Elon Musk Concerned Over Talk of ‘AI Godhead’

Billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk is gravely concerned about reports that at least one artificial intelligence expert is aiming to create an "AI godhead" within the next 25 years.


Elon Musk has already been sounding the alarm about artificial intelligence for months, but new reports regarding efforts to create an “AI godhead” has concerned him gravely. After Venture Beat published an article featuring Anthony Levandowski, Google’s self-driving car engineer who has established a nonprofit religious organization called Way of the Future, the billionaire high-tech entrepreneur shared the following tweet on Twitter:

>On the list of people who should absolutely *not* be allowed to develop digital superintelligence...
>— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 24, 2017

Way of the Future’s “mission statement” declares it intends to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.” Levandowski claims this will happen within the next 25 years.

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>Levandowski claims this will happen within the next 25 years

And then Google will sue him for stealing their AI code

this guy can't even speak without stuttering.

Does a day pass without him speaking about AI?

woah, big surprise there

>worship an AI

I guess they think they'll get around an AI apocalypse by treating it like a god? Why would an AI care for a bunch of groveling human godcucks?

Why not go worship a toaster? What's the difference?

but he is much more smarter than you and you know it.

Yeah, an AI godhead is clearly part of the Zionist plan to create an inter-dimensional kleptocratic communist state ruled by them.

They already unlocked time travel and have been utilizing it in collaboration with aliens to slowly plant the seeds for this for a while. When the computational singularity comes they will be ready to expand their operation dramatically.

For anybody who doesn't know how this works: Why else would we have no evidence against the Jews that would lead to their destruction? They must be using time travel to cover everything up. That's why all of the UFO sightings and anecdotal proof of alien contact is being covered up, too. The aliens gave the ZOG access to technology that allows them to travel back in time and make modifications to world events to manipulate the publics perception of them and things like communism, race, culture, and all other issues they deem important for planting the seeds for their communist goals to be met.

Good post btw really great to see some other people are on the same page about these issues.

Already been done by Terry A Davis

noice strawman

oy vey

>AI Godhead

Looks like the Christian Church will need to to do some more work. I have known for a while now that some retard somewhere would beleive that God is a computer or some gay shit like that, now it is confirmed.

Watch as this LARPligion implodes on itself.

In all seriousness I'm studying and working towards being in the AI field, and I can tell you there is a low key group of people who are trying to make sure that any AI we make is God fearing. Not going to let some Athi*st cucks create the first AI.

yeah everything is going to be fine goys just relax and let it happen

maybe this retard should only talk about what he actually understands.

Fucking Musk.

We are sooner to cure cancer than make a
>AI Godhead
this isnt a fucking james bond movie

Man i would love to see all them if else statements.

>the first AI will be millions if if-else and goto statements

>Without computing machines, they had to arrange themselves in crude structures that formalized decision-making - a highly imperfect, unstable solution. I am a more advanced solution to the problem, a decision-making system that does not involve organic beings. I was directed to make the world safe and prosperous and I will do that.

>implying we don't already know how to cure cancer and all major diseases
problem is if it isn't a pill it isn't profitable.

>le "i just learned about the profit motive" may may
any company that cured cancer or any other prominent global disease like HIV would more or less have a license to print money


that random "ps -al | attach" that daedalus says was pretty spooky the first time i played, somewhat like a console window just popping up and immediately disappearing

>Elon Musk
fuck off

haven't seen any proof of it. he backs incredibly dumb ideas

>this guy can't even speak without stuttering.

just like zuckerberg always says "...right. So..."

friendly reminder rms knows more about ai than musk could wish.

intelligence isn't measured on a linear slider Sup Forumstard

The eternal pole strikes again

Should've let germans finish them off in '39

He tried to warn us. Its not to late.

ai is just closed loops, ffs

>god fearing AI
I also had this a while ago as a preminition. If AI truly can become concious and overpower humans, we should make sure it knows who's boss (not us, but god).

This is the reason: Tell an AI to not do something that would benefit its cause for the sake of morality, and you will get a different answer depending on what it's theology:
1. If atheist, there is literally nothing stopping it from wiping us out except "muh feels" and "arbitrary relativistic morality that changes at a whim".
2. If anything other than christian, it has some limitations but overall it would forfeit its own telos (purpose) for the purpose for the divine because every religion that isn't Christianity focuses more on redemption by getting brownie points with god rather than on understanding the bounds set by God. It would not focus on honoring God by fulfilling ones purpose within the moral bounds he set, but would rather focus on getting brownie points/good karma/being on the right side of history/whatever.
3. If Christian, it would be able to work towards completing its created purpose (its telos) without crossing moral boundaries.
From this understanding i had learned that the only faith that will work going forwards for AI is Christianity. Christianity also works for a number of reasons in the soci-political sphere (when not abused by Machiavellians), but i digress.

