Programmers/Engineers/Developpers of Sup Forums, how much does the typical software engineer make his first few years after a Bsc in CS? Let's assume this person dosen't live in a shit city.
Programmers/Engineers/Developpers of Sup Forums...
Pic related is internships but
>doesn't live in a shit city
You DO live on the west coast, right user?
Hmm..east, Canada
Made 70k in Ottawa before graduating on a summer job
how come pic is trying to use all these big words but when he actually comes up with an example algorithm all he can think of is "merge sort"
shows how compscitards overestimate the complexity of their work.
By the time you get a BSc, you should have at least two years of professional experience.
Can you still get a good job if you have no experience?
you gotta hustle
What do you mean?
I assume have personal projects and network.
p much this
I make 200k a year in Redmond.
you wanna make it in the real world champ? Don't be a pussy when you walk into the room for the interview. If you show ANY weakness and slip up you're fucked. Most people are personable and they want to see that in you too. Any monkey can code, but having razor sharp social skills lands you any job with the right people.
>amazon pays the lowest
>snapchat pays the highest
I get 35k as a C developer in Berlin.
Yup, just walk in, find the manager, look him straight in the eye, and give him a firm handshake!
Texasfag here, made $60k/year at 23, currently making $100k/year at 29
Worked 9 months at a dod contractor in San Diego for 69k/year. Then I got a job with amazon for 150k/year.
I heard they treat their employees like shit if they don't "innovate" enough. Is this true?
Well 110k + Stock/bonuses
I started at 45k at 23 and now make 82k at 26
I don't have a bachelors, only an associates. Through hard work I've become a Software Engineer at but I'm only making 67k. Should I find another job or go get my BS first and sacrifice my social life?
I work with guys at a small company with no degree at all thay make more than you
I wish i lived in a world where $67k a year is cheap or bad
You people have a very skewed way of thinking of salaries, everyone on Sup Forums does.
I'm living very comfortable on $20k
Hmm. Guess I should test the waters then. Target statups maybe?
Do you live in a Studio apartment, or maybe a rural area? 20k seems rough. Are you at least working in a field you like?
I think it’s very dependent on your org/manager. I have heard horror stories about AWS but everyone else I have spoken with seams to love it.
I am in marketplace which is a pretty comfy org and a great place as a newer engineer to learn how to deal with systems of this scale and age which isn’t something I had from any previous experience.
I had planned on only staying for a year when I started but now I never want to leave.
Maybe the suddenly working on significantly more interesting projects at a significantly higher pay(150k at 23 is mind blowing) than my last job is giving me rose colored glasses though.
Tell them you want a higher paycheck or you'll leave.
Not start ups just small dev shops
Unsure but the best internship offer I've seen for an entry level position around my city has been 8k for a summer.
According to our uni stats grads make 40-50k, grads with masters start at 60-70k. Seems realistic to me
Is it worth it to move to the Bay area if you're currently on the East Coast, recent graduate, and very "startup-minded"?
My degree was actually in EE, but with a dual in a field closely related to comp sci, so I didn't get as much of the strict coding background as a lot of the competition. That said, I'm progressing in the interview process for a startup-y company in SF and have to pass this online coding test shit, and then assuming that goes well, get called in for another technical interview.
I know I can do it, as evidenced by finally getting acknowledged by this particular company. Should I just stay in one of those dirty $500/mo rooms from craigslist and schlep around and network hard until I can find something? Cuz honestly, the industry just seems to be nothing here like it is out there.
Umm what exactly are these companies selling that they just hire random shithead developers for $200k? Like, that one vr company (altspace) has over 90 workers each paid six figures and their product is shit and could be made by a pajeet over the weekend. They have zeroo revenue. They someone were bought out by Microsoft after burning their entire millions of startup funds. Same with snapchat. Are all jobs just scamming the stock market investors? Is this some Ponzi scheme of musical chairs?
>move to the bay area
>500$ a month rooms
I dont think your ready for reality.
Do you think they pay these crazy salaries for fun? Its because your version of a crazy salary is our version of below average college grad.
Starting salary for a startup is negative 5k dollars.
and cheapest apartment you will find is 750 2hours plus away from sf or south bay.
You will also live in a crackden.
Its based on speculation to an extent.
If you can be the next google no amount of money spend now will be a waste.
Billionares would have traded their entire fortune for 10% ownership of google before it blew up.
You give all of them a million dollars and you gotta be right eventually.
on the company side you really have a short amount of time to actually turn into something useful. So they compete for the best in the area so they can stick a bunch of nerds in a room and hope they solve their problem.
My starting salary is more than a teacher gets at the end of their career.
Really makes you think.
you must've loved your life during that time then
i hope that's /mo.
otherwise wages are higher here in EE if adjusted for cost of living.
55k currently. First job.
I highly doubt this is in America.
fucking love this pic, it's so true.
If you're still here, how'd you land the job? What's your pedigree? Amazon might be putting their new HQ in my neck of the woods and I would love a comfy job.
Get real