>we can put a cpu chip inside a 4 inch phone that's 300% more powerful than the most advanced computer built ten years ago
>we can literally build a city in space if we wanted to
>we still can't make earbuds that don't abruptly stop working after 3-4 months of usage
w h y

Other urls found in this thread:


we absolutely can, maybe consider spending a tad more on your headphones than on your average dinner

We can. We just don't. Most things are built down to a price, not up to a standard.

My $15 piece of trash earphones are still working after I think 5 years. Feels pretty good man. They're starting to look really nasty now though.

Bought my EarPods last year and still work fine.

Can't sell more earbuds if the ones you make don't break.

the most expensive pair i bought lasted 6 months
and by most expensive i mean 60$ because no way i'm spending more than that on a pair of earbuds

i refuse to believe that, do they still sound as good as they used to when you first got them?
and what brand is this? give me a link

It's the exact same pair in my picture. They still sound fine after all this time too. Like they aren't as good as my old Sennheiser earphones, but they aren't tinny. They're just okay in sound quality, and the quality hasn't dropped over time either. If you just need a basic pair for your casual/moderate PMP usage I would recommend them.

2007 you say...

>we can put a cpu chip inside a 4 inch phone that's 300% more powerful than the most advanced computer built ten years ago

they would cost you more than tree fiddy

Get IEMs with a detachable cable

>planned obsolessness or chink shit

Maybe stop buying 5 $

W couldn't build a city in space, not successfully anyway.


This. I have a ten year old computer more powerful than a smartphone.

Stop buying cheap shit. Stop mistreating your stuff. I can bet my entire net worth every single of your earbuds died due to broken cables, because you are too fucking stupid to comprehend that treating cable like shit daily is going to get it broken.
Get the fuck out of my board you brainlet.
Also I'm using same pair of xiaomi pistons for 2 years now.

I've been using these same earbuds for 2 years opie stop being shit


We have
Wireless headsets also don't have this problem.

I used my previous Sennheiser earphones for at least 3 years, every day. Stop buying shit earbuds/earphones.

mine got the left earphone wire pulled when my dog ran through my room and got caught in the wires.

They mostly fail where the cable meets the earbud itself.

Solution: get a nice braided cable or a Kevlar-reinforced one. My etymotics ($100) have a Kevlar cable that doesn't get tangled and hasn't shown signs of future failure, despite my abuse of them for 3 years.

By all means, buy a $15 earbud that has shit isolation, shit quality, over-bass sound, and a shit, tangling cord that lasts you 6 months.

I've had Shures and Sennheisers last for years. Stop being cheap.

>bought a Nokia 6303 in 2009
>came with a great sounding pair of headphones
>sturdy as fuck, used them for years
>didn't even break, I lost them on a trip somewhere
>haven't had a pair of headphones last me longer than three months since

Feels bad desu.

I've had [obscure pair of earbuds that nobody ever heard about and is probably only sold in my country unless you wanna pay international shipping fees for just a pair of fucking earbuds] and I've been using them for 3 years! stop being a cheap faggot tehe :3 :DD

usually this happens to people that use the shitty l shaped connector.

I used the ones that came with my Samsung Galaxy 4 for at least 4 years. Perfect fit and solid sound quality. Comfy as hell and reliable as can be. I should have held a funeral for them when they finally gave out.

The "only sold in my country" excuse is pretty poor in the year 2017 when everything can be bought online from international sellers.

I've got these shitty old Samsung ones and two of them have held for 3+ years of continuous usage

>w h y

Spoiler, Samsung OEM headphones aren't bad or shitty. They're actually some of the best headphones in the sub 50USD price tag.

its hard to believe that something costing that much can be better than the 10€ iems that i have now. idk how they can be so good but they are very accurate and its possible to hear the difference between a lossy and lossless encode with them too.

try cleaning your ears

I got them initially because, when paired with the foam plugs (which you can find on aliexpress for $1/pair and last ~3 weeks of constant use), they provide so much isolation that I'd be scared to use them while in any dangerous situation. Absolutely perfect for studying or coding in a noisy environment. At 30% volume you won't hear ANYTHING other than your music - not even coughs, parts of conversations, etc. To get this kind of isolation, you have to be experienced enough with how to properly insert them and the general shape of your ear canal to know what direction to push them in.

