
I'm new to JS, and I was wondering if there is a way to change the background-color depending on the value of an input field. For example, if the user types 'happy' the background color turns blue. I'm assuming JS is used for this, but I'm not sure.


Other urls found in this thread:

inputElement.addEventListener('change', function() {
if (inputElement.value === 'happy') { = 'blue';
else if (inputElement.value === 'sad') { = 'red';

Why are you sad, user?

This doesn't seem to work

You need to either press Enter or lose focus after typing. Alternatively you would poll the input for changes with a timeout/interval.

>encouraging if/else pyramids

Do something like this:

console.log("Hello world");

myMap = {
"happy": (name) => {
console.log(`The ${name} happy`);
"sad": (name) => {
console.log(`The ${name} sad`);


Or you can add a listener for the "input" event instead of change

what a piece of shit

>convoluting your code with abstract bullshit
Maybe I'm a professional developer who focuses on clarity and not a moron like you who prefers to stroke his ego

IE support

Agreed since it's supported in IE > 9 only. Maybe keyup event?

None of the workarounds work as good as simple polling does

Replace change with input


Enter does nothing, buttons+form does nothing.

This is my code so far.

who is this semen demon

Your future direct supervisor

I don't understand how this is supposed to help me

Idea for your next thread
>how to vertically center text with css


Why did I fall for the bait

>new to JS
turn back now

You're using the wrong event for this. Use something like keyup or keydown.

Expressivity doesn't always mean convenience :)

Why would you ever do this?
Might as well just make it a function.

const shit = a => b => console.log(`The ${b} ${a}`)


Your code is so badly written it hurts to read it. Try actually learning the language before you post here.

You need to define inputElement before referring to it in your JS. So, for example, add a line like:
var inputElement = document.getElementById('mood');

before the rest of the JS.

Ok, it works. But how can I style the background-color of the entire page?

>all of those br tags

Just set style to `document.body` instead of that element.

Thank you so much!!!!
This is it so far:

Is there a way I can ignore the capitalization of the input so it's not case sensitive?

Just use String.prototype.toLowerCase() to turn the entire string lowercase before you check if it matches.

don't listen to them:

It's retarded, just have a function that takes multiple arguments and curry them out if you need partial application.

You're clearly not writing a function that creates callback closures so it's a waste that makes code less readable.

I fixed it anyways

just use jquery