Ubuntu one

>ubuntu one
>ubuntu music
>ubuntu store
>ubuntu phone as desktop replacement (lol)
>ubuntu touch

Why does this faggot fail at everything he does?

Cause he's South African

thanks for calling me a faggot assclown.

wtf are YOU doing with YOUR life?

go back to africa

using your shit for free


he's african

They legit have no good dev team since most of the work on Ubuntu is repackaging/rebranding Debian and marketing it.

Most business fail.
I think he have made good things in spite of ending these projects

ok mark name one

I can't

umm sweety what is the most popular gnu/linux distributuon again?

Because he thinks Canonical has any chance of competing in a market

Elon is south African as well

Because the take risks and try to compete. It does usually mean a lot of failure but better than comtinuing the status quoe and the industry stagmenting more than it is already.

that's why his "hyperloop" and random ideas is shit

>popular to laugh at

Ubuntu and Canonical are in good health, at least peoples talk about Ubuntu because of these so it still good marketing

mir is going to be used by Ubuntu MATE in the future to make it easier to switch to Wayland
Unity 8 fork Yunit still lives
Ubuntu phone gave a new breath to industry, Purism 5 and Samsung Dex-Linux support are continuation of his ideas.

I'm not sucking his cock, but he isn't that bad, at least he didn't come up with XML based init system ;^)

t. first year linux user

>t. amazon

Oh hi Mark

It's like they had no idea why people used Ubuntu or Linux in the first place. People go towards alternatives like *buntu -because- they are tired of all that normie bloat shit.

People want a desktop OS that is just a plain old windows 9x and XP style desktop that just werks. Xubuntu is really close to that, and that is why it has remained very popular.

I suppose it's boring to develop such a product since it has pretty much been refined to the point of diminishing returns. It's more like building an appliance these days. That's how I want my operating system. I want it like my my oven. I know how my freakin' oven's controls work. I don't need it to "evolve". I just need it to cook my fuckin' food how I tell it to. The operating system should be the same way. Just an appliance that you use to do your work or make things.

>5 year old memes

>damage control

what damage?

Ubuntu try to get more user into Linux, not to circlejerk with linux user

You'd like that, but you're sorely mistaken.

and that proves user's point.

He just got lucky once by getting into SSL certificate racket early.

Turns out lightning doesn't strike twice when there is no talent to begin with.

Why is she wearing a headphone headband over her eyes?

Explains why Teslas are so shit

Why not?


The "more users" you talk about are still going to be people seeking an alternative experience to the modern bloat of things like Windows 10. They are going to be XP and 7 refugees.