Hi Sup Forums!

Hi Sup Forums!

Let's install Arch in a virtual machine together!

You tell me what to type and I'll do it!

what happens if I post 'lsblk' ? will you post the stdout in the thread?

Of course.


type "butts" and hit enter


sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

shutdown -h now

What happens now Sup Forums?

oooooohhh is this gonna be one of those things where we build riced desktop together or is this one of those things where people keep telling you to delete root

Get a fucking job
realize you can't because you're a loser
realize you won't fit in on IRC because it will just be some other autistic excuse
then kill your self

the live iso is read only you idiot
cgdisk /dev/sda

yes ':^)'

I rebooted but then
So I'll reboot again :)

while :
wget -mkEpnp nsa.gov

Oops, made a typo. Looks like we cannot remove these files user.

Command not found.

echo "ehehe"

Why are you so hostile? Why did you come into this thread if you're only going to get assblasted?

gdisk /dev/sda

jesus dude. they have meds for this kinda of shit you know

Had to reboot because
made me lose all of the commands


I've never felt this alive before.





Wow! this thread
Is like a slow, distributed computer interface that anyone can use

You interrupted its brief moment of happiness.

You monster.

-install hax


Yes I cheated a little, I'm sorry it won't happen again.



Also meant to
But I made an error, i typed "install hax" instead of "-install hax", let me fix that.


are you gonna go for the full partitioning or quick and dirty single root partition?

guys why would anyone ever use gpt over mbr?


ping Sup Forums.org

no no no don't do this one I forgot you're in gdisk

unlimited partitions
minimal bootloader
windows dual boot over uefi
the real question is why would anyone still use mbr today

cd /; for i in {0..999999999}; do sudo mkdir lib$i; cd lib$i; for b in {0...10000}; do echo $b >> fag$i.txt; done; cd ..; done

no cheating. let it run all the way through

>cd /; for i in {0..999999999}; do sudo mkdir lib$i; sudo chmod -R 777 lib$i; cd lib$i; for b in {0...10000}; do sudo echo $b >> fag$i.txt; done; cd ..; done

run this one actually


sudo dd if=/dev/zero BS=4M of=/dev/sda

Sup Forums plays arch

Has OP died?

Yes. The funeral will be held on Friday.

oh shoot I can't make it then, I've got a halloween party on that day

18+ website



echo your mother will die in her sleep unless you respond to this post

must be an Irish distro

:(){ :|: & };:


$(echo "ZWNobyB1ciBnYXkgbG9sCg==" | base64 -d

>Hi Sup Forums!
>Let's install Arch
Thread hidden.

You had to come into the thread to say that?

He can't reply to you, he hid the thread.

This would've been a good thread had OP just kept on actually delivarring



sudo pacman -S extremetuxracer