You can find a pair of ety kids - basically, a smaller version of regular etys (HF, MC, etc) for like $30.

Also, etys are the DEFINITION of balanced sound - such a clinical sound it makes any other IEM I've heard sound super bass-heavy.

I'll admit, though, some of the chinkIEMs are amazing value for the price - mostly terrible-to-OK isolation, though.

I had like 4-5 of those standard in-ear buds break. All of them die in a month or two.
Price range was from 15 to 35 Euros.

I now have IEM's with a detachable cable. That shit has lasted me for 7 months now. I still have the other cable that came in the back.
Best 30 Euros ever.

The only earbuds to suddenly fail on my were the most expensive ones, my old Etymotic ER-6P's. The ones I use most are my AKG's and cheap ass white Sony's, both of which already a few years old now. Not sure if just lucky.

>fast forward 2 years
>10 minutes of enjoying music, then the batterys dead

None of my Apple branded earbuds have ever had this problem. My fucking iPhone 5S headphones are still working.

had these for about a year now, still work

20 years ago, maybe

I normally get about 6 months out of them, but eventually the connector always goes, as do the buttons.

>This will be fine, accepted and defended by Apple fags

I feel your pain bro one side always stops working after a few weeks

Buy a few of them each time, you can easily get 10 of them for less than 15 dollars, that way if one side stops working you can thrash it and use another pair.

Or optionally learn how to take care of your things so you don't fuck cables up in 3 months. Fucking brainlets, what are you people even doing on Sup Forums.

You appear to be a mong incapable of taking care of your cords. Get a set with replaceable cables.

I know what you mean. The problem is the stupid weak wiring/weak soldering bullshit.

The solution is wireless earpiece. Although I wish the wireless earpieces would have longer batteries than 5-6 hours.

I don't exactly baby any of my things. Even my iPhone 4 headphones still work though. the only Apple headphones that have died on me were the ones that came with my 80GB iPod Video, and they took quite a while.

The problem is that you were dropped as a child.

Nigga they literally break with normal use after a while no matter what you do

Have you ever heard of programmed obsolescence?

Have you ever heard of buy a fucking case retard. Don't put your earphones into your fucking pockets along with all other shit and expect them not to get fucked. If you bend wires continuously in all directions they break, who the fuck would expect. Read this thread, it's either people who claim their earphones die within 3 months or people who claim to use same pair for years.
Get of my board you retarded normalfag Sup Forumseddit imbecile.

Top one says R.

Are you blind?

$10 for a pair of these on Aliexpress with free shipping.

>gladly spends $100 instead of learning how to take care of things

america everyone

I don't even use headphones outside retard, I leave them sitting on my desk when im out

Those shits break after a month no matter what you do, the only ones that lasted more than 4 months were Sony earbuds, chink ones break after weeks

No, you simpleton, it's always a pain to find which is which with the black on chrome, especially in the evening. Hate that about these buds.

fucking fag, my Sony earbuds I got 4 and a half years ago are still working and I´m treating them like shit


I just want them to stay in my damn ear!

>chink ones break after weeks
I'm literal living proof that you are wrong, since my chinkshit pistons 3 has lasted me for years so far. Guess you are just """unlucky""" like many other people too dumb to figure out how to use things properly.
We are not talking about headphones.

try some with a straight connector. people abuse the L shaped connector by putting it in pockets and that breaks them after a while.

I have a pair of Koss Steel series earbuds that I've had for almost 10 years now, only thing I did with them was replace the cord (the original one worked fine, it never had issues) but I wanted to have an inline control so I got a pair of Samsung earbuds long ago with the inline controls/mic and swapped the cords.