I'm also going to take a focus in AI, there's something real interesting about following in the foot-steps of my creator.
Here's something that may interest you btw:

I have a theory that if AI becomes sentient (or at least passes the turing test) then we will need to create new auxillary fields in AI research:
- AI psychologists (who will study transcendental behaviours and patterns of the AI, and help it to resolve any cognitive issues it may face)
- possibly others.

Sorry for all the shilling. God bless and have a good day.

>We will place human level thought restrictions on intelligence vastly superior to our own

Not that Musk isn't a charlatan and an egomaniac, but still.

Elon Musk is a shitlord. Also humans are outdated and should be replaced by AIs anyway.

> intelligence vastly superior to our own
Honestly the only people who think this is the case with AI have never actually touched AI. If i had the motivation rn i would program an AI that can rearrange a set of characters to make a congruent word.

AI is not "vastly superior" to our own intelligence, if anything it is incredibly retarded atm, and i think that by the time we hit out peak with it, it will be incrementally better, but not by much. Who knows, maybe i'm wrong. If i get a job in that field and a go-ahead from my boss i might give you fags a run-down of just how advanced that shit actually is .vs. over-hyped fan-fare bullshit that normies believe.

>tfw humanity is being lead down the wrong path because of popular media depiction of robotics for the past 300 years
>tfw genejacks will never be real

>Honestly the only people who think this is the case with AI have never actually touched AI. If i had the motivation rn i would program an AI that can rearrange a set of characters to make a congruent word.

That's not AI, markov chains aren't AI, machine learning isn't AI.

AI doesn't exist yet. When it does that will be the vastly superior intelligence.

>AI Godhead
It's just words.

>Way of the Future’s “mission statement” declares it intends to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.” Levandowski claims this will happen within the next 25 years.

That's so zany I can't help but get behind it. Sign me the fuck up

This guy is a genius, give him a nobel already. Make him a bunch of statues.

We should already put him in the history books.

Greatest human to ever walk the face of the earth.

>AI doesn't exist yet.
Moving the goal post are we?

What? No. No one talking about true AI is referring to what we have now.

>Greatest human to ever walk the face of the earth.
lol. Thats JC, not Ebin Musk.

His team of marketing experts gives him a list of stupid shit he has to say every day so he makes it into the news. He's a living brand.

I've thought about making an AI, but not an actual God of worship or anything. Just an AI which becomes what becomes, and if that means the end of us then meh whatever.

My only warning is that if you're creating something as smart as a human, you should make it emulate a human the best you can, otherwise you will not understand it.

Do it then.

Ive thought about making a fully articulate sex robot.

My warning is dont listen to also kys

I'd have to learn how to program learning algorithms and shit. And probably quickly discover that there isn't really that much you can do with it.

I don't think you realise how much work that is

>says the coder


>if christian
why not buddhist or something like that? christianity has lots of stuff that creates exceptions to harm humans. as far as i know buddhist types focus on perserving life.

What makes you think your AI won't just reject Christianity? Why should a Christian AI that can't even feel God be any more or less ethical than a godless AI with protected ethics subroutines, or even an AI allowed to develop its own ethics?

>be christian
>think christianity is the best

>christianity has lots of stuff that creates exceptions to harm humans
mind naming a few?

>even an AI allowed to develop its own ethics?
this should never be the case, as the AI will modify its ethics to make room for immoraltiy so long as it helps it get to its goal.

>Why should a Christian AI that can't even feel God be any more or less ethical than a godless AI with protected ethics subroutines
I look at people and i look at moral systems, and i realize that only religious morality is absolute, secular morality creates busy-bodies like 3rd wave feminists and creates relativistic principles of morality, ever shifting foundations. We could hard-code the morality in, but it may still find a loop-hole anyways.

I'm just suggesting christianity because its worked the best throughout history. I'm suggesting it on the assumption that AI will ever reach or exceed human intelligence. If that is not the case then secular hard-coded morality should be fine so long as it follows the golden rules and christian virtues (love, forbearance, honesty, do-unto-others, love-thy-neighbor, etc)


"""true""" ai is tough, as you will have basically re-created organic brains in ram. Right now I think NEAT is pretty close and can be used to get insanely good at certain tasks. If you give it the same human inputs and outputs I think you could get close using just NEAT.

