idiot and you study.

If you happen to be a retard however, you can still pass by rigorously memorizing the answers to the FRQs from previous official exams and Barron's.

The course is a joke - literally 101 tier.

I think it's supposed to show how the flow of logics works.
But they never say that so everyone says they're coding.

CS sounds like a fucking joke. I did electronics in EE and we were taught C, embedded C, Assembly etc.

I've learnt far more out of that in terms of programming and understanding why code is written in certain ways than some intro class to a meme language like scratch. WTF do they want you to do with that in future?

In this kind of retarded teaching that results in things like electron being written.

I took 13 AP tests, got 5s on all of them. Burgerclap education is a joke.

If it's anything like IB CompSci, it's Java shit everywhere.

It was Java when I did it

I did and passed a total of 13 APs

Got me out a bit of my core curriculum at uni which is nice, doing 4 CS classes a semester for 2.5 years, lol

went to thomas jefferson or exeter or something?
also, are you chinese?

how useful is AP latin?

STEM schools? or is 5+ APs common nowadays for average students?

also, no offense about the chinese comment. just trying to compile some statistics

I took all ap classes to get away from niggers. Really brings you down to earth and gives you a perspective on how some people are legitimately smarter than you.

I'm on my 6th gap year now h-haha

6 APs with the Chinese and Music Theory user here, not a STEM school at all. Most of my friends never took more than 2 or 3. I regret not taking more APs, but meh, my school doesn't allow more than 15 transfer credits from APs.

No, and thank god, I'd probably SNAP! my neck