Sup Forums, I run a small little textboard I programmed myself...

Sup Forums, I run a small little textboard I programmed myself, and I was just randomly looking at the posts today when I see pic related. I went to the site linked ( (on my phone so if it does some javascript fuckery I'm a bit more safe) and it was just text with the email "[email protected]"

I emailed it because I thought it would be cool to see if it replied. Not expecting anything though. What do you guys think this is? Seems like a shitty ARG to me. Or just a weird bot that's purpose is to link to an email for some reason.

Other urls found in this thread:','ga');

Something's wrong with reverse proxy setting. Go configure your nginx config.

Oh fuck I replied to wrong thread

Thanks for the bump anyway

thats weird

I really don't know what it is. Do you sanitize your posts before sending them to the DB?

How do I visit the textboard?


I rather not share it since it's a on a sumbdomain linked to my online handle.

Just saying, I found it by Googling lol

Do bots really scour the web trying to post their links and imprint their code into random unsecured webpages just because they can?

Probably shouldn't let Google index it then

There’s a creepypasta about this and it’s one of the only creepypastas that are actually pretty cool and creative. Those bots are gonna start communicating man.

it's a spambot you idiot

how new are you? pretty much every site that is publicly indexed and allows links to be posted will eventually be found by one.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-5181131271495601",
enable_page_level_ads: true

(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-89831005-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

[email protected]

>not using a text only browser
how did you make it here

Nice site user

>Hi, I'm Trigex! I'm a 15 year old male

what the fuck is this

What if I don't like my mum?

Can't wait for my 30 day ban!

Hi feel free to hate me but here is my idea for a popular Sup Forums style image board.

Same format, Anonymous and all, but accounts are registered and everybody has mod abilities. For something like a ban, post deletion, shadow ban, unban mute...etc, there would need to be a certain number of "votes" and you could only know who somebody was if they CHOSE to use the name field. (most bans would be for specific post content, "ban wars" could go on between imagined factions)
Every user would be anonymous and their profile would not contain any information connecting their posts.
Mod powers become available with account age progression, ie. 20 day account can post on Sup Forums, 1 year account you can vote to ban users, and mod on Sup Forums.

idk, just some ideas

fuck off faggot


i am a god among men you tremble like pussy

underage b&

Seriously consider soduku

I feel a bit retarded now

OP pls go



OP is really autistic

what the fuck is this

>male (male)
What did OP mean?

That he is not a female (male).
It's obvious.

Hey guys, go easy on him, it's just a kid.
I remember in my day people were helpful,
not entitled.

Are you scared of him cause at 15yo he accomplished more projects that you have?

You first tell me who this "Anonymous" guy who writes all the posts is.
Isn't it a bit stupid to talk to yourself?
op do you like my thread
feel free to join in everyone
op is a faggot

I do

Yeah, yeah, he is a kid, he does meme. So? You did them too when you were that age?

Don't get me wrong, i particularly like kids.

remove the twitter photos

Thanks for the heads up, would have forgotten

Can we start speculating about the true, sinister motives behind this odd little site that we've all been duped into clicking.

Mate when I was 15 my online handle was anonymous and I did nothing but spew vitriol over the chans and the net at large.

I haven't grown much in the ensuing decade - fuck you and fuck this kid's terrible youtube poops.

what the fuck is this

Man that is crazy. I don't even believe this, because when I was 15 my online handle was VitriolSpewer. You can't make this shit up.

his rice is actually pretty nice though