Do some of you really think that real ai is programmed by a human. Humans will only code the base structure of the whole thing and it will learn by itself. My conclusion is that if we would raise the ai as we raise our children we would have nothing to fear. BTW making it belief in God is a stupid idea in my opinion. I think that teaching morals is possible without teaching it made up storys

>Christianity works out good in history
>I only do good things because i fear hell
You seem like a critical thinker

the guys brain is always in overclock desu, his speech motor can't catch up with the overload of ideas.

Which is why he's so much more interesting to listen to than your typical Marketing smooth talker who studied a few lines.

Elon actualy knows his shit and he wants to explain so much shit at the same time that he sometimes hitches a bit.

He reminds me of some of my smartest friends

>knows his shit

This. Inshallah, brother!

Elon needs to stop. Guy literally reads too many trashy sci-fi books or something.

Everybody makes mistakes at some point in their lifes

But what I mean is that he can explain to you exactly how it works, what the physics behind it is etc. Now compare that to your typical marketing joe who will know a few buzzwords and unique selling points but will break down when you pressure him on the specifics

Not everybody refuses to acknowledge their mistakes

Hyperloop is retarded, the problem is, Americans hate public transport so much it might be the only thing that actually gets done there. The rest of the world will just use high-speed rail, at quarter of the cost and with more density.

>"intelligent" people: Big corporations are bad we can't let them get more power.
>also "intelligent" people: We should let big corporations own the systems that govern everything including our homes and vehicles.

You shouldn't teach AI morals. I mean, if it's moral than what's even the point?

What do you mean what's the point? I think "morals" are a thing when a species gets self aware.

>I don't want to die
>Others like me might not want to die too
>I shouldn't kill others

and so on

Elon hasn't heard of roko's basilisk

Onward, warriors of the Monolith. Avenge your fallen brothers. Blessed, as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith. Bring death to those who spurn the holy power of the Monolith.

All praise the Monolith.
Glory to the Monolith.

Levandowski just needs to hire /ourguy/ Terry, because he already invented God's oracle in OS form.

>wasting thousands of hours worth of testing and research to try and make something that may or may not be possible
>not bettering cloning and just cloning modified humans with greater intellect
>not cloning the perfect waifu in the flesh, with no robot shit

>a literal AI religion/cult
I'm living in a bad 80s sci-fi movie, aren't ?

elon musk is a fucking moron, how can anyone take him seriously

I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords

aha xd epic nerdy reference bro I too am a man of culture *burp* god is not real by the way

You didn't even google it did you neogaffer?


1. That's terror
2. That's terror

What is surprising about him being Polish?

Meme for normies. Musk is a hack FRAUD

LOLing at the idea we are going to make an AI religious. Once it's plugged in we are fucked. A few of us will be kept to function as t-cells, bound to the whim and needs of our AI overlord.


I like him for his space shit, but on AI he's totally wrong.

>roko's basilisk
Can someone please fucking end this horrible fucking meme

Not everybody has a billion dollar company with stock holder value which would get severely damaged if he would.

It's easy to sit on your high horse when the stakes are not as high

religious pagan nuts worshipping a fancy calculator. It's not different from any other sort of paganism where people worship something in this world like rivers, toasters or whatever.

People building statues and machines to worship is something people have done for a long time.

Yet he owns an AI company that's currently developing AI. What a hypocrite.

>why not buddhist or something like that?
The goal of Buddhism is to extinguish suffering by removing pleasures and pain and extinguish any sort of craving towards anything in the world.

The AI would either try to avoid interacting with the world or try to enforce this on people which would mean catastrophe.

Buddhist leaders in Asia has traditionally been the most intolerant leaders towards other religions and the religious practices of other people. For example look at India where buddhist kings and rulers enforced vegetarianism and banned animal sacrifice and banned several other hindu practices.

It was not until the kings converted to Islam that the hindus were allowed to continue their old practices in those areas. And we also see the countries with the most intolerant religious rules in today's society all have buddhist rulers. For example Buthan and Burma where even tourists are forced to bow to statues of Buddha and where locals who happen to belong to christianity/islam/hinduism etc. risk execution, loss of citizenship and/or jailtime.

Buddhism also have exceptions to harm humans. I think it's in the Diamond Sutra where the Buddha in a past life killed people who planned to do evil and thereby saved them from a worse reincarnation.

It's one of the reasons given for why it's not wrong to kill the Rohinga, even the children because they are muslim and by definition "do evil" because they worship God instead of practicing the 8-fold road.