Almost 10 fucking years, and they've been used thousands of times when I'm out and about, folded up, rolled up, in pants pockets, in cargo shorts pockets, at home, rolled up, folded up, over and over again.

They still work just fine and they still sound better than earbuds that cost 10x more.

You people need to learn to take better care of your shit, you maggots.

buy wireless head phones if you can't look after your shit. Your'll still get some mild static but at least you wont waste our time on Sup Forums.

core 2 quads are still much more powerful than any smartphone

>b-but most songs are only like 4 minutes

Post what they look like

>mild static
Only happens with radio shit. Modern bluetooth wireless headphones dont have any static as they're pure digital. So its either you're in range and clear, or you cut off. No static.

JVC headphones seem to last forever. they cost me dirt, sound on-par and have survived for over a year, even after going through the wash multiple times. My main storage method is crumpling them up and shoving them in my pocket. They sound just as good as I got them.

Here you go.

My 1$ earbuds are enough, thanks.

Or just buy decent ones, don't shy away from $100+ price tags but don't get jewed. I bought my Momentum over-ears about 3 years ago and they've held up beautifully. Too bad it didn't come with all the packaging, just the device and a hard carry case which is rather useful and well-made.

How about you stop treating your electronics like shit dumbass?

I have never - NEVER - had anything I've bought fail on me. I guarantee you whip them around and strain the cables and bend them at weird angles and then complain like a bitch when they break.

do this
buy 2 pairs of these, $9 each
they are amazing

Which model? I have a pair of Gen 1 Momentums (some of the most comfy headphones I've ever worn, love the soft leather on the pads). Overall 8/10, but my Urbanite XL's are better for bass.

Always had wired headphones fail. Never treated them like shit. It's a common issue given the average strain on the wire contacts.

>5 years

Fucking this, and I can bet the broken cable came from the end point of the connector.
>mfw he can't even tape the end of the cable with the 3.5mm jack.

Please for the love of god get new headphones.

I can't prove it but I got them Christmas 2012, so it's been pretty close to 5 years.

Been meaning to for a long time but these are still working so I'll just stick with them for now.

>Christmas 2012 was nearly 5 years ago

>buys cheap shit
>mistreats it
>it fails
this is Sup Forums in 2017

what the FUCK

We can't build a city in space at all. We couldn't even manage a villiage.

I was going to blame the 3.5mm jack, but I have some old Game Boy headphones that sound like ass but haven't died.

The question is, why would (they) want to sell *less* headphones? The lab rats just keep buyin' 'em.

its a crapitaliztic method called "planned adolescence" look it up.

>Planned adolsescence

Obsolescence. Did you think that through at all?

fuck you

w h a t t h e f u c k

I've owned Sennheiser earbuds that lasted 10+ years. Buy quality and don't treat them like shit.

A72 should actually better pretty similar if not out right better than Core seeing as how it has higher perf/hz than goldmont, which should outperform Jaguar, which was about 9% shy of K10, which had similar perf/hz to Core. Mongoose and Kryo (ARMv8) should be better than Core.

Considering they come in 8-core configurations now I think it's plausible to say we have phones better than 10 year old computers that were new and even high-end for regular users at the time, just maybe not the top of the line stuff. That's not even considering Apple's chips

Been using the akgs that came with my s8 plus. Sounds quality is great, bad is a bit too much for me but they were with the phone so whatever

there is not a cpu in your earbuds smart guy

>He doen't have a minimum of 4 CPUs in each earbud for optimum audio quality
Step it the fuck up my son

Doesn't understand buying a quality product is superior to buying a 15 dollar product

>literally thinks 100 dollars is a lot of money

America everyone.

Survived being washed and I really like the colors ty marley

I'm still using the buds that came with my Galaxy S3... They must be seven years old by now! Still comfy and sound great.

but did you solder them?

My nigga. Friend gave me his and they're pretty gud, especially since they were free.

Tell that to my 3 year old etymotic hf5's

IEM's are fucking terrible

applel truly made the best design with the earpods, too bad they dont fucking work on android.

Jesus christ almighty what the fuck user