> you must open your code even if you don't want to

Stallman is practically a rapist.

Other urls found in this thread:


More like theoreticaly.

no u must open ur code if u dont want people to think ur full of code std's

There is no "if", there is a "must. It's practically rape.

*theoretically, sorry.

No, stallman is a hypocritical communist, just like any other red.


>it's okay comrade, when you serve state, you are serving cause of eliminating capitalist pig!
>is worth it!
>what's that, state reminds you of american state?
>is needed to defeat enemies of communism comrade!


It's seizing the means of production
>give us the means of producing compiled binaries so we do not have to rely on you, or anyone but ourselves for that matter. muh theory of alienation.

It's really more like a gangbang.

Stop writing like a pajeet. Learn how to write normally.

thanks pajeet

Holy shit thanks for this, I knew he was a dodgy little fucking communist.

ftw? I love free software now

>know that the project you modify is gpl-licensed
>don't want people to look at your modifications
>the gpl license forced you to share your work
Why would you work on gpl-licensed stuff if you don't want to make changes public? OP is baka desu

stallman is a faggot but this page made me lol how retarded it is.

not providing the source code is like raping a drunken women and giving her aids.

Currently closed nvidia drivers rape my and many other people's whole system, so you can suck my dick with your retarded bullshit.

gtfo faggit

So basically all you need to do to argue here is just open paint and plaster "scam bull scam scam" on a picture? No further explanation is necessary?

>you must open your code even if you don't want to
Wrong. If you choose to use GPL you must open your source. Stallman does not shoot you in the head if you choose a different language.

Stop spreading misinfo, you stupid micros**t shill

>you must open your code even if you don't want to
Says who?

>Code that allows you to put more code in my computer trough the backdoor
Propietary software is literally rape


here comes the (((fsf))